" The story of saint Christina "
July 24th is a day of great festivity and celebration for the people of Balsena of Tuscany in Central Italy. It is the day on which our dear Saint Christina died as a martyr. This Memorial Day is of great importance for the people there just like how Passover festival is for Christians. On this day, the life history and the important events in the life of this small little girl, Saint Christina, are enacted as a play in many parts of the city. This is done as an expression of their love, respect, reverence and faith in this dear saint.
A poet once said,“God has not promised skies always blue Flower strewn pathways all out life through
God has not promised sun without sorrow
Peace without pain
But god has promised strength for the day rest for the labour
Light for the way grace for the trials
Help from above
Unfailing sympathy and undying love !!!!!!!!!!
This poem was best suited for the life of our Saint Christina.
As it is written in the Holy Bible, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Though, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee”. This promise of God was very true in the life of our dear Saint, Christina. Every person on this earth meets with rejection at some point of time in his life. But if rejection comes from one’s own home, from one’s own parents then it is a tough task to digest. As a common fact, female children are more attached to their father than their mother. But if that small child had to face her father as her enemy, it is a very pitiable condition for the child isn’t it? This was the situation in the life of Saint Christina. Her own father turned against her and the
rest of her life was a tragedy beyond words could describe.
There is not much of information about this saint’s mother or her siblings. But a lot of information is available about her father. Her father’s name was Urban. Though born in a royal family, still he hated Christians and considered them as his worst enemies. He was the ruler of the city of Tire situated in Tuscany and hence was vested with enormous power. In the middle of the second and Third century BC, according to the orders of Diocletian the roman emperor, Urban was given the authority to persecute Christians and take away their wealth. So he utilized this power to the fullest extent and killed a large number of Christians.
God created man in his own image and likeness in order to have a relationship with him and above all he wanted human beings to worship Him. But man turned out to be more and more jealous and started to love the creation and forgot the creator, which lead to a huge gap between man and God. Man was interested in all kinds of worldly pleasure like money, wealth, gold, women, drinks and all that was under the sun. But he did not think of eternal life. Thus he started to worship all the gods and goddesses who gave him this kind of pleasure. It is said that in India, the ancient Indians worshiped god Soma, who gave pleasure to men when they drank the soma panam. They did this because they said that when they drink this soma panam, they lose control of their self and mind. So they considered this to be a god. At one point of time, man forgot his creator completely. In order to make man remember Him always, to bridge the gap between man and God and to bring out man from his sinful ways, God came down as Jesus to this world. He came down from heaven to this earth to prove to this world and mankind that he is the Lord God Almighty and that he is the creator of this world and that he is the only true God. Still man was not ready to accept this. So in order to make these people understand the true living God, God sent his saints who will live and die as a witness of Jesus Christ. These saints followed the foot prints of Jesus especially in their death. They did not fear or withdrew to die as martyrs. One such martyr is Saint Christina.
The emperor of the city of Tire, Urban was a great devote of the Roman Greek gods Jupiter, Apollo and the love goddess Venus. He believed that these gods were responsible for his enormous wealth and respectable post. He also believed that these gods gave his entire race people great wealth and powers and responsibilities. In his pride he often asked, “Is there any god who is more powerful that the Roman gods Apollo and Jupiter?” The Christians gave an apt reply for this question stating, “There is a God who is above all these so called Gods. He is the most powerful God, Jesus Christ.” This reply drove Urban in a violent rage and thus he caught the Christians and put them in prison and tortured them in all possible ways.
One day he took his nine year old daughter along with him to prison. He had already planned his daughter’s future of either getting her married to a young and capable prince who will succeed him after his death or make her a priest in the temple of his Roman Greek gods, Apollo and Jupiter. So he often told himself that he should train her in this aspect, so that she will develop great reverence and faith in his gods and more importantly hate the Christians. This small girl too
listened to all that her father said about his gods as well as about these Christians. So once she got a chance to see the Christians being tormented in prison. She caught sight of an old man who stated at her keenly. The next moment a strong whip was given on his back and the soldier said, “Hey you old man. How dare you will stare at our princess without any respect for her? Ask her forgiveness this right now.” Blood flowed down from the wound caused by that whip. Still the old man asked with patience, “Dear son, what is mistake which I have done to ask for forgiveness? I am just reminded of my own granddaughter when I saw this little princess. Is this a mistake?”
Immediately the next whip fell on his body even more strongly. The soldier ordered his stating, “Enough of your daringness to speak like this. Show your respect for our princess.” Immediately the old man bowed down in respect before the princess. Christina also responded for his bow. Seeing this, her father told her, “My dear child, you are not supposed to salute these Christians. They are far below our status. You should hate them. They are our enemies. They speak ill against our gods. So don’t talk to them at any point of your life.”
This visitation of prison and Urban’s advice to his daughter became a routine activity. But amidst all these teachings, the old man’s calm face flashed in the young girls mind often. She was surprised to note that, the old man and all the other Christians were happy amidst all these tortures. They actually smiled in their agony. She wanted to know the secret of this. One day she found out the secret. She had an opportunity to talk in person with the old man in prison.
Peace without pain
But god has promised strength for the day rest for the labour
Light for the way grace for the trials
Help from above
Unfailing sympathy and undying love !!!!!!!!!!
This poem was best suited for the life of our Saint Christina.
As it is written in the Holy Bible, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Though, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee”. This promise of God was very true in the life of our dear Saint, Christina. Every person on this earth meets with rejection at some point of time in his life. But if rejection comes from one’s own home, from one’s own parents then it is a tough task to digest. As a common fact, female children are more attached to their father than their mother. But if that small child had to face her father as her enemy, it is a very pitiable condition for the child isn’t it? This was the situation in the life of Saint Christina. Her own father turned against her and the
rest of her life was a tragedy beyond words could describe.
There is not much of information about this saint’s mother or her siblings. But a lot of information is available about her father. Her father’s name was Urban. Though born in a royal family, still he hated Christians and considered them as his worst enemies. He was the ruler of the city of Tire situated in Tuscany and hence was vested with enormous power. In the middle of the second and Third century BC, according to the orders of Diocletian the roman emperor, Urban was given the authority to persecute Christians and take away their wealth. So he utilized this power to the fullest extent and killed a large number of Christians.
