Thursday, September 17, 2015

The victory of the lord - Battle of Vienna.

The victory of the lord - Battle of Vienna.

September 11 is an important day in the world history. The majestic twin towers of America were attacked by the terrorist on September 11. But this September 11 has witnessed another important attack in history which is known to only a handful of people who know the Christian history. In the year 1683, September 11, a terrific war broke out between the king of Islam and the Christian kings in the place called Vienna, the capital of Austria.
    King David praised the Lord stating, “Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the name of the Lord our God. They are bowed down and fallen, but we are risen and stand upright. O Lord, give victory; let the king answer us when we call.” – Ps. 20:7-9.
   This statement has however come true in our story which we are about to read. If we have to go ahead with the story we should first know some very important historical facts which would throw more light to the events to be discussed further. The byzantine kingdom (the modern Turkey) was a mighty kingdom under the rule of the Romans who belonged to Constantine Naples. The Romans ruled this kingdom between the time periods of 3rd century BC up to 12th century A.D. Then Constantine Naples came under the control of the Islamite’s who conquered this kingdom from the Romans. The Islamite’s had Istanbul as their headquarters. They had their palace located at Thopcapy in the city of Istanbul. Many of the Islamite kings were crowned in this palace. These Ottoman kings had great greed to conquer many nearby kingdoms and hence made the people of other states as their slaves and started to spread their religion through force and compulsion
   According to them the religion of Islam is the only true religion and all the other religions are false. All the other gods which are being worshiped by the people of the world are also false and hence they insisted in the concept that all the people all over the world should worship only the Islam god and follow their religion. For this reason they forced such hard religious practices on the people who belonged to the places which they conquered in war and brought under their control. This is the hard truth which history reveals to us. In this time period the great king Sulaimaan the magnificent, a great Ottoman king gathered a huge army under his leadership and set out with an aim of conquering the whole region of Europe and spread Islam in that region. His attack was very violent and the lands which he conquered became like those tossed by a whirlwind. He conquered almost all the places which he travelled to. Belgrade, Albania, Slovakia, and Hungary were some of the cities which were toppled upside down by the fierce attack of King Sulaimaan.
    The next city in his list was Austria and its capital was Vienna. This city of Austria is the heart of the great continent Europe. Hence the great King Mohammed thought that if he could conquer this city of Austria, then he can easily bring the rest of Europe under his control. But his calculations went wrong this time. His soldiers were already tired after the rigorous wars and battle field experiences. They were mentally and physically weak. Another opponent was the weather condition. It was rainy season and the river Danube was heavily flooded. Heavy out pour of rain and the fierce gushing river were the two powerful enemies which King Mohammed could not defeat. This was a huge loss for him and all that he won in the past days was just washed out at this one instance. All his provisions, food supplies and cattle were just like that washed away by this flooded river. The severe cold and constant downpour of rain lead to the spread of much dreadful contagious disease. They could not acquire food and hence all the soldiers and cattle including the king had to starve.
     Hence taking into consideration this adverse natural opposition, King Mohammed II was forced to drop his plan of further war. He returned to Istanbul as a failure to conquer the city of Austria. The king was deeply troubled about this incident. Also the thought that he was not able to conquer this small city of Austria which was actually like a speck of sand when compared to all the other East European countries which he had conquered, was a great insult and he was haunted by this thought day and night. Still he convinced himself saying that this too was the will of his god Allah. Hence Mohammed II spent the rest of his life with the unquenched desire of having not conquered the whole of Europe.
   The Ottoman kings who succeeded Mohammed II also had the same dream and tried to bring it to reality. They wanted to bring the whole of Europe under their control and spread the Islam religion in those areas and there by establish the rule of their god Allah. In 1571, King Salem II who was the then Byzantine king decided to capture the city of Venice which was located in the north eastern part of Italy. For this he came through the sea route and captured Cypress and Famagusta islands. But the island Malta and its people did not bend down to this king and opposed him strongly. So king Salem II could not conquer it easily. Hence the Ottoman king’s trial to conquer this island resulted in failure. The reason was even after a long time of waiting, the people of Malta Island did not surrender to this king. All their food and water provisions were over and they could not get food and water from elsewhere along the coastal areas. The island Malta was one of the colonies of the Spanish kings. The Governor of Malta Vallathey tactfully hindered the availability of food and water reserve. Hence King Salem II returned back to Istanbul along with his army. The encampment of the Islam king around the island of Malta and the destruction of Cypress and Famagusta  islands set across alarming shock waves in the minds and heart of the kings of Naples and Spain and the then Holy Pope Pious V.  All of them met together and formed a strong naval army and sent the army to meet the Ottoman naval army in the South Corinthian Sea.
