Monday, February 16, 2015

The young eagle Aqulina

The young eagle Aqulina
    The eagle has a special importance among the birds. It is the king of birds. It’s very sharp eyes which could identify its prey from a very great height, precise way of attack and capturing its prey are unique features of this bird which makes it special among birds. Hence in ancient times the Romans had eagle as their symbol. Even today eagle is the royal emblem of America. One of the four living creatures around the throne of God in heaven resembles an eagle as mentioned in Revelations. Often God mentions in the bible that he carries his people just like an eagle which carries its young ones. 
     Hence eagle has a special mention in this world as well as in the scriptures. The saint about whom we are going to read in this story is who was called as ‘young eagle’ in Latin language. The birth place of this saint is Byblos which is a portal town.
    Byblos is a small portal town situated in Lebanon. This town has an ancient history which dates back to 7000 BC which makes it as one of the most ancient cities in the world. According to history the citizens of Lebanon are people of a different place who had got settled in this town. During the Old Testament times the great tower of Babel was built. Since it stood as a symbol of pride, God cursed the people and changed their language and these people got scattered all over the world. Most of these people belonged to the Semitones race and they got settled in the portal town of Byblos. As time passed by, the people became civilized and their language grew. This language was Greek. The basic Greek letters were Alpha and Beta….. Omega and theta and these letters originated in the city of Byblos.
    Since the Phoenicians showed great interest in sea trade, they traded up to Karthige which is modern Tunisia from  Egypt . And as imports they imported perfumes, medicines, and papyrus.  The portal cities like Tire and Sidon helped Byblos to enhance their trade activities. Hence these cities acted as pivotal points to enhance trade related activities. But Byblos town not once acted as a pivotal point of trade activities, it was also a central place for art, religion and other cultural activities. These Phoenicians of Byblos invented paper from the grass called Papyrus. With the invention of paper, the formula and method of paper making made spread around the world and thus made the city of Byblos a city of great importance. Hence the need and demand for paper grew rapidly and paper was being used for writing and recording. It is also said the Bible was written in Greek from this city of Byblos and was distributed throughout the world. Also it is said the Bible got its name from the city Byblos. Saint Mark was the bishop of this Byblos city from 44 AD to 68 AD.
   The citizens of Lebanon were called as Phoenicians in ancient times. But there is no such town or city by name Phoenicia. But the name Phoenicians had a permanent place in history. Among the sea animals there are some variety of animals with a soft jelly like body called as jelly fish or octopus which are well known for the way they exhibit their colors. The colors are pale bluish which was called as Phonies.  The Phoenicians were experts in developing this color. This made them earn good money and they became rich. Since this kind of color pigments were sold for huge sum of money, only very rich people, kings and people of high rank were able to buy and use them. Some information states that the ordinary people were not allowed to use this kind of colored clothes. This was a main source of money for the people of Lebanon.
    Hence in those days the name of the inhabitants of Lebanon was called as Phoenicians instead of Lebanonians. These Phoenicians became stronger and started to have greater control over the central coastal areas. But since the Roman Empire was well built and strong, the Phoenicians could not exercise their control here. In the year 70 BC Lebanon had to surrender to Rome since they were a huge and stronger race. With the entry of the Romans the culture and civilization methods changed a lot and they were forced to follow the Roman culture only. The people who had lost in the battle are slaves to the people who have won the battle states law. In that way the Phoenicians became the slaves of the Romans. In order to have proper control over the Phoenicians and prevent them from rising up again against the Romans, and turning back to their kings and gods whom they worshiped, the Romans commanded the Phoenicians to worship the roman king and the roman gods only. Anyone who disobeys this law was cruelly murdered.
     33 AD, after the death of Jesus Christ, his disciples acted according to his command, “Go into the entire world and preach and publish openly the good news to every human race” went all over the world spreading the good news about Jesus Christ. Through their preaching and teachings many people accepted Jesus Christ and became Christians. In the year 34 AD, Apostle Peter who was the head of the apostles started a church in Antioch which was situated in Southern Turkey. Since this city of Byblos was on the between Jerusalem and Antioch, anyone who traveled between these cities, had to pass through Byblos, whether it was through road or through sea. Hence the city became an important place where religion flourished. There was almost none of the apostle’s or men of god who did not touch this city of Byblos and hence this city became a very important city. Very soon the city became flooded with Christian inhabitants.
   But the roman rules which governed the rights of citizenship and religion made it very difficult for the spread on Christianity in those cities. The reason was all those who accepted Christianity against the Roman rule were severely punished and cruelly killed. Since these people suffered and died as witness for Jesus Christ they were called as martyrs.
   In the year 280 AD King Diocletian was the Roman Empire. He was a tyrant and the Christians suffered terribly during his time. During this time, in the city of Byblos a small girl was born and brought up whose name was Aqulina. She was born in the year 281 AD. Her father was Eutolmius who was a Christian. She was very beautiful both physically and spiritually. She was brought up as a well disciplined and faithful Christian girl. She was very dear to Jesus Christ and loved him very dearly. She had complete and strong faith and trust in Jesus Christ and hence this helped her to live a holy life. She was well educated in the word of God and she had unusual knowledge. Hence this made her to be  liked by the preacher of that place. Hence he taught the word of God himself to Aqulina. Aqulina shared this knowledge of the word of God to all her friends and anyone who came to her with the thirst to know the word. All her friends and their parents were surprised to see the deep knowledge which Aqulina had in the word of God and her very appearance which carried the presence of God.        Many parents sighted or quoted Aqulina as a role model for their children.
    But Aqulina never cared for these praises. She always felt that, “I walk according to the will of God, and I don’t have anything to thing great about me.” This is the way she lived up to the age of twelve. By this time she had guided and changed the lives of many of her friends and helped them taste the love of Jesus Christ and helped them live a good and true Christian life. She did a perfect soul winning job for God. In those days when Christians were cruelly tortured and killed, this little girl risked her life for the sake of Jesus Christ. Deep within her heart the pain and compassion which she had towards to the young people of her age made her to act quickly to make them understand the love of Christ and turn them towards Jesus and thus prevent them from falling into eternal fire, Hell. She strongly believed that Jesus Christ had chosen her for this holy mission.