God created man in his own image and likeness in order to have a relationship with him and above all he wanted human beings to worship Him. But man turned out to be more and more jealous and started to love the creation and forgot the creator, which lead to a huge gap between man and God. Man was interested in all kinds of worldly pleasure like money, wealth, gold, women, drinks and all that was under the sun. But he did not think of eternal life. Thus he started to worship all the gods and goddesses who gave him this kind of pleasure. It is said that in India, the ancient Indians worshiped god Soma, who gave pleasure to men when they drank the soma panam. They did this because they said that when they drink this soma panam, they lose control of their self and mind. So they considered this to be a god. At one point of time, man forgot his creator completely. In order to make man remember Him always, to bridge the gap between man and God and to bring out man from his sinful ways, God came down as Jesus to this world. He came down from heaven to this earth to prove to this world and mankind that he is the Lord God Almighty and that he is the creator of this world and that he is the only true God. Still man was not ready to accept this. So in order to make these people understand the true living God, God sent his saints who will live and die as a witness of Jesus Christ. These saints followed the foot prints of Jesus especially in their death. They did not fear or withdrew to die as martyrs. One such martyr is Saint Christina.
The emperor of the city of Tire, Urban was a great devote of the Roman Greek gods Jupiter, Apollo and the love goddess Venus. He believed that these gods were responsible for his enormous wealth and respectable post. He also believed that these gods gave his entire race people great wealth and powers and responsibilities. In his pride he often asked, “Is there any god who is more powerful that the Roman gods Apollo and Jupiter?” The Christians gave an apt reply for this question stating, “There is a God who is above all these so called Gods. He is the most powerful God, Jesus Christ.” This reply drove Urban in a violent rage and thus he caught the Christians and put them in prison and tortured them in all possible ways.
One day he took his nine year old daughter along with him to prison. He had already planned his daughter’s future of either getting her married to a young and capable prince who will succeed him after his death or make her a priest in the temple of his Roman Greek gods, Apollo and Jupiter. So he often told himself that he should train her in this aspect, so that she will develop great reverence and faith in his gods and more importantly hate the Christians. This small girl too
listened to all that her father said about his gods as well as about these Christians. So once she got a chance to see the Christians being tormented in prison. She caught sight of an old man who stated at her keenly. The next moment a strong whip was given on his back and the soldier said, “Hey you old man. How dare you will stare at our princess without any respect for her? Ask her forgiveness this right now.” Blood flowed down from the wound caused by that whip. Still the old man asked with patience, “Dear son, what is mistake which I have done to ask for forgiveness? I am just reminded of my own granddaughter when I saw this little princess. Is this a mistake?”
Immediately the next whip fell on his body even more strongly. The soldier ordered his stating, “Enough of your daringness to speak like this. Show your respect for our princess.” Immediately the old man bowed down in respect before the princess. Christina also responded for his bow. Seeing this, her father told her, “My dear child, you are not supposed to salute these Christians. They are far below our status. You should hate them. They are our enemies. They speak ill against our gods. So don’t talk to them at any point of your life.”
This visitation of prison and Urban’s advice to his daughter became a routine activity. But amidst all these teachings, the old man’s calm face flashed in the young girls mind often. She was surprised to note that, the old man and all the other Christians were happy amidst all these tortures. They actually smiled in their agony. She wanted to know the secret of this. One day she found out the secret. She had an opportunity to talk in person with the old man in prison.
But actually it was not the old
man who spoke to her, but Jesus Christ himself. Within those few minutes she
came to know about Jesus Christ. That night an angel of the Lord came to her
and said, “Dear Child Christina! Hence forth you should be called by this name
only. This is the name Jesus Christ is giving you. From this day you belong to
Jesus Christ. So your life should be a witness of Jesus. He is going to do great
things through you. From today you will be empowered with
wisdom. All that you know about Jesus Christ so far is sufficient for you. The rest will be told to you by the Holy Spirit.” So saying the angel disappeared. As the angel said, Christina was filled with the wisdom of this world as well as the wisdom to know about Jesus.
wisdom. All that you know about Jesus Christ so far is sufficient for you. The rest will be told to you by the Holy Spirit.” So saying the angel disappeared. As the angel said, Christina was filled with the wisdom of this world as well as the wisdom to know about Jesus.
These changes were very much evident and her father did not miss to
notice these remarkable changes in the behavior of his daughter. Still he comforted
his troubled heart saying that this behavior of his daughter was because she
has entered into the adolescent age. By then Christina was around eleven or twelve
years of age.
One day Christina got the opportunity to bear witness for Jesus Christ. Since her father wanted to test Christina’s faith towards the Roman Greek gods, he took her to the temple of god Apollo. He told his daughter, “Dear child, this is the great god Apollo whom our ancestors worshiped. So go ahead and worship this great god.”
One day Christina got the opportunity to bear witness for Jesus Christ. Since her father wanted to test Christina’s faith towards the Roman Greek gods, he took her to the temple of god Apollo. He told his daughter, “Dear child, this is the great god Apollo whom our ancestors worshiped. So go ahead and worship this great god.”
Christina calmly replied, “Dear father, kindly do not mistake me. But I
would like to tell you that this so called great god Apollo is just stone and
wood. It has no life in it. Our ancestors were ignorant about who was the true
creator of the heaven and earth, the entire universe, this earth
and all that is in it including mankind.
and all that is in it including mankind.
That was the reason they worshiped these gods. Hence why should we too,
follow them in worshiping these gods when we know the true God and the creator
of the universe? From the day Jesus Christ was born in this world, he brought to
light all the facts about the only true living god, the great creator and
master of all that is exists. So he is the only true God and there is no other
God equal to his in all the heaven, earth and the depth of this world.
Since the Christian’s have
understood this truth, they have accepted Jesus Christ and their savior. That
is the reason the world rejects the Christians because they have not yet
tasted the love of Jesus; they still do not know the truth. That is why these Christians and happy to undergo all the sufferings and even give up their life to bear witness for Jesus Christ. They follow the footsteps of their master in all walks of their life, including death.
Even I have accepted Jesus Christ as my own savior, God and master. So I cannot accept these false gods anymore.” This was the first time Christina spoke about Jesus to her father and the very first time itself she expressed the deep faith and love she had for Jesus Christ.