  This war is named as the battle of Lepanto in history. The small handful naval army of the beloved Christian countries met with the giant swarm of Islam army, under the splendid leadership of their captain John who was just twenty years old. The battled took place on 7th October 1571 and in this battle the Christian army won with the excellent lead of its captain and the grace of our lady of Rosary. The Ottoman naval army was completely destroyed in this battle. Historical information states that around 80,000 of the famous Turkish army generals, and the brave soldiers were killed in this battle. The then Holy pope Clement announced this victorious day October 7th as the feast day of Our Lady of Rosary. (I have written about the victory of Our Lady of Rosary as a separate story where I have given a detailed description of this battle of Lepanto in it). Hence the great failure in 1529 AD which took place in Austria and the great defeat in the naval battle in 1571 AD became a strong wound in the hearts and history of the Ottoman kings.
    As a result of this deep wound in the year 1683 AD, Mehmet IV who was the then Ottoman king once again decided to capture Vienna, the capital of Austria. His thought was just not conquering the city but was something more than that. It was based on revenge which was the outburst of the deep wound of failure in the past. He waited to repay for the failures and somehow wanted to conquer the whole of Europe. He did not want to lose this battle at any cost. For this he carefully analyzed all the week points in the previous battle which lead to their failure and carefully set out an exhaustive plan which will lead to sure success. He wanted to take out the very thought and every trace of failure from the history of the Ottoman kings. 
    In order to plan for the events to follow, King Mehmet IV called his chief official who was also the army general for the entire Ottoman troops by name Kara Mustafa Pasha. This chief official was also called as THE GRAND VIZIER. Mustafa’s parents belonged to Albania. He was born at Merzifonlu. His bride belonged to Gopurulu king’s family who were very famous in those days. Later with his constant efforts and outstanding acts of bravery he grew up to the level of army general. Kara Pasha was entitled with many honorable posts in the government side and very soon he rose up to the level of Chief Government Official. On receiving the invitation from King Mehmet IV, he set out to along with his men to meet the king in his palace at Thapkapi.
     When Kara Pasha entered the palace, Mehmet IV was seated in his royal throne and Kara Pasha got down from his horse and bowed down before the king, his forehead touching the ground to show his mark of respect. After this greeting he went and stood before the king with the same politeness.
Mehmet IV welcomed Kara Pasha and said, “Welcome Pasha….. I welcome you to my palace. I consider it a great honor and privilege to welcome the great Vizier and chief official of this great Byzantien  Islam kingdom. I hope you must know of my invitation to meet you. We should achieve what was lost by our forefathers. This victory of ours should mark a new beginning in the Ottoman history. We should conquer the whole of Europe. For this we should first conquer the capital city of Austria, namely Vienna. I want it in the first place. This city is the heart of Europe and so if the heart is conquered then it would be a much easy task to conquer the rest of the empire. Yes do you understand my plan…… with the fall of Vienna, Rome will fall and with the fall of Rome the entire Christian countries will fall…… they will fall to the bottom less pit….. And what next…. Our great religion Islam will flourish in Europe. All the churches in Europe will become Mosques… long live the name of Allah….. I trust you that you will bring my dream into reality…..I trust in your bravery and your efficient tactics. I am ready to give anything to earn the victory of Vienna. I am not going to come along with you for this battle. But I want you to go on my behalf and accomplish my dream. For this, I give you a model of my scepter……. Behold the model scepter; anyone in my kingdom will bow down before this scepter. Your word shall be my word. I also give you the keys of my treasury. You can take as much as you want but in return you should give me the victory of Vienna. Along with these, take the green flag which bears the name of our great Lord Allah and be careful to maintain its glory. I bless you in the name of our almighty God Allah and may he give you victory in all that you do.”
     According to the Kings command, a model of the king’s scepter was brought in a golden plate. Kara Pasha received the same with politeness and honor. Then he walked back facing the king and went and stood along with his men. Then the green flag with the name of Allah was handed over to him. On Kara Pasha receiving the flag, his men applauded loudly to express their joy.