  This faith made her act so fast not bothered about the consequences. All that she had in mind was saving youngsters from the hands of satan and giving them in the hands of God. Her inbuilt desire for preaching and good knowledge of the word of God guided her in spreading the gospel. This word of God helped her and motivated her to live and die for Christ.
    In this situation, one day Aqulina turned the heart of a young boy towards Jesus Christ. This boy was a relative of the governor of that city by name Olsyian. This change of the boy was a great shock to his parents. Hence in order to escape from the anger of the emperor, they silently disclosed the activities of soul winning of Acqvilina to the governor. The very next day Acqvilina was arrested.
   The trial began.
   Governor Olsyian, “oh my dear daughter Aqulina, such a small little girl you are….. I can’t believe that you had converted a person to Christianity…. How was it possible for you dear….. Many children of your age won’t even know what religion itself… I am surprised to see you and the charge against you…. Who taught you to do so… who gave you this much of guts to do so….”
    Little girl Aqulina replied, “My Lord, the responsibility within me made me to do so… no one taught me… the love and affection which I have for Jesus Christ guided me from within my heart and thus I was able to introduce him to the world. He guides me from within and I act according to his guidance. I speak what he tells me and the person to whom he asks me to speak. I never do anything on my own. The ever living God who lives within me speaks through me since it is not I who lives but my Lord Jesus Christ who lives in me speaks……”
     This reply of Aqulina left the governor speechless. He was greatly surprised to see that even great men and tough people stand dumb before the governor in fear and tension of what will be asked of them and what will happen to them. But this little girl had so much of guts and clearly stated her answer in front of all gathered there and specially before the governor. He could not believe the way she spoke, clearly and patiently and precisely. He was greatly surprised about her knowledge. Looking at her innocent face
    Governor said, “Since I am in your father’s age, it makes me have great compassion on you. Just leave all that happened in the past. I am ready to forgive you. But there is something called as the law and you and I are bound by it. So bow down before our king and the roman gods and worship them. For this is the only way you could save your life….. Go ahead and do it little child…”
    Aqulina replied, “My Lord, I respect our king and I will show my due respect to him. But I can never accept him as a god, nor will I accept any of the roman gods or any other gods as my gods. For I know that Jesus Christ is the only true god. I will never worship or offer sacrifices to any other gods other than the ever living God Jesus Christ. I was born as a Christian, I lived as a Christian and I will die as a Christian for the love of Jesus Christ.” This answer aroused the anger of the governor.
    The governor said, “look little girl, I think you are not aware of what you are speaking. Do not insult our gods or our great king. You will have to face very severe consequences and punishment. Think before you speak. Taking into consideration your  innocence and your age, I give you one more chance. Think and speak…. Go ahead and worship our king and our roman gods so that you can save your life. If you want I will give you few days time for you to think and convey your reply. Up to that time you may remain in prison.” But Acqvilina gave an immediate reply.
    Aqulina said, “My Lord, you are actually wasting your time. Time and days will not change my decision. Jesus is within me….. He has given his greatest command that I am the lord your god and you shall have no other gods…serve the lord your god with all your heart, your entire mind and all your soul and with all your strength. He is God Almighty. I will never go against his command. All your gods are created by my almighty god. They are just the works of his hands. I will worship the creator and not the creation. The creation has no power on its own….. Hence I will never commit the sin of worshiping those false gods and there by displeasing my God. I am ready to accept your punishment. Go ahead and do what you would do to a Christian. I don’t need your sympathy. I am ready and happy to die as a witness to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nothing can change my decision.”
   Governor Olysian replied, “Oh I see….. I did a great mistake of considering you as a small innocent girl…. No one would ever dare to speak in my presence or even look up at my face…. But you have not only spoke against my words but have insulted me in front of all these people. Hence the punishment that I will give you will be a lesson for all those who dare to stand against me….. You have insulted our king and all our roman gods…. I will give you the right punishment my girl….. Alright…. Take this girl and disfigure her face… peel off her skin…. Pierce her ears with hot iron rods… torment her till she surrenders to us…. Don’t have any mercy for her… go ahead immediately…”
    Aqulina said, “Respected Governor….. I actually thank you for this punishment you have given me. You have actually given me a chance to take part in the suffering of Christ. Yes now I have a chance to prove my love for my Master. I am never scared of this. For, he who is in me is greater than who is in the world and that includes you too. Whatever sufferings you may impose on me, my Lord god will give me the grace to go through it and endure it patiently just like how he did. But never expect me to surrender to your will at any cost.  Death is my victory for my God is all powerful to give me new life. I give all the glory to my Lord Jesus Christ.”
    Immediately all arrangements for executing the punishment was done. The arena which was near the coast was overflowing with the spectators. Aqulina was tied to a tall wooden post in the centre of the ground. Then she was stripped of her garments and was made to stand naked before all present there.  One soldier constantly punched on her face while two other soldiers whipped her front and back so harshly that her flesh went flying in the air. That blood which gushed out of her wounds covered the face of those who tormented her. This incident reminds us of the way Jesus Christ was scourged at the pillar. Since the soldier constantly punched Aqulina’s face, her face was completely disfigured.
   At this stage one of the men who were executing the punishment stopped and said, “You little girl, how dare you go and speak against the governor…. What did you say? Your Jesus Christ speaks from with you.... oh what a pity…. Call him now, let us all listen to what your Jesus speak…. Ha ha ha ha ha…. Oh don’t hesitate for you have very little time and after that you won’t be able to speak for ever…. Go on and call him and ask him to come and save you from our hands…..”But to everyone’s surprise Acqvilina spoke in that condition also.