Urban who did not expect this reply stood speech less before her. Still he spoke up and said, “I see! So my dear daughter too is a Christian now. What a wonder. But my child, are you aware of what it is to be a Christian? Do you know the life of a true Christian?”
Christina calmly replied with a smile, “Yes dad, I know very well what it is to be a Christian. Of course you have shown me enough and more of the life of Christians in this prison. Truth cannot be compensated for any human sentiments because truth is beyond it. I too will stand for the truth dad.”
tasted the love of Jesus; they still do not know the truth. That is why these Christians and happy to undergo all the sufferings and even give up their life to bear witness for Jesus Christ. They follow the footsteps of their master in all walks of their life, including death.
Even I have accepted Jesus Christ as my own savior, God and master. So I cannot accept these false gods anymore.” This was the first time Christina spoke about Jesus to her father and the very first time itself she expressed the deep faith and love she had for Jesus Christ.
Urban who did not expect this reply stood speech less before her. Still he spoke up and said, “I see! So my dear daughter too is a Christian now. What a wonder. But my child, are you aware of what it is to be a Christian? Do you know the life of a true Christian?”
Christina calmly replied with a smile, “Yes dad, I know very well what it is to be a Christian. Of course you have shown me enough and more of the life of Christians in this prison. Truth cannot be compensated for any human sentiments because truth is beyond it. I too will stand for the truth dad.”
Urban was now moved with sentiments and said, “no my sweet child. Do not
bring in this Jesus into our peaceful life. He
will separate you and me. Listen to me and change your mind. Don’t trouble me like this in my old age. Say no to Jesus and the Christian religion. No one in our race has done such a mistake. I am surprised that you have accepted Christ. First give respect to me. I am your father, the ruler of this great kingdom. Everyone has great respect and fear for me. When I go forward to teach the entire world that Christianity is false and my own daughter stands for Christ, it is the greatest insult for me child. Please do understand and think before you take any decision in your life.”
will separate you and me. Listen to me and change your mind. Don’t trouble me like this in my old age. Say no to Jesus and the Christian religion. No one in our race has done such a mistake. I am surprised that you have accepted Christ. First give respect to me. I am your father, the ruler of this great kingdom. Everyone has great respect and fear for me. When I go forward to teach the entire world that Christianity is false and my own daughter stands for Christ, it is the greatest insult for me child. Please do understand and think before you take any decision in your life.”
Christina replied, “Dear father I will never do anything to bring
disgrace to you. Believe me. If you too accept Jesus Christ as your savior,
then nothing can separate us.
Do not be worried about the respect this world gives you. It is a false one. As long as you are in this post, you will receive this respect and people will fear you. The respect which you are enjoying now is not out of love but out of fear, so this will not last long. But once you are off this post, not even a dog will turn to look at you with respect. People will smile at your face and curse you at your back. Do you prefer this kind of a respect dad? So do think of what I am saying dad. If you are to receive respect based on love then it will last forever, wherever you are and whatever may be the post you hold, whether you are wealthy or poor people will respect you out of love.
Do not be worried about the respect this world gives you. It is a false one. As long as you are in this post, you will receive this respect and people will fear you. The respect which you are enjoying now is not out of love but out of fear, so this will not last long. But once you are off this post, not even a dog will turn to look at you with respect. People will smile at your face and curse you at your back. Do you prefer this kind of a respect dad? So do think of what I am saying dad. If you are to receive respect based on love then it will last forever, wherever you are and whatever may be the post you hold, whether you are wealthy or poor people will respect you out of love.
As you said that none of our
ancestors have accepted Christ
and so I should not do this. But just because our ancestors were naked in the Stone Age, it doesn’t mean that we too should follow them and be naked all our life. Similarly, just because our ancestors, out of ignorance, worshiped false idols, does not mean we too should follow the same even after we know who the true god is. Jesus Christ is the only true God. Jesus Christ is the only person who divided history into BC and AD.
and so I should not do this. But just because our ancestors were naked in the Stone Age, it doesn’t mean that we too should follow them and be naked all our life. Similarly, just because our ancestors, out of ignorance, worshiped false idols, does not mean we too should follow the same even after we know who the true god is. Jesus Christ is the only true God. Jesus Christ is the only person who divided history into BC and AD.
Jesus Christ has a proper history. So many prophets have foretold the
birth, life and death of Jesus even 800 years ago.
Prophet Isaiah has clearly described all about Jesus in his book in the bible. It is all recorded and is available even now and will be there forever. Jesus is the only God who died on the cross to save mankind from sin. No other God has done this; instead all other gods will ask our life as a sacrifice for our own sins. This is the reason for me as well as all the other Christians to believe in Jesus.
Prophet Isaiah has clearly described all about Jesus in his book in the bible. It is all recorded and is available even now and will be there forever. Jesus is the only God who died on the cross to save mankind from sin. No other God has done this; instead all other gods will ask our life as a sacrifice for our own sins. This is the reason for me as well as all the other Christians to believe in Jesus.
These facts are more than sufficient to prove that Jesus is the only
Though Urban knew that all that was stated by his daughter was true, still his inherent hard heartedness made him scold his daughter as much as he can. Still since he loved his daughter a lot and also since he knew clearly that it is very difficult to change his daughters mind easily, he decided to be calm and wait for the right opportunity to bring her back to his path. So he dressed her up with the richest clothes and adorned her with costly ornaments and kept her in a separate room. He filled the entire room with jewels and costly articles. He further kept the golden idols of his deities all over the room. He did all this thinking that since his daughter has just entered her youth period; she will be attracted with these jewels, costly articles and clothes. This is natural for any young girl of the
age of Christina to be attracted by these things.
Though Urban knew that all that was stated by his daughter was true, still his inherent hard heartedness made him scold his daughter as much as he can. Still since he loved his daughter a lot and also since he knew clearly that it is very difficult to change his daughters mind easily, he decided to be calm and wait for the right opportunity to bring her back to his path. So he dressed her up with the richest clothes and adorned her with costly ornaments and kept her in a separate room. He filled the entire room with jewels and costly articles. He further kept the golden idols of his deities all over the room. He did all this thinking that since his daughter has just entered her youth period; she will be attracted with these jewels, costly articles and clothes. This is natural for any young girl of the
age of Christina to be attracted by these things.