     Before Kara Pasha could leave Istanbul, he went to meet his dear beloved wife to say his good bye note. On seeing him, his wife said, “My beloved, I need some of your precious moments to speak out my heart before you could leave.”
     “Speak my beloved Begum…… speak all that you want to speak” said Mustafa. On hearing these words from her husband, she spoke in a soft tone saying, “I had some disastrous dreams last night and they were pertaining to you and this battle. I fear whether you would like to hear this or not……. Will you become angry with me?”
     Mustafa smiled and took her hand in his hand and said, “You are the person dear to my heart. I love you a lot my dear. More than all my other wives and you too know that….. So speak and I will listen to anything you say…. For I know that you too love me…”
     She leaned on her husband’s shoulders and said, “I know all what you said is true. I have no doubt in your love towards me but I am much worried about you….. My forefathers were once kings of this big city Istanbul. But later they became slaves and my life was at stake. But at that time you gave me a new hope and a new life….. You bought me from the slave bazaar and on account of my great beauty; you fell in love with me and took me as your wife. On account of this great favor, I had to deny the Christian religion which was practiced by my forefathers. I too became a Muslim. As a gift of our happy married life we have a son at an age of twelve. I love you and our son more than my own life and you know that very well…..”
    As she said these words, her husband interrupted and said, “My dear all this is known to me very well and I have not time now to listen to this, so go ahead and tell me the dream about which you wanted to talk to me.”
   With much hesitation she said, “Yesterday I saw Isha Nabi in my dream……”
    Pasha immediately responded and said, “My goodness, have you not still forgotten that Isha Nabi? You are a Muslim now and I hope you are aware of it.”
    Begam said, “The day I got married to you I completely broke my relationship with Isha Nabi and I actually erased every trace of him from my mind. But I think he has not forgotten me, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you….’”
    These words of his wife caused a slight irritation for Pasha and he said, “Enough of the words of Isha Nabi…. Why what is his problem? Is he coming again and troubling you to accept him? Is he an orphan and has no one else in this world?”
     she immediately said, “No my dear you have mistaken…. He did not come to beg for my heart, he came to warn me of all the dangers which lies ahead of you in this new venture of yours. This is what he told me.” Pasha became impatient and urged his wife to speak quickly.
   But she said, “My dear do not be in a hurry, there is a long time for day break and I think this would be the last night we are together. So be patient and be with me.”
“If you are in this romantic mood then this is not the right time. 200,000 soldiers are in front of my eyes and great task lies before me. I have not time for romance and so please tell me your dream as quickly as possible” said Pasha.
     On hearing this, his wife looked up into his eyes…. Few tear drops rolled down her cheeks and she said, “my dear wont you understand the heart of a dear wife who is aware that this would be the last night she could be with her husband?”
    Pasha replied, “My dear I remind you once again, I have great task in front of me and I am on my way to the battle field. Don’t make me a coward with your tears. Speak all that you want to say right now.”
     On hearing this she said, “I am delighted to see your bravery but at the same time I am greatly troubled about the warning which was given by Isha Nabi. Yesterday night I had a dream in which I saw you riding on a horse all alone in the battle field, holding the green flag with the name of Allah. Suddenly thousands of arrows were sprung forth from the sky and attacked you. You fell to the ground. I woke up and convinced myself that it was just a dream and went back to sleep. Then I saw six opposite party soldiers chocking you to death with huge ropes. On seeing this I woke up and I could not sleep further. After this I heard Isha Nabi tell me that if you do not want such a fate to happen to your husband, do now allow him to partake in this war. This is my dream. In this I still do not understand which is true and which is false.”
    On hearing this Pasha laughed aloud and said, “How stupid???? Is this your dream???? Were you so troubled about this my dear? This is just an illusion. Oh my god you have actually wasted so much of time to tell this dream dear. Do not fear. No such thing will happen to me. You wait and see, I will conquer the whole of Europe and establish our flag of victory and come and stand before you.  I too wish to have you by my side in the battle field. But you have the great responsibility of taking care of our son. He has to succeed my place as a Vizier. Keep this in mind and do not have anything else in your thoughts. Our almighty God Allah will bring things favorable in our way dear. ”
    “Oh! It is all because of this deep love for me, you are taking all your other wives and concubines along with you to the battle field…. Is it???? They are all ready to leave to the battle field along with you”
    Pasha smiled and said, “Shall I take a leave darling? Come and kiss me farewell”.