    Aqulina said, “You who are of little faith…. You blind men….. You can’t see him standing here….. but I can see him… he is standing here right in front of me giving me strength to undergo all these sufferings. With his strength I will endure any amount of torture…..”
    These words of Aqulina irritated the soldier and he brought two hot iron rods and said, “Little girl…. You gave an excellent speech and now it is time for action dear… said that you can endure even severe punishment isn’t it….. Now let us try this one….” So saying he pierced those iron rods into her ears and turned them with all his strength. The heat of the iron rods was so high that smoke and blood gushed out of her ears and nose….. Her brain melted due to the heat and oozed out of the pores in her forehead as water. Aqulina fainted and fell to the ground. The local physician came and confirmed that Aqulina had died. All the spectators left the arena with heavy heart feeling sorry for their inability to do anything against this treacherous act. Aqulina died as a martyr on 13th June, 293 AD
The Governor who could not bear the defeat that he was not able to make Aqulina surrender to him, commanded stating, “Take this lifeless body and throw it out of the city. Do not burry her. Let the dogs, birds of the sky and wild animals feed on it. This is my command and no one is to disobey.” So saying, he went to his house. In the same way Aqulina’s body was thrown out of the city boundary. That night an angel came and woke up and said, “Aqulina wake up. You have done the best thing which was very much pleasing in the sight of the Lord. Jesus Christ is very happy and pleased in your witness and death. But you can still continue your mission. Go and meet the governor. When you meet him the power of the Lord will be manifested…. The thoughts of the governor will never be fulfilled.”
    Immediately Aqulina arose and went into the city. The city gates opened and the governor’s palace gates opened up giving way for her to pass through. Aqulina entered the governor’s bedroom and woke him. When the governor saw her he shouted out, “oh no no ….. a spirit…. Evil spirit…..” Aqulina said, “Do not shout…. It is all over… you have lost the battle…. I have won…. See my Lord has given me new life…. I am standing right before you alive…..”
   Olysian could not believe that she has come back alive…. Still he gathered all his courage and called out…. “Guards! Arrest her and put her in prison… I will be head her tomorrow morning”. Immediately the soldiers came and arrested Aqulina and put her in prison. A historical record states that the next day early morning she was beheaded and killed. Some other historical records state that before dawn Jesus Christ had taken away her spirit to heaven. In order to escape the king’s punishment the soldier who guarded her in prison, cut off her head and said that the punishment was executed. Any way Aqulina died as a martyr and was buried out of the city.
    Many years later a memorial was built in the place where she was buried and also in the place near the prison where she was beheaded. At present the prison where she was kept has been converted into a church and the place where she was beheaded has been modified as small tomb. At present this church and the monastery is taken care of by the Maroni priests of Lebanon. According to the wish of the people, the Roman Catholic Church declared that Aqulina as a saint and honored her. She is the patron saint of children who are in the mother’s womb up to the children who are yet to enter their teen age. This is well proved by one of the miracles which are associated to Acqvilina and small children.
    Once, a couple by name George and Georgit had come to live in the city of Byblos. Georgit was 8 months pregnant and her husband had gone to a place near Baca which was 50 kms from their residence. Suddenly Georgit suffered from labor pain and with the help of the women near her house she was admitted in the hospital. The doctor who examined her said that the baby in her womb will be delivered as a premature baby. Georgit was quiet upset on hearing this and she called for her husband. By that time five hours had passed and she became very weak. She looked up to mother Mary and prayed to her stating, “Dear Lady of hope, I look up to you for help. I don’t want my child to be a premature baby. I want it to be in my womb up to the fulfillment of time. You have to take care of my child and me. If there is a chance of loss of life of my baby, then take my life also.”
   So saying she fell asleep and she had a dream. In that dream she saw her bedroom and the picture of a twelve year old girl come alive. That picture was left there in her house by someone who had stayed there before. That girl in the picture spoke to her and said, “dear lady your prayer has been answered by Jesus Christ and he sent me to you. I am the patron saint of all the children who are of age group from the womb up to twelve years. I belong to this Byblos city and I stay near to your place. If you seek me you will find me. Now tell me what do you need?”
   Georgit replied, “little child are you a heavenly being…. An angel…. The light rays which are passing from you are similar to those rays which surround Jesus Christ. I want to bear my child up to the completion of time and have a safe delivery. I don’t have anyone in this place that could help me. This is my wish.”
   Aqulina replied, “Do not worry dear lady. You will have a safe delivery at the fulfillment of time. Do not feel that you are alone in this place. I will be there with you always.” So saying, she disappeared. That very moment Georgit felt that she was completely healed.  Georgit returned home and she picked up the picture of Aqulina which was in her bed room. She enquired about the person in the picture among her neighbors. One lady took her to the grave of Aqulina which was situated in the next street where Georgit was staying. Georgit went inside the church and knelt down before the picture of Saint Acqvilina and thanked her. She had a safe delivery and the baby was baptized in that church. The baby was named as Aqulina.
    The life history of Saint Aqulina who lived in the third century AD, and suffered and died as a witness to Jesus Christ was written by Saint Joseph and this history is still being preserved by the Maroni priests of Lebanon. This saint was almost forgotten by the people of the world for about 17 centuries time and now her name and fame has resumed its importance. Her feast is being celebrated by the people of Lebanon. There is a good reason for this…. Since satan knows that he has very little time left in this world, he is on the keen look out to gather souls to hell to be with him in eternal suffering. He (satan), along with his demonic spirits, attack people of all age groups, right from small children up to elders.
   Hence our almighty God also sends his angels, holy men and woman back to this world to protect his people…. All those who call to him for help and protection….. he sends the saints who have died as martyrs to safeguard his people from the hands of satan. Hence all those saints who have been forgotten in the course of time will be brought back to remembrance and reverence in these last days.    