It seemed that his plan worked. Christina dressed herself with the
richest clothes and jewels her father had given her and came round the palace.
This gave the hope to Urban that his daughter has changed her mind and he has won
her to his side. So he gave freedom to Christina for a few days.
But after those few days Urban had to face something which he did not even dream of. All the jewels which were kept in her room vanished away. Not a single ornament was left over. Similarly all the costly articles which were kept in her room vanished away. Nothing was left and the room was empty. Even all those rich clothes which she was wearing were not to
be seen.
But after those few days Urban had to face something which he did not even dream of. All the jewels which were kept in her room vanished away. Not a single ornament was left over. Similarly all the costly articles which were kept in her room vanished away. Nothing was left and the room was empty. Even all those rich clothes which she was wearing were not to
be seen.
When Urban came to see his daughter, he was
deeply worried
to know that all these things had vanished. So he called his daughter and asked her, “My dear child, what happened? Why did you hide this from me? You should have told me about this earlier. At least now tell me what had happened? What happened to all the riches I had given you?” Christina replied, “Dear dad, all the riches are safe. No one has stolen them or they have not vanished away. I have given them to the poor and needy. I did this on my own interest. Since you gave all these riches for my own personal use, I used it the way it would give
me happiness. I gave away everything to the poor Christian people.”
Not knowing what to say, Urban looked at his daughter and said, “my dear child, do you know how much of efforts I had taken over the years to earn all these riches? You have just like that wasted everything. Not only the riches, have you wasted all my energy, efforts and the time I took to earn them.” Christina was not sensitive to all these words of her father. She replied stating, “My dear father, why don’t you call me as Christina? That is the name my bridegroom has kept for
to know that all these things had vanished. So he called his daughter and asked her, “My dear child, what happened? Why did you hide this from me? You should have told me about this earlier. At least now tell me what had happened? What happened to all the riches I had given you?” Christina replied, “Dear dad, all the riches are safe. No one has stolen them or they have not vanished away. I have given them to the poor and needy. I did this on my own interest. Since you gave all these riches for my own personal use, I used it the way it would give
me happiness. I gave away everything to the poor Christian people.”
Not knowing what to say, Urban looked at his daughter and said, “my dear child, do you know how much of efforts I had taken over the years to earn all these riches? You have just like that wasted everything. Not only the riches, have you wasted all my energy, efforts and the time I took to earn them.” Christina was not sensitive to all these words of her father. She replied stating, “My dear father, why don’t you call me as Christina? That is the name my bridegroom has kept for
These words of Christina drove
Urban into a rage and he shouted stating, “Jesus is my deadly enemy and do you
expect me to call you by the name he has given you? That is the least thing I
would do in my life. How dare you tell your own father that you are married
without anyone’s knowledge? Are you not ashamed? From where did you get this courage?
All the riches I had saved for your marriage, you have now wasted and added to
that you say that you are already married. This is the heights of my patience.
I was so patient to you since you are my
daughter. The moment you are so stubborn that you are married to my enemy, and then you too are my enemy. You have paid me well for giving you enough of freedom. You have taught me a good lesson. If you had to wish for any one in my family as your bridegroom, I would have got you married without any second thought. But you have brought me this grate disgrace by marrying that Jesus, whom I hate to the core. How could you do this? How did you do this? I will never accept this marriage
and I will never forgive you and that Jesus. Softness will not work with you anymore. I will make you deny Jesus and fall at my feet stating that you have left Jesus once for all. You have seen me as your loving father. Hence forth you will see me as the great tyrant Urban.” So saying he called his guards and commanded them to arrest Christina and put her in prison.
Before leaving Christina spoke up saying, “Dear father, I would like to remind you one thing. All the riches I had given to the Christians are those that you took away unjustly from them. It actually belongs to them. Have I not done the right and just act? A few minutes back you said that you were my loving father, but do you know the actual meaning of love? Do you know what love is? If you don’t, then learn it from my Lord Jesus. Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for
me. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these
little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.’ So whether to accept me and my beloved Jesus Christ is left up to your choice. But you can never separate me from my dear Lord Jesus. Don’t even try to.”
daughter. The moment you are so stubborn that you are married to my enemy, and then you too are my enemy. You have paid me well for giving you enough of freedom. You have taught me a good lesson. If you had to wish for any one in my family as your bridegroom, I would have got you married without any second thought. But you have brought me this grate disgrace by marrying that Jesus, whom I hate to the core. How could you do this? How did you do this? I will never accept this marriage
and I will never forgive you and that Jesus. Softness will not work with you anymore. I will make you deny Jesus and fall at my feet stating that you have left Jesus once for all. You have seen me as your loving father. Hence forth you will see me as the great tyrant Urban.” So saying he called his guards and commanded them to arrest Christina and put her in prison.
Before leaving Christina spoke up saying, “Dear father, I would like to remind you one thing. All the riches I had given to the Christians are those that you took away unjustly from them. It actually belongs to them. Have I not done the right and just act? A few minutes back you said that you were my loving father, but do you know the actual meaning of love? Do you know what love is? If you don’t, then learn it from my Lord Jesus. Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for
me. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these
little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.’ So whether to accept me and my beloved Jesus Christ is left up to your choice. But you can never separate me from my dear Lord Jesus. Don’t even try to.”
So started the war between the father and the child, between good and
evil, between truth and lie…………
Christina’s father, who so loved his daughter, completely changed his attitude towards her and spoke so cruelly stating, “You have not betrayed me, but you have betrayed all our gods. So, all the curse of our gods will be on you. Let the wrath of our gods come upon you. Guards! Guards! Make her naked and whip her from head to foot so that her skin is peeled off.
Christina’s father, who so loved his daughter, completely changed his attitude towards her and spoke so cruelly stating, “You have not betrayed me, but you have betrayed all our gods. So, all the curse of our gods will be on you. Let the wrath of our gods come upon you. Guards! Guards! Make her naked and whip her from head to foot so that her skin is peeled off.
The worst thing a father could do to his daughter; this tyrant did to
his child. Christina was pushed into this pitiable state. She was whipped and
blood gushed out of her body. Her soft and tender skin was peeled off and she
stood in a pool of blood.
But her father was not satisfied on seeing this. He further commanded the guards to take sharp iron hooks and pierce them to her breasts and thereby make the wounds even bigger and painful. So saying he left the place stating that he would come and proceed further the next day.