     “No my Lord, I still have one more thing to say. Isha Nabi has given me one more warning…… I deeply desire to tell you…. But will you listen?????” said his wife.
    “Go ahead and tell that also…. Any way those too will a continuation of your previous illusions….. Still go ahead my dear wife…..” said Pasha.
     “Whether you take it as an illusion or a truth, I will tell you…… Isha Nabi said that if I was not able to stop you from going to the battle field, then you will be given one golden opportunity in the battle field. If you fail to utilize it then you and all your wives who are accompanying you will never return to this city of Istanbul. These words are truth and will never fail….. For Isha Nabi has said, ‘heaven and earth will fade away but my words shall never fail’ this is the final warning of Isha Nabi.”
    Kara Pasha did not speak anything more. He hugged his beloved wife and kissed her and then turned towards his son and kissed him and then left the place immediately.
    Though he was a brave man, this warning of his beloved wife steered up the waves of confusion in his heart. So he went to the Suleiman mosque and sought the help of the prophet on the mosque Laimai Maha Ji. He told him about his wife’s dream and asked him to pray to Allah foretell the fate of the battle field.
   This prophet in the mosque was very old and has lost his sight. Still he prayed to Allah and said, “I see the battle field in my vision….. Huge numbers of soldiers are lying wounded and killed on both sides. Blood is flowing like a river and the disaster is beyond words could describe. But I see you without a single drop of blood out of your body. So you are not going to be killed in the battle field. You are sure to win. So go ahead with courage and our almighty God has already given you victory.” On hearing these words Pasha’s heart was calmed and he was very happy.
     The next day around 3, 00,000 soldiers marched from Istanbul to Iderne which was the old capital city of Turkey with shouts of victory. Pashas’ wife stood along with her son looking at the marching of soldiers towards the battle field right from her husband to the last soldier in the troop. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she could not do anything more than just shed tears at this fate of hers. She did not want to go back to her house and hence she stood staring at the church but name Hagia Sophia, built by the Christian king Justinian in fifth century AD.
   On the other part of the world, in a church in North Italy, in the city of Venice this incident took place:  The capuchin Father Marco was preaching and he said, “So dear brothers and sisters repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance. Already the axe is lying at the root of the entrees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So stand firm in Jesus Christ for he is the true vine and we are the branches. He has said ‘I am the vine; and you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him bears much fruit. However, apart from me you can do nothing. If you live in me and my words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall done for you. Behold, the devil is indeed about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested and proved and critically appraised, and for ten days you will have affliction. Be loyally faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life. Be careful for the devil is prowling around like a lion waiting for a chance to swallow anyone who becomes a prey. Pray for the mercy and grace of our Lord……” As he was preaching these words a blind man shouted out loudly from the crowd, “Father Marco! You are indeed a person of power and authority….. I am a person blind from birth, but now I have received my eye sight…. I can see… I am seeing this world for the first time…. My wife is here with me and she is the witness for this great miracle of mine.”
     Immediately all the people who were there in the church exclaimed with a loud roar of happiness on seeing this miracle. At this point the Capuchin priest Marco stopped his sermon and said, “Dear son….. I have no power of my own. It is the power and authority of God which is being manifested through me. Jesus Christ has healed you and so give all glory to him alone.”
   Then a lame person came and tore a part of the garment of the priest and tried to escape and on seeing this Father Marco said, “Son please wait… there is no power in that cloth. You will not receive any miracle by just having that piece of cloth. Believe in Jesus Christ and he will set you free. You will receive your miracle when you accept Christ in your heart and believe in him. Oh my God! How will I go back with this torn garment……? I am an old Capuchin priest and I had only this one garment….”
I think at this point it is very important for me to introduce father Marco to the readers. Father Marco lived in the town of Aviano in the city of Venice. His actual name was Carloado Mencio Christophony. When he was ordained as a Capuchin priest, he was named as Marco and was generally called as Father Marco of Aviano. He was very pious and had a deep intimate relationship with Lord Jesus Christ. Hence Jesus Christ blessed him with the gift of healing and performing miracles. He has the power of travelling in spirit and was found at two places at the same time just like Saint  Anthony of Pathuva. In the year 1676 AD, father Marco blessed a sister who was bed ridden for thirteen years and immediately she got up and sat down. Her health returned to her and she also started to walk. This great miracle made Father Marco well known in whole of Italy. Also Father Marco had the gift of prophecy activated in him and hence he was able to analyze the time and fore see the events and dangers of the future.