     The people of Lebanon have named a very important and busy business route, near the church where Aqulina’s head was cut off, as Acqvilina’s street. Every year June 13th is celebrated as a feast day of Saint Aqulina for she died on that day. It is a grand festival and many children and youngsters pray to her for their protection and seek her to help them to lead a holy life pleasing in the eyes of God. This is a country where terrorism is at its heights. There is not a single day which passes by without the sound of bomb blast. But their patron saint protects them from all the dangers.
As it is rightly said in Isaiah 40:31 “But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” ………… Our little young eagle, Aqulina too was indeed an eagle as stated in this verse……..

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lord where are you going? (DOMINE QUO VADIS)

Lord where are you going? (DOMINE QUO VADIS)
This incident took place in 64 AD

    The Apian Street in the city of Rome was flooded with people. The citizens of Rome were greatly troubled with fear in their hearts. They did not know what will happen and what they could do in that situation. Many of them fled from the city out of fear. The citizens of Rome who had already lost all their belongings due to the fire which flared up to the sky all over the city, were now not ready to risk their lives also. So, all the citizens were busy moving here and there with their family and children to save their lives.  But they could not change the fate. They were not able to move out of the city. The Roman soldiers prevented their escape from the city, assaulted them cruelly and sent them back into the city. The people were not allowed to leave the city because the government had appointed an enquiry commission to find out who was the cause for setting the city on fire. This was actually a false reason given by the Roman soldiers to keep the citizens from leaving the city and also arrested them. In order to know what had actually happened, we have the letter written by a young man by name Dacticus. He had actually seen all that happened from the time the city was set on fire, who was the cause and all followed the fire. This letter is considered as remarkable historical evidence to know the incident better. The contents of the letter are as follows:
    “It was June 16, 64 AD. All of a sudden fire broke out in the area which was situated at the bottom of the Vatican mount, among the residential area where the poor people and Christians lived, which was next to the ciecus nero (place where deadly games were played). Many people who tried to put out the fire were not allowed to do so. Those who struggled among the oppression and tried to put out the fire were severely attacked and wounded by the men around. These men were few of the Roman officials and soldiers who had come in disguise and prevented the men who struggled to put out the fire. Even those places where the fire had been put out started to blaze again. This fire started to spread to many parts of the city as if it was pre planned. At a point the blazing fire was out of control. Thus the whole city of Rome was burning for almost a week.
Rome in present scenario
    The city of Rome consists of 14 districts. But only 4 districts were saved from the fire accident. Even a part of the palace of great king Nero was destroyed by the fire. Many used to say that when the city of Rome was blazing in fire, King Nero was playing his violin stating this is the way the city of Troy was set on fire. The gladiator’s arena was oval in shape. The arena was uses to conduct races among the horse battalion and chariot battalion of the king, chariot races, wrestling games among the soldiers and also terrific deadly games among the slaves and soldiers (gladiators). [Even today there is a circular shaped arena in Rome which is called as Colosseum of Rome.
    There were many such arenas in the city of Italy in the ancient days] But this arena which we are describing here in our story is situated at the bottom of the Vatican mount, which was in an oval shape and was exclusively built for the Roman Kings. A tall stone pillar was set at the centre of the semicircle space of the arena. All the shops which were located around the exterior part of the arena were burnt down due to the fire. Due to the severity of the fire all the soldiers, the players and the slaves who were indie the arena during the fire were burnt and their bodies were roasted in the heat.   
   As far as my knowledge is concerned, this fire is not an accident. Someone has deliberately planned and set the city on fire. It could be none other than King Nero. He must have done this terrible act. Otherwise none of the Christians would come forward to accept that they were the ones who set the city on fire. The Christians also stated that since King Nero hated the Christians they did this terrible act. This clearly shows that the fire accident was preplanned by King Nero. If not, will anyone ask the Christians to vacate from their residential place and build an arena along with a grand palace?
   If king Nero was a kind hearted king who was so concerned about the welfare of his people, will he go an take over the lands of poor Christians and show great interest in building the grand palace called as the golden palace (domous aara). Also since the building of this palace required huge amount of government money, the Senate did not agree on this building. This is the details of the letter in a nut shell.
    Three months post this fire accident; a great tragedy awaited the Christians. The Senate council could not ascertain the exact number of victims of the fire accident and also they were not able to ascertain the value of property lost.  Since the loss of life and property was beyond calculation the Senate council decided to put all their efforts to find out the reason and person behind the fire accident.
   This was an alarm bell for King Nero. Since he feared that his plot will get discovered, he put the blame on the Christians that they were the culprits behind the fire accident. He blamed only a few of the Christians but it ultimately led to the blaming of the entire Christians. For this he spread a false doctrine that Christians are those who drink the blood of their own children. To prove this, King Nero quoted the custom of breaking the bread and drinking of wine which the Christians followed as instructed by Jesus Christ. He concluded stating that Christians are worse barbarians or cannibals who drink the blood of human beings. Hence Christians were considered as those who are to be feared and not trustworthy and also great enemies of the government. As a result, death punishment fell on the Christians. As an effort of finding out the true culprits behind the fire accident, King Nero assaulted the Christians to the maximum extent.
     The lady who showed great interest in making King Nero to sit on the throne of Rome was his mother Agripina. In order to fulfill this ambition of her, she poisoned King Nero’s elder brother, Britanicas, and killed him. But as the bible saying goes, “you will reap what you sow”, in order to prevent this murder plan from being leaked out, King Nero killed his own mother with his sword.
    An old story states that since his mother interfered a lot in his personal and official issues, King Nero killed her. His thirst for blood did not stop with his mother. He killed his wife Claudia Octavia who was just nineteen years of age stating that she was barren and could not bear him a child. He killed his second wife by name Poppaea when she had nearly reached the stage of delivery, by kicking her on the stomach. Hence she delivered the child as a premature baby and died during delivery. Both the mother and the child became a prey to the merciless act of Nero. After this King Nero married Poppaea’s sister. When it came to doubt or suspicion King Nero killed anyone who was in that area, whether it was his friends or foes or anyone for that matter. He was fond of food and ate a lot. Some times when he took part in official parties and went for lunch, he would not get up from the banquet hall even after dinner. He was so fond of eating.