The next day Urban came to see his daughter. He took a note of her body and when he saw that there were few places in her body which were not wounded he became very angry and commanded the guards to use an iron comb and peel of the skin from head to foot. Christina’s skin was peeled off in the most painful manner. Most of the soldiers in the prison could not bear to see this injustice.
But her father was not satisfied on seeing this. He further commanded the guards to take sharp iron hooks and pierce them to her breasts and thereby make the wounds even bigger and painful. So saying he left the place stating that he would come and proceed further the next day.
The next day Urban came to see his daughter. He took a note of her body and when he saw that there were few places in her body which were not wounded he became very angry and commanded the guards to use an iron comb and peel of the skin from head to foot. Christina’s skin was peeled off in the most painful manner. Most of the soldiers in the prison could not bear to see this injustice.
But they were surprised to see her face, fresh as a flower which has not
lost its glow, amidst all that pain. There was no trace of pain or suffering on
her face. She happily endured all these sufferings. Instead she murmured the
names and hymns of Jesus. Urban who noticed this said, “Oh it is not painful
for you….. Is it? I will make it pain for you. Guards, tear
her flesh up to the time she shouts out in pain. Let my ears hear that cry of agony.”
her flesh up to the time she shouts out in pain. Let my ears hear that cry of agony.”
The punishment was executed as it was commanded, but
Christina did not utter a single word of pain. Jesus Christ had given her the power to resist and withstand pain and suffering. As it is said, even if a mother forgets her child I will not forget you, the Lord was gracious to her even if her earthly father was not. That night an angel encountered Christina and healed her completely.
Christina did not utter a single word of pain. Jesus Christ had given her the power to resist and withstand pain and suffering. As it is said, even if a mother forgets her child I will not forget you, the Lord was gracious to her even if her earthly father was not. That night an angel encountered Christina and healed her completely.
The angel told her, “Christy, the bride of Christ! The Lord delights in you.
Tomorrow you will have to face even more serious trials. But do not fear the
almighty God is with you.” So saying the angel disappeared.
The next day Urban was informed at the entrance of the prison that Christina was healed in a miraculous way the night before. Urban could not believe this and when he saw her he said, “All your magical powers which healed you will not work anymore. You are sure to meet death today. This wheel is specially made for you. This will take you to the world of the dead. Guards, tie her up naked on the outer rim of the wheel.”
The next day Urban was informed at the entrance of the prison that Christina was healed in a miraculous way the night before. Urban could not believe this and when he saw her he said, “All your magical powers which healed you will not work anymore. You are sure to meet death today. This wheel is specially made for you. This will take you to the world of the dead. Guards, tie her up naked on the outer rim of the wheel.”
So Christina was made naked and tied to the wheel. This is
the worst punishment a child could get from her father, to be tied naked in front of her own father. Christina’s body was rubbed with a special kind of oil which could easily catch fire. The wheel was then set on fire and rotated such that as the wheel rotates Christina’s body will be burnt in fire. But fire could not harm her body. She was not at all burnt by fire. God protected her from the burns of fire.
Christina continued to praise God loudly. All the soldiers who executed this punishment wept bitterly seeing this condition of their dear princess. But nothing could mover the hard heart of her father. This punishment went on up to evening, but nothing happened to Christina.
That night Christina was pushed into a dark underground cell in prison. A huge stone was tied to her neck and she was made to stand on top of the stone. Christina was made to stand on top of that stone that whole night.
the worst punishment a child could get from her father, to be tied naked in front of her own father. Christina’s body was rubbed with a special kind of oil which could easily catch fire. The wheel was then set on fire and rotated such that as the wheel rotates Christina’s body will be burnt in fire. But fire could not harm her body. She was not at all burnt by fire. God protected her from the burns of fire.
Christina continued to praise God loudly. All the soldiers who executed this punishment wept bitterly seeing this condition of their dear princess. But nothing could mover the hard heart of her father. This punishment went on up to evening, but nothing happened to Christina.
That night Christina was pushed into a dark underground cell in prison. A huge stone was tied to her neck and she was made to stand on top of the stone. Christina was made to stand on top of that stone that whole night.
Christina’s life. Though Urban saw with his own eyes, that fire could not harm
his daughter, his heart never changed. His crooked mind kept on working out
various ways of tormenting Christina. He failed to realize the greatness and
might of Lord Jesus Christ. So he ordered Christina to come out of the deep
dark cell carrying the stone in her hands. He arranged for a boat and made her
sit on that boat along with that huge stone.
He said, “Farewell dear lady! I think this is our
last meeting.” So saying he made her to sink along with the stone in a deep lake in Bolzano city. The punishment was executed as it was commanded. The soldiers took her to the deepest part of the lake and immersed her into the lake along with the stone.
last meeting.” So saying he made her to sink along with the stone in a deep lake in Bolzano city. The punishment was executed as it was commanded. The soldiers took her to the deepest part of the lake and immersed her into the lake along with the stone.

“Father, all your efforts to separate me from my Lord Jesus Christ will not be
fruitful. Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. Do not try any
further. You will end up only in failure. Did you not see with your own eyes
the power and might of Jesus amidst all that torments you made me undergo?
Though you are my father, you treated me as your deadly enemy, but my Lord
Jesus kept up his promise to safeguard me from all the disasters. Even today
you immersed me into the lake with the stone around my neck.
Can’t you see that I am standing in front of you without any single
damage? That stone is still there near the lake. You can take a look at it if
you want. Why do you still cling on to your old beliefs? Throw away your rotten
thoughts and accept the salvation of Christ. It is not too late father; Jesus
is ready to accept you right now. Come to him, will you?”
But her father’s reply clearly indicated that all that she spoke did not even touch her father’s ears. His heart was still hard and he said, “Oh you are dead yet, is it? You must be a fool to think I will surrender to your Jesus Christ. Have this nonsense speech with your foolish Christians. You can never change my mind. All your magic or power will not work in front of my great god Jupiter. I will surely kill you. Just because you escaped so far does not mean I have failed.
Tomorrow you will surrender before my God or you will lose your life. Be prepared. Soldiers take this girl and put her in prison. Tomorrow will be the last day of her life.” Christina was put in prison.