     In this tough situation King Nero’s daughter, Thomniya, accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior through the fervent teachings of a saint by name Saint Pothina. Thus King Nero’s daughter became a Christian. Not only Thomniya accepted Jesus Christ and became a Christian, but her change brought a change in her surroundings also. Her maids in the palace and many of the soldiers in the prison accepted Jesus Christ and became Christians.
   This saint Pothina is none other than the Samaritan woman by name Theena, who spoke with Jesus and got the living waters near the well of Jacob. Her whole life changed after her conversation with Jesus. She turned away from her old sinful life and started to preach the good news to all the people. She became a minister of the gospel. Hence she was brought for trial before King Nero. King Nero imprisoned her along with five women who belonged to her family. Every day the soldiers used to break the hand and leg bones of these women in the presence of King Nero’s daughter Thomniya. But in the night Jesus Christ would appear and heal them. 
    This incident took place for many days. Thominya was surprised at this miracle and hence she started to thirst to know about the reason behind this miracle. Thus she came to know about Jesus Christ through the Samaritan woman Theena and accepted Him as her Lord and savior. All the maids in the palace saw this miracle and accepted Jesus Christ and became Christians.
   Thus the anger of King Nero was aroused. The result of his anger was terrible. He caught hold of his daughter and nearly hundred men and women of his palace who had become Christians (this did not include saint Pothina). He made them naked and crucified them on the cross in the palace garden. Before they could die he ordered his soldiers to burn them alive. He did all these breathtaking activities in his presence. He did not have any compassion or fear. He was like a rock.
     When saint Pothina heard of all these terrible activities of King Nero, she was very much worried and hence started to advice King Nero. She met him and corrected him. She tried to change the hard heart of King Nero. But is it every possible to change satan????? That was exactly the condition of King Nero. He was satan in the form of a human being. When she knew that it was no use to give patient advice to King Nero, she started to warn him. She said, “Nero, you are not worthy to be called a man….. You are a beast… you have the spirit which thirsts for blood…. Innocent blood of people….. Very soon you will see the hand of anger of the Lord… you will not and cannot escape from the wrath of God….. no one will be there to advice you or to protect you….. Your days are counted and you will meet your downfall very soon….” So saying she spat at the face of King Nero. So saying, she laughed a loud. It is not an easy task to speak before kings that to a king like Nero. But this woman spoke boldly, stated his terrific destiny, and also spat on his face and laughed aloud. This is really astonishing and we should appreciate the guts this woman saint had in her heart.
     She definitely had her reward from the hands of King Nero. She was tied and thrown into a barren well upside down. All her bones were broken. She was alive for three days and then she died in the well. Her gospel mission and holy life which started in the well in Samaria ended in the barren well in Rome. But this did not cool the heated heart of King Nero. He could not tolerate to accept the fact that a woman had cursed him, stated his destiny and above all spat on his face. But his mind had different and surprising ideas. He thought to himself, if two Christian women could have so much of guts, what will be the guts of Christian men???? How many Christians are there in our kingdom???? What will happen to me if all these Christians in the Roman Empire join hands and oppose me??? Thus such thoughts raced across his mind and he decided to put an end to the Christian community in his empire. He feared that if the Christians are not kept under control then it would become a great danger for his life in the near future.
     So he decided to destroy them from his kingdom. Hence he ordered tough punishments on the Christians. During this situation a rumor spread among the people that there are high chances of Apostle Peter to be arrested by the Roman authorities. Hence his disciples requested Apostle Peter to leave the city of Rome immediately. Since the people had learnt a lot of valuable teachings through Apostle Peter and also since Apostle Peter was a unique head who lead them in the right path, the people considered the survival of Peter as very essential. Hence they requested him to escape from Rome and save his life.
“The footsteps of Lord Jesus”
    Hence Peter also got ready to leave Rome. When Peter was walking on the Appian Street in Rome, he saw Jesus Christ walking towards him carrying a cross. Immediately Peter fell down at Jesus’ feet and said, “My Lord where thou goest with the cross on thy shoulder?” for this Jesus replied, “what to do my dear Peter. Since you are running away from your duty, I have come to accomplish the same in your place. You are running away from my people, the sheep of your flock, out of fear for a human being. But I can’t run like you. So I am going to Vatican to suffer on the cross in your place. You go in your path and save your life.” These words of Jesus Christ pierced the heart of Peter like sharp arrows.   
     He understood his flaw and said, “Lord Jesus Christ, now you have clearly shown me the way I have to die. Be it done as you wish. I am not a coward. I am prepared for the destiny you have decided for me. But Lord why should we suffer so much? We have not done anything wrong for anyone. But why do people look us with enmity?” Jesus Christ replied, “Peter have you forgotten the way I suffered and died on the cross. I am the most holy God and I had not done anything wrong for anyone. Still I was crucified. Why? Because unless a grain falls on the ground and dies it will not give hundred fold yield. This suffering and death is similar to this.”
    There is a church in the place where Jesus Christ met Peter. The name of this church is Domine Quo Vadis, which means “Lord where thou goest?”People have taken the impression of the footsteps of Lord Jesus on marble stone and it is still preserved. The original portrait is kept in Saint Sebastian church.  Peter was arrested along with his family and kept in Mamertine prison.
   This was an underground prison built without any ventilation. But Peter dug a fountain inside the prison and with the help of the water he baptized many of the inmates of the prison. Thus the prison became a church. This aggravated King Nero. He said to himself, all the inmates of the prison have become Christians….. These people are not afraid of the strict punishments which I enforced on them…. Is it that they are not scared of the punishments or is it that the punishments are less severe??? I am not going to spare any one of these Christians…. I will first kill the man of God, Peter and his family….. Let the people witness it and fear me. Let the punishment thrust the spirit of fear in every ones heart…. No one should henceforth even utter the word Jesus….