But her father’s reply clearly indicated that all that she spoke did not even touch her father’s ears. His heart was still hard and he said, “Oh you are dead yet, is it? You must be a fool to think I will surrender to your Jesus Christ. Have this nonsense speech with your foolish Christians. You can never change my mind. All your magic or power will not work in front of my great god Jupiter. I will surely kill you. Just because you escaped so far does not mean I have failed.
Tomorrow you will surrender before my God or you will lose your life. Be prepared. Soldiers take this girl and put her in prison. Tomorrow will be the last day of her life.” Christina was put in prison.
That night her father was all alone in his bed room stammering and blabbering.
He said the following words, “almighty God Jupiter, why are you still silent?
Why don’t you throw that powerful weapon in your hands at Jesus and kill him
once for all? Why do you hesitate to do this? Come one use that weapon on Jesus
right now…. Go ahead and do it….. Do it…. Do it….” He kept on shouting these
words in his sleep.
Those were his last words…. That was his last sleep…. He slept once for all…no one could wake him up the next morning. His face was weird and he had vomited blood and thus had met a very cruel death.
When Christina heard of her father’s cruel death she felt sorry for him. She loved him with the true love of a daughter. She cried bitterly stating, “Oh my dear father….. You met such a cruel death. If you had surrendered your life to Jesus, you would not have met such kind of a death. You refused the love, grace and power of Jesus Christ. You did not realize his forgiveness and thus you have lost your sold dear father. You had the whole world in your hand but now you have lost your soul. You soul is no longer with God. What is the use of all that you had when you were alive on this earth? You are now
in hell for eternity. My heart could not bear to think of this dear father.” So saying, she cried bitterly over her father’s death.
Those were his last words…. That was his last sleep…. He slept once for all…no one could wake him up the next morning. His face was weird and he had vomited blood and thus had met a very cruel death.
When Christina heard of her father’s cruel death she felt sorry for him. She loved him with the true love of a daughter. She cried bitterly stating, “Oh my dear father….. You met such a cruel death. If you had surrendered your life to Jesus, you would not have met such kind of a death. You refused the love, grace and power of Jesus Christ. You did not realize his forgiveness and thus you have lost your sold dear father. You had the whole world in your hand but now you have lost your soul. You soul is no longer with God. What is the use of all that you had when you were alive on this earth? You are now
in hell for eternity. My heart could not bear to think of this dear father.” So saying, she cried bitterly over her father’s death.
She thought all her torments have come to an end with the end of her father’s
life. But it was not. She had worse times ahead of her. Urban was succeeded by
another tyrant. His name was Dio. He was a very cruel and cunning man. He
attacked the Christians for his selfish motives and in this he was worse than
Urban. Thus he did not spare Christina. Just because Christina was a Christian,
he sent her to prison. The next day he started his enquiry.
Christina was brought before Dio. He saw her and said, “Oh so you are
Christina, the girl who cursed her own father to death. Am I right?” Christina
was wise enough to answer this silly question saying, “Why do you waste your time
in unnecessary questions? What is it that you want from me?” with
a cunning smile on his face Dio said, “Oh Christina, fair lady. Your beauty is beyond words can describe. Anyone would fall for your beauty and your wisdom exceeds your beauty too. But I am surprised why you hate this world and all that is in it. You can marry a handsome young man and enjoy your life. But why do you cling on to that dead Jesus? Has he possessed you like a ghost? I don’t understand why and how these Christians are so dedicated to him. Can you give me an answer?”
Christina who could clearly understand the cunningness in his speech said, “I warn you governor. Mind your words. I know the hidden meaning in your speech. You have decided to argue with me and not to accept Christ. As it is said, ‘do not throw pearls to swine’ I don’t want to tell anything about Christ to you. Go on and do what you intend to do with me. Already my father has failed in this act and now you can go on and give a try. Come on and go ahead.”
a cunning smile on his face Dio said, “Oh Christina, fair lady. Your beauty is beyond words can describe. Anyone would fall for your beauty and your wisdom exceeds your beauty too. But I am surprised why you hate this world and all that is in it. You can marry a handsome young man and enjoy your life. But why do you cling on to that dead Jesus? Has he possessed you like a ghost? I don’t understand why and how these Christians are so dedicated to him. Can you give me an answer?”
Christina who could clearly understand the cunningness in his speech said, “I warn you governor. Mind your words. I know the hidden meaning in your speech. You have decided to argue with me and not to accept Christ. As it is said, ‘do not throw pearls to swine’ I don’t want to tell anything about Christ to you. Go on and do what you intend to do with me. Already my father has failed in this act and now you can go on and give a try. Come on and go ahead.”
Dio gave a sarcastic smile and said, “I am bound by your beauty which
glows when you’re angry. But don’t think I will be easy going with you all the
time. I was kind to you to show the world that I am not a tyrant but I give
enough of chance to make you understand your fault. I am not like your father young
girl. I will give you even worse punishments so that you will
surrender to me at all cost. Still I give you a chance, accept your defeat and ask pardon and I will forgive you. Go ahead and worship the gods of our forefathers.”
“You must be an insolent fool to say this. Do you think that I will surrender to your words? I did not obey my own father’s orders to worship the ancestral gods. I did not ask pardon nor did I ask him to spare my life. I don’t have willingness to live this earthly life. My home is in heaven. I am a citizen of heaven. So don’t expect me to ask your pardon. Take away those foolish thoughts off your mind” said Christina.
surrender to me at all cost. Still I give you a chance, accept your defeat and ask pardon and I will forgive you. Go ahead and worship the gods of our forefathers.”
“You must be an insolent fool to say this. Do you think that I will surrender to your words? I did not obey my own father’s orders to worship the ancestral gods. I did not ask pardon nor did I ask him to spare my life. I don’t have willingness to live this earthly life. My home is in heaven. I am a citizen of heaven. So don’t expect me to ask your pardon. Take away those foolish thoughts off your mind” said Christina.
Governor Dio could not tolerate
to note that a twelve year
old girl has insulted him in front of the public. So in great fury he said, “I will show you who I am. You will repent for all that you have said so far. Guards, take her and throw her into the boiling oil pan.”