      Accordingly Peter’s wife was brought to be killed. Peter wept to see his wife…. “My dear wife…. You are going ahead of me…. Fear not…. This path of suffering will not harm you in any way…. Just a little more and our Lord Jesus Christ will receive your spirit in his hands…. His presence will be with you…. You will be taken to eternal glory and happiness…. I will meet you in heaven tomorrow.” So saying he bid farewell to his wife. Some historical facts state that Peter’s wife was crucified and some other records state that she was beheaded and killed.
       The punishment of Peter’s daughter Petronilla.
   Peter’s daughter was unmarried. A roman prince by name Flaccus lusted for her beauty. But Petronilla refused to accept his proposal and fasted and protested his wish. After this incident Peter kept her hidden secretly in a tower from eligible men. Since she accepted Jesus Christ, she had not wished for earthly life and pleasure.  Petronilla along with Veronica who was called as Seraphie prepared the bread for the last supper and Jesus Christ greatly appreciated her for it. A historical fact states that she fasted and prayed and died since she did not have any interest in marriage or this world. But some of the historical facts state that she died a heroic death as a martyr. Her grave is located in a part of the St.Peter’s cathedral in Rome. She is also called the patron saint of the travelers of France.
   The next day Peter was brought to be crucified in the same place where his wife was killed. According to his wish he was crucified upside down on the cross since he felt that he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as his master and Lord was crucified. “In your last days you will have your hands wide open and you will be tied and taken to the place which will be against your wish.” This prophecy of Jesus was fulfilled in the life of Peter. But this death of Peter was a terrible one. Since he was crucified upside down, all the blood will be circulated towards the brain. All the arteries and veins in the brain and face will not be able to push the blood towards the legs and will be flooded with the blood. Hence the blood pressure will increase in the veins in the parts of the eyes and the brain and eventually they will burst. The pain will be unbearable. Also the blood will get stagnant around the heart and thus the lungs will be affected making it difficult to breath. Since the brain will be alive till the last breath, the pain will be felt till the person dies. Peter suffered all this pain while he was hanging upside down on the cross at the age of seventy and he died.  
     The tall stone which was brought from Egypt witnessed all these incidents. This stone witnessed the death of many of the martyrs and if it had the chance to speak it would describe the life and death of the martyrs very clearly. This stone itself has a history. This stone is called as the “Victory Pillar of Vatican” Two thousand years ago when the holy family left for Egypt they stayed in a place called as Hierapolis. In that city the Egyptian kings, Pharos, had kept a tall stone pillar about 150 ft. tall and around 110 ton weight as a memorial of their victory. This stone was placed 1500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. When the Egyptian kingdom was taken over by the Romans under the leadership of Augustus Caesar, this stone was taken to Rome through a ship. This stone was placed in the Circus Nero arena. This arena was named after the kings who ruled in from time to time. During the time of King Nero, this arena was called CIRCUS NERO. All the chariot races should race around this huge stone. This stone which was brought as a memorial of their victory over the Egyptians was called as a pillar of victory. After the death of Julius Caesar, his ashes were collected in a round shaped container and were placed on the top portion of this stone.
    After the death of Peter his disciples took his body and buried it in the plains of Vatican mount. In that place rose the head church called as the Vatican church. The St.Peter’s church was built over the grave of St.Peter.  The stone which witnessed the death of Saint Peter and many other martyrs was taken and placed in the altar of Saint Peter. On one of its side it is written as, “JESUS IS GOD….JESUS IS MESSIAH…. JESUS IS THE SAVIOUR….. JESUS IS LORD…..JESUS DIVIDED THE TIME….. JESUS IS NOT LIMITED BY TIME” In order to bear witness for these words, this stone pillar now stands as a sun clock which shows the time. The container which contained the ash of Julius Caesar was removed from the stone pillar and was replaced by the cross of Jesus Christ. The history and life of this pillar of victory is around 4000 years.
   The words of Jesus Christ, “Peter… you are the rock… and upon this rock I will build my church…. The gates of hell shall never overcome it” has come true. Hence in one part of the stone pillar a prayer to cast out demons is also engraved. Four lions with their tails intertwined with each other are placed on the four corners of this stone pillar to depict the words, “behold the Lion of Judah…. Flee you enemies”.  This stone pillar which was placed about 400 years ago will stand here forever. This pillar has seen the times of many great kings and their lives and death. But all those kingdoms and kings are gone…. But the kingdom of heaven and our heavenly king Jesus Christ will live and reign forever. This kingdom has been founded on Peter the rock… is indeed a strong foundation.
    King Nero was charged with the crime of murder and robbery by the Senate. He was branded as a enemy of entire human race. Since this gave a fear in his heart he committed suicide in the year 68 AD on 9th June. The plight of the Christians during his reign could not be described with just words. The Christians were thrown as a prey to wild animals, they were burnt alive…

.. in order to provide light to the palace of king Nero during night hours…. Unless the wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it will not bring forth its yield…..the blood of each and every martyr is a grain which was shed on the soil. That blood which they shed so many years ago will continue to yield fruits forever.
    With the death of King Nero his Julio cladian race also came to an end. The beautiful golden palace which he built by taking away the lands and wealth of the Christians shattered to the ground very soon. In the same way his grave was also left without any one to care for or to maintain. But the Christian race which he wanted to destroy completely has grown and stands as a witness in the Vatican City. This is because Jesus is their strength and lives in them. This city is built on the grave of those who lived and died for Jesus Christ. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

The good seeds and bad seeds

                   The good seeds and bad seeds

Good seeds and bad seeds
There are many incidents which took place in the life of Jesus Christ when he was on this earth. The bible does not give us all the incidents which took place while Jesus was on this earth. I would like to state some interesting facts which took place in his life.
    Jesus Christ was about 33 years when this incident took place. He was very busy in his ministry of preaching the good news to the people. One day Jesus took his apostles and came to his birth place, Bethlehem.  There was not a single place where Jesus had not set his foot on. He travelled far and wide across the country busy in his mission of bringing the good news to the people. Though he had travelled to many places, this time when he came to Bethlehem he knew that it was his last visit and that his time to die has drawn near. But he has a lot of surprises awaiting him in Bethlehem. Everything happened as predestined by God the Father.
    As he entered Bethlehem, he saw an old man who had once lived a happy and wealthy life. But now he was in poverty. Jesus looked at him and he too looked at Jesus and identified who he was. He ran forward and welcomed Jesus saying, “Long live Lord Jesus”. Jesus was happy at his greetings and hugged him tight and shared his love and said, “I am happy to see you and delighted at your wish. You are so old and still you remember and greet me with so much of love and affection. Thank you so much for this kind greeting of yours’. Since your house is located right at the entrance of Bethlehem, you have a good chance to meet and greet all those who come to this city. It would be much better if you could welcome all those who come here so that they too will greet you.”
     On hearing this old man replied, “Dear Lord, this is a custom we are following from the time of our ancestors. This is our own house and for many generations we are here to welcome all those who come to this city. Anyone who comes to Bethlehem quenches their thirst and takes rest under my roof. I consider it a great privilege to do this and I have also trained my children to carry on this act after me. So I request you to come to my house and have a drink.”
    Jesus Christ was happy on this request and went into the house of the old man along with his apostles. When Jesus entered the house he asked the old man, “Where are your wife and children?” the old man gave a deep sigh and replied, “Lord, my children have gone into the city for some work and my wife is resting in a separate room due to illness. Especially she does not like to see men. All this happened because of her pride.”
    Jesus asked the old man, “What is the reason for her illness? What is she suffering from? Do tell me sir.” The old man said, “She is suffering from an issue of blood. She is having constant bleeding for the past 32 years. We have seen many doctors and spent enough and more. But no one was able to cure her.” Jesus asked the old man to bring his wife to him. So the old man went inside and brought his wife to Jesus by holding her hand for she was very weak and could not walk. Jesus was moved with compassion on seeing her for she was very thin and barely had strength to stand by herself. With the help of her husband she bowed down at Jesus’ feet. Jesus said, “You are healed of your sickness.” Immediately she was healed and she felt that her bleeding had stopped.
    The woman rose to her feet and jumped with joy. She was so happy for she was healed released of her bondage of sickness. She looked up at the face of Jesus and was surprised and said, “these are the same eyes and this is the same face……” she was happy to say this. Her husband was surprised and asked her, “ I know that you have not seen Jesus before and this is the first time you are seeing him, then how do you know that you have already know him?” his wife replied stating, “yes my dear, I have not seen him before. But I have seen his mother….. Yes I have seen her…. The same eyes, and face resemblance….. Even his hair resembles his mother. My Lord do you remember…. Why I am suffering from this disease for the past 32 years….. Do you know how I got this disease? It was all because of my pride…. My boastfulness…. You could have forgotten all that happened but I have not…. My Lord Jesus, your mother and I are of the same age.
    32 years ago, Joseph and my husband were childhood friends and were very close to each other. Once we had a function at our home. Your mother was nearing delivery and Joseph had brought her to our house. They had come to give their names for their name registration. The city was already overcrowded and all the hotels and lodges were flooded. When I knew that my husband’s dear friend had come, I made arrangements for his stay and kept people in charge of it. 
    After the party was over, I went to see Joseph and his wife along with my husband. The moment I saw Mary I was wonder struck. She was the fairest women I had ever seen. Her beauty was beyond words could describe and there was a divine aura around her and I just fell down at her feet. She blessed me and greeted me.
   But the evil spirit within me took control of my mind. I feared that my husband might become a slave for her exceeding beauty and so all that was in my mind was to send them out of my house. The next day somehow I managed to send them away. Then I heard from my husband that she delivered a boy baby in a cattle shed. I did not want to go and see her for I hated her so much because of her beauty. But my husband went and saw them and came home. My husband was very much hurt at my behavior.”
    Then her husband spoke and said, “My friend Joseph circumcised and named his boy child and had sent a word for me so that I could join in his happiness. I called my wife by she refused to come with me. So I went alone and met my dear friend Joseph and conveyed all that had happened and said that I was sorry. But Joseph was very friendly and hugged me with love and affection as my ever dear friend. Lord Jesus when you hugged me before a few minutes, I experienced the same warmth and affection which I experienced when Joseph hugged me. I gave some gifts to my friend Joseph and asked him to give his son to me. He gave his son and I could not describe the joy I had when I held the child in my hands and the way the child looked at me and smiled. I wrapped the child in a new linen cloth.”
    Then his wife spoke and said, “After this incident, fate changed my life in a different way. I was so beautiful in those days and hence it lead to a great pride in my heart. I was very proud of my beauty and ultimately became arrogant. I never respected or cared for anyone. I spoke harsh words to everyone and hence I lost all my friends and relatives. Since I suspected my husband and unnecessarily feared that my husband would fall for the beauty of Mary and leave me, god punished me. I was struck with the constant bleeding sickness. I lost everything, my beauty, my wealth, my friends and relatives and ultimately lost everything I had. I hated this life and shut myself inside this room. Lord I ask your forgiveness…. Please do forgive me for all that I had done. This is the same room your parents stayed where you are sitting down right now.”
   Jesus was silent for a moment and then spoke, “Mother I am happy to know that you had treated my parents as your guest. I am also glad to know that my parents are your friends. Thanks for all the good you have done for them. Father I thank you for loving me when I was a baby in your hands. So now I want to give you a token of love for your love and kindness.” So saying Jesus handed out a small towel to the old man. It was the same linen cloth which the old man had given Jesus when Jesus was a baby.
   The old man was surprised on seeing it and asked, “My Lord have you not used this towel at all? It is so new…” Jesus said, “I did not use it but I had kept it safe with me up to this time.