His command was immediately executed. A huge oil pan was brought and oil and tar were heated. Once it was boiling, Christina was brought by the soldiers to be thrown into it. At that time Christina said, “How nice, now I remember that a year ago, when I was baptized, this was exactly how I was immersed in water.” Then she drew the symbol of the cross on herself and the oil pan and prayed, “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you are my hiding place, my fortress and my rock. Let it be done unto me as per your will.” Then the soldiers threw her into the boiling oil
pan. The fire was kindled and it blazed fiercely. No one knew what was happening inside the boiling oil pan. But the fire and oil which splashed on the soldiers, who stood beside it, killed them.
old girl has insulted him in front of the public. So in great fury he said, “I will show you who I am. You will repent for all that you have said so far. Guards, take her and throw her into the boiling oil pan.”
His command was immediately executed. A huge oil pan was brought and oil and tar were heated. Once it was boiling, Christina was brought by the soldiers to be thrown into it. At that time Christina said, “How nice, now I remember that a year ago, when I was baptized, this was exactly how I was immersed in water.” Then she drew the symbol of the cross on herself and the oil pan and prayed, “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you are my hiding place, my fortress and my rock. Let it be done unto me as per your will.” Then the soldiers threw her into the boiling oil
pan. The fire was kindled and it blazed fiercely. No one knew what was happening inside the boiling oil pan. But the fire and oil which splashed on the soldiers, who stood beside it, killed them.
The fire spread out to the nearby
soldiers who stood there and killed them also. Once the flames were put out,
people could see Christina, standing in the middle of the pan without any
single damage and praying loudly. Thus the people shouted saying, “Long live
Christina. The God of Christina is the only true God. Long live the God of Christina.”
Dio put down his head in shame. Even the dress of Christina was not burnt by
the fire and she was completely protected by Jesus Christ. When Dio saw the
people welcome Christina with these wishes, it aroused his anger.
He arrested all those who
supported Christina and put them in prison. He also arrested Christina and sent
her once again to prison.
The next day the statue of God Apollo was kept in the middle of an open arena. A lot of people gathered in the arena and were seated on the stone benches. Governor Dio was seated on his throne. A lot of Christians were made to stand in the middle of the arena. Their faith was tested by asking them to deny Christ and worship God Apollo. If they refused to do so, they will be immediately offered as sacrifice to the God Apollo. Almost all the Christians who were brought there on that day were beheaded since they refused to deny Jesus Christ.
Christina was the last in the line. Once Christina was brought there the crowd shouted in joy and excitement. Dio looked at Christina and said, “Did you see the fate of all those Christians who went before you? Are you afraid? It is still not late. You can deny Jesus and accept Apollo and the next moment you will be set free. What do you say? Isn’t this a good idea?” Christina’s face glowed with anger and she said, “Keep that foolish idea of yours with you. I don’t need any of your mercy or sympathy. I could see all those who were put to death
before me stand in front of Jesus right now. Jesus is not placing the priceless crown on their heads for this brave act of theirs. You should have spiritual eyes to see these things. It is certainly not possible for you since your natural eyes are shut towards the proven truth that Jesus Christ is the only true God. I am not at all afraid. If anyone is to be afraid at this point of time is you’re so called great God Apollo. Apollo is certainly afraid that is anyone comes to know of its true nature they will run away and never turn back to it.
It is the demon who is hiding inside that Apollo statue that is afraid. Right now I command in the matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ, you demon who is hiding inside this statue Apollo, come out and show this world who you are. You Satan, who is hiding inside this naked statue, come out and show us who you are. Are you still scared? Don’t you have the guts to face me who am commanding you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ? Are you not ashamed of standing naked in front of this crowd? In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to be demolished right now.”
So saying she drew the sign of the cross on the statue and something unbelievable happened. The statue got and looked that it was naked. It gave a sudden turn and hence the basement was broken. The statue fell down and broke to pieces. The people who were watching this were scared and started to run to and fro in great amazement.
The next day the statue of God Apollo was kept in the middle of an open arena. A lot of people gathered in the arena and were seated on the stone benches. Governor Dio was seated on his throne. A lot of Christians were made to stand in the middle of the arena. Their faith was tested by asking them to deny Christ and worship God Apollo. If they refused to do so, they will be immediately offered as sacrifice to the God Apollo. Almost all the Christians who were brought there on that day were beheaded since they refused to deny Jesus Christ.
Christina was the last in the line. Once Christina was brought there the crowd shouted in joy and excitement. Dio looked at Christina and said, “Did you see the fate of all those Christians who went before you? Are you afraid? It is still not late. You can deny Jesus and accept Apollo and the next moment you will be set free. What do you say? Isn’t this a good idea?” Christina’s face glowed with anger and she said, “Keep that foolish idea of yours with you. I don’t need any of your mercy or sympathy. I could see all those who were put to death
before me stand in front of Jesus right now. Jesus is not placing the priceless crown on their heads for this brave act of theirs. You should have spiritual eyes to see these things. It is certainly not possible for you since your natural eyes are shut towards the proven truth that Jesus Christ is the only true God. I am not at all afraid. If anyone is to be afraid at this point of time is you’re so called great God Apollo. Apollo is certainly afraid that is anyone comes to know of its true nature they will run away and never turn back to it.
It is the demon who is hiding inside that Apollo statue that is afraid. Right now I command in the matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ, you demon who is hiding inside this statue Apollo, come out and show this world who you are. You Satan, who is hiding inside this naked statue, come out and show us who you are. Are you still scared? Don’t you have the guts to face me who am commanding you in the name of Lord Jesus Christ? Are you not ashamed of standing naked in front of this crowd? In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to be demolished right now.”
So saying she drew the sign of the cross on the statue and something unbelievable happened. The statue got and looked that it was naked. It gave a sudden turn and hence the basement was broken. The statue fell down and broke to pieces. The people who were watching this were scared and started to run to and fro in great amazement.
Suddenly a thunder struck the governor Dio and killed him. He met his
death on that ground itself. Another amazing thing happened. The dust which came
from the statue which fell down to pieces, rose up high in the air turning out
into a dark smoke cloud. That cloud then turned out into a fierce giant snake,
spitting fire and it rose up into the sky and vanished. All those who watched
these incidents shouted outsaying,
“Long live Christina! Long live
Christina! Your god is the
only true god.” All that which took place on that day, the giant snake which vanished in the sky, the fall of the great statue Apollo and the death of Dio, made a deep impact in the minds and heart of the people gathered there. Also the greatness of Lord Jesus Christ and the holiness of Christina made a deep impact in the hearts of the people, that many of them went home and took out all the idols in their homes and broke them on the roads. They accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord.