[This old man had a chance to cover the nakedness of Jesus when he was a baby. The old man’s son also got a chance to cover up the nakedness of Jesus. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, he hung naked between earth and sky, in front of his dear mother, in front of the holy women and in front of this whole world. He was badly wounded and his whole body was covered with blood. it pained him a lot and more pain was his nakedness. Jesus saw mother Mary as the last person before he could close his eyes once for all. But before that Jesus saw another man running up Mount Calvary. He was none other than the son of the old man, who ran with a new linen cloth in his hand. Jesus died on the cross before he could reach and this man covered Jesus with the new linen cloth which he had brought for Jesus. That old man’s son had the privilege to cover the nakedness of Jesus. Then he accepted Jesus as his savior and later became a saint.]
     Then Jesus came to a place called Bethsoor along with his disciples. This is the place where the three kings who came to see Jesus (when he was a baby) had stayed. This is the place where the shepherds and their families stayed. When Jesus came to Bethlehem for the last time, the then shepherd head met Jesus and rejoiced on seeing him. Jesus went beside the grave of the shepherd’s head who had died. (this is the person who came to see Jesus when he was born). When they opened his grave they saw that the body had not decayed, though this person had died three years ago.
    At that time a man came running from the fields and fell down at the feet of Jesus. He said that he too had come to see Jesus when Jesus was born along with his father and that he was 10 years of age at that time. Jesus was happy. The man further said that he took part in the celebration at the time of the circumcision of Jesus, also Joseph had given him bread and milk and fruits. He said that he and his father had helped the three kings by carrying their luggage’s and things. The three kings were happy about their service and thanked them and gave them triangular shaped gold coins and gifts and that he had preserved those gold coins all these years. So saying he showed Jesus some of the coins.
    He further said that when Mary and Joseph had fled to Egypt, the kings men came and enquired the man’s father for which the man’s father replied, “we saw that couple with their son when we were sowing corn. But you have come searching for them at the time of harvest….. You are so late…..” but actually the corn had grown instantly. It was indeed a great surprise for us. Jesus listened to the story as if he was not aware of any of these things which had taken place. The boy further said, “the soldiers said to themselves that it is six months for the sowing and harvesting of corn and that they had come too late to search for them and so they returned back to the kings palace.
    Jesus smiled at the man and said, “Dear friend, what do you want? Ask me and I will grant your wish”. The man replied, “Dear sir, I don’t need anything, I just need your love always. I have a good field which gives good yield. But only corn grows in this. The ground is full of rocks making it unsuitable for growth of any other grains.” On hearing this, Jesus blessed the land and it became good soil. So with the love and blessing of Jesus any kind of hard rocky heart will melt down as a loving heart. This is the man who sowed good deeds.
     Jesus entered another field which belonged to a person who was a hard hearted man. He was selfish and did not believe in Jesus Christ. He hated Jesus for some unknown reason. He felt that Jesus had nothing new to say than his forefathers. Also he did not like the fact that Jesus called himself the Messiah. He considered it as blasphemy. He waited for a chance to question Jesus.
    He was around 45 years of age and was working in his field when Jesus came that way. The man looked at Jesus and his anger reached its heights. He started to scold Jesus and said, “welcome blasphemer…. You who call yourself the messiah…..are you not ashamed of it? Who gave you the rights to call you like that?” but Jesus was cool at these statements since this man spoke out of his ignorance. Jesus asked him, “dear friend, what do you want?” the man replied, “Just mind your business and leave this place. I know you tricks. You have come here to curse me. Your curse will not do anything to me….. Keep your blessings and curse with you and leave this place immediately.”
   Still Jesus was calm and asked him, “Friend, what are you doing?” the man replied, “Are you blind???? Can’t you see that I am sowing? I am sowing man…. I am sowing stones…..” Still Jesus was calm and said, “Let it happen as you said. You will reap what you sow and so since you sowed stones, you will reap stones. ” so saying Jesus left the place pitying that man.
     As Jesus said all the seeds which the man had sowed turned out into stones and it grew hundred fold and thousand fold…. All were stones and just stones. Whatever seeds he sowed they just grew to be stones. Since these stones grew in number, soon that good field became a field full of rocks, unsuitable for farming. This is the power of the tongue and what we speak. Hence the bible also states, “Life and death are in the authority of the tongue.”
   This man became a nomad and he did not change his ways till his end. His anger on Jesus grew day by day in his heart and he waited for a chance to take revenge on Jesus. Somehow, he got the friendship of the roman soldiers. He was one of the soldiers who scourged Jesus at the pillar. After a long time he got a chance to take revenge and he utilized this opportunity in the right way. He hit Jesus with all his anger and power. Then he made a crown of thorns and placed it on Jesus’ head. Then he took a stick and hit him and said, “Long live the king of Jews.” As he hit Jesus a thorn pierced Jesus’ face and stood between Jesus’ eyes and nose. This was a terrible hit and all the heaven and earth shook with pain to see this. This added to the pain of Jesus’ sufferings.
     Thus this made the right eye of Jesus to swell. Jesus was unable to open his eye. In order to ensure whether he had hit Jesus in the right way, he turned and looked at Jesus’ face. He saw blood pouring out of the wounds in the face of Jesus. He was still not satisfied. He spat on Jesus’ face. Now he was happy that his vengeance was served. He went to his home. All this took place within a short span of time. Jesus died and after his death this man’s life also changed. Not only the life of this man but the life of many of the people who took active part in hurting Jesus from the garden of Gethsemane up to mount Calvary, changed. Yes it was a great change….. They became the followers of Christ. But the land of this man alone still remains barren and full of rocks. It has not changed. It stands as a witness of what was sown and what was reaped.
“And the tongue is a fire, a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body and setting on fire the wheel of birth, being itself ignited by hell……. Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not to be so.” – James 3”6, 10. So let us be careful in what we speak and win the blessing of God all through our life. Amen.
the good seeds and bad seeds