Everything went on well up to the time of the arrival of the next governor.
After some days a new governor took charge of Tuscany. His name was Julian and he too was a tyrant who hated Christians. Though he was a little scared to note the death of the governors who preceded him, still he tried to behave as a governor, not letting anyone to find out his fear. He did not want to give up in front of the Christians.
only true god.” All that which took place on that day, the giant snake which vanished in the sky, the fall of the great statue Apollo and the death of Dio, made a deep impact in the minds and heart of the people gathered there. Also the greatness of Lord Jesus Christ and the holiness of Christina made a deep impact in the hearts of the people, that many of them went home and took out all the idols in their homes and broke them on the roads. They accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord.
Everything went on well up to the time of the arrival of the next governor.
After some days a new governor took charge of Tuscany. His name was Julian and he too was a tyrant who hated Christians. Though he was a little scared to note the death of the governors who preceded him, still he tried to behave as a governor, not letting anyone to find out his fear. He did not want to give up in front of the Christians.
So he behaved worse than
governors who were there earlier. So once again the torments began. Once again
Christina was arrested and put in prison. Julian who wanted to punish Christina
in the worse way, commanded her to be put into a blazing fire filled pit.
Christina prayed to her Lord Jesus Christ and drew the sing of the cross
on the fire filled pit and on her and got into the pit. She stayed in the
blazing fire pit for five days. She was singing hymns and praises to Lord Jesus
Christ for those five days. Fire could not do anything to her. Fear gripped the
heart of the governor and so he commanded her to be taken out. But a magician fanned the fire of the governor’s heart with his ideas.
heart of the governor and so he commanded her to be taken out. But a magician fanned the fire of the governor’s heart with his ideas.
He said that this Christina was a
great magician and only with the power of her magic she was able to survive all
these trials. He also said that he could win her with his magical powers if she
was handed over to him. So the governor, who believed the statement of this
magician, put Christina in a separate cell. The magician, with his magical powers,
sent lots of highly poisonous snakes and scorpions into her cell.
But nothing could harm her and
Christina won them with the power of her prayers. As Jesus promised that anyone
who believes in him, if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not
be harmed; Christina was not harmed by any of those poisonous creatures.
The magician who found out that Christina has won this by the power of her prayer, cut off her tongue. But still Christina continued to sing praises to Jesus Christ. But she now prayed to her bridegroom stating that she has lost interest in this earthly life and asked Him to take her to be with Him forever. Jesus granted her wish.
The magician who found out that Christina has won this by the power of her prayer, cut off her tongue. But still Christina continued to sing praises to Jesus Christ. But she now prayed to her bridegroom stating that she has lost interest in this earthly life and asked Him to take her to be with Him forever. Jesus granted her wish.
So Christina was tied to a wooden
post in kept in the middle of an open arena. The governor commanded Christina
to be killed by shooting arrows at her. Many arrows struck her body and one
arrow pierced her heart, the heart that loved and lived for Christ. Blood
gushed out of her heart and she fainted and fell down. Her soul reached heaven
into the hands of Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ accepted her to eternal life and crowned her for her witness on earth.
This happened on 24th July, 300 BC.
Three governors, including her father, tried their best and failed in their
attempt to destroy the faith of Christina.
Christ. Jesus Christ accepted her to eternal life and crowned her for her witness on earth.

The Roman Catholic Church accepted Christina as one of the saints and
awarded her the title of saint. The
Christians kept the body of Christina inside a marble box and buried it. The
stone on which her footprints were engraved was buried along with her. This
grave which had all the details of her was later excavated and is still
available in Balsena, Tuscany.
In 1263 BC, a priest from Prague, was offering mass at the altar, located near the grave of Christina, where the stone with her foot prints on it was kept. As the mass was going on he had a doubt in his mind whether Jesus is truly present in his heavenly body in the communion served.
In 1263 BC, a priest from Prague, was offering mass at the altar, located near the grave of Christina, where the stone with her foot prints on it was kept. As the mass was going on he had a doubt in his mind whether Jesus is truly present in his heavenly body in the communion served.

clothes and down the marble altar. That altar and the cloth on which the blood
of Jesus flowed are still available. This miracle added even more glory to the
church of Christina. All the pilgrims who visit this church do not miss her
grave, the stone with her foot prints and the cloth with the blood stains of
Jesus. The marble stone which was on the altar was later taken and kept in the
church of Holy Communion which is located in Ovido. Few of the relics of
Christina are kept in Palermo, in Sicily and her skull is kept in the city of
If the world stood against you to torment and persecute you
If the crowd stood all around you, yet not for you
If you were asked to worship the gods which were false and fake, and
If you boldly refused to do it, even though your life was at stake
If you were deprived of your clothes and your body was whipped and torn
If the Lord stood beside you and healed you before it was dawn
If you could stand firm on the stone and even more firm in your love
If you could not get drowned but come out of water with help from above
If neither fire nor venom could take away your life
If you could still sing praises even if your tongue was cut off with a knife
If the arrow could kill your heart but not your love for God
Then you are sure to receive the eternal life ad crown as Gods great reward. !!!!!!!!!!
Christina has received this reward and the Lord has given each one of the same chance to take part in the eternal life with Him.

If the world stood against you to torment and persecute you
If the crowd stood all around you, yet not for you
If you were asked to worship the gods which were false and fake, and
If you boldly refused to do it, even though your life was at stake
If you were deprived of your clothes and your body was whipped and torn
If the Lord stood beside you and healed you before it was dawn
If you could stand firm on the stone and even more firm in your love
If you could not get drowned but come out of water with help from above
If neither fire nor venom could take away your life
If you could still sing praises even if your tongue was cut off with a knife
If the arrow could kill your heart but not your love for God
Then you are sure to receive the eternal life ad crown as Gods great reward. !!!!!!!!!!
Christina has received this reward and the Lord has given each one of the same chance to take part in the eternal life with Him.
saint Christina… pray for us that we too may receive this great reward of
eternal life from our loving God Jesus Christ.