    In such a situation Holy Pope, Innocent XI, asked Father Marco to go to Vienna the capital of Austria and meet King Loe Paul 1st. and warn him of the upcoming Ottoman army against Austria. He also asked Father Marco to advise the king to take all necessary precautions to safeguard Austria from this war. He communicated this information to Father Marco through a priest.
The city of Vienna
    Austria is a small city situated above Northern Italy, beyond the Alps Mountains in Europe. The capital city of Austria is Vienna. This city is called as the heart of Europe. During the first century AD the Romans had settled in this place and had brought it under their control. The eastern part of Austria is mountainous region where as the western side are plains. The river Danube River runs around Austria. The city of Austria was initially ruled by Habsberg family. They ruled over Hungary also. (In 1529 AD before the Ottoman army could capture Austria they captured the whole of Hungary. The capital city of Vienna is circular in shape. It is a raised plateau. The fort and the star shaped city walls were built with an advanced technology and were very strong during the 14th century AD itself. Because of this strong city wall the Ottoman army was not able to break the walls even with the help of huge cannon balls.)
    During the time of the beginning of this story, in 1683 AD, King Leo Paul the 1st was the ruler of Austria. His first wife did not bear him a boy child and hence he married a second wife. Also since his wife suffered from breast cancer, he was deeply distressed. It was in such a situation Holy Pope, Innocent XI sent Father Marco to meet King Leo Paul and warn him of the forth coming Ottoman army against Austria. King Leo Paul welcomed Father Marco and requested him to stay in his palace. But Father Marco refused the kings offer by saying that the Capuchin priest are forbidden to stay in palaces and have food with the king. He met the king’s first wife who suffered a lot on account of breast cancer and prayed for her. She too recovered and was completely cured after some days.
   One day, Ottoman army general Kara pasha sent messengers to King Leo Paul of Austria and King John Sobieski III of Poland. They submitted the letters to King Leo Paul. When King Leo Paul read the contents of the letter his face turned red with anger. He commanded his court men to read the letter fully. The contents of the letter were:
“You dogs who do not trust in the true god….. We are hand chosen by our almighty God Allah to punish all of you…. I have come up to Hungary and very soon I will come up to Austria. Right now I give you a chance to surrender to me. Or else you will have to face severe consequences. Do you want to know what will happen if you fail to surrender? I will come into your city and destroy its high towers and grand palaces and bring them to ashes. Your city will no longer be blessed with the beauty of nature rather it will be a heap of burning ashes. The cries of people in pain and agony and the voice of goddess of death will be heard all over your city. I will host the flag of Allah on the church of Saint Stephen and convert it into a mosque. You will not even have the chance to come up to your palace entrance. I will come like a wind to your palace and cut off your head and give it in your hands. I swear this by the name of my God Allah.” The letter was signed stating Kara Pasha on behalf of King Mehmet IV. Father Marco also read this letter and then told the king the reason why Holy Pope had sent him to Austria.
    King Leo Paul turned to Father Marco and said, “Father Marco what should I do now…. I want your guidance and advice on this. My blood is boiling after reading this letter. I also know that Kara Pasha is a tyrant. He will surely do what he says. Also the time we have to get ready to counter fight is very less. What shall I do? Please guide me on this….”
    Father Marco was still and calm and said, “Dear King, he who trusts in the Lord will not speak with anxiety or fear. He who is in us is greater than he who is in this world is the promise given to us by Lord Jesus Christ. This includes this man Kara Pasha also. So this is not the time to fear of be confused. We have to be calm and make wise choices. Yesterday I saw a star with blood stains in it in the sky. This star came from West and went towards the East and vanished. So there is going to be huge bloodshed in our country. Blood will flow like a river in this country. The battle could not be stopped. But I would suggest you to call King John Sobieski III of Poland to join with you in this battle. You can seek his help.”
    King Leo Paul immediately said, “That is impossible Father Marco, there is no chance for this….I hate king John of Poland and I hate the very sight of him…. He too hates me….he never respects me and hence I too never respect him. The reason is he is not of royal background. He is not worthy to sit in the throne of Poland. This is the reason I hate him.”
    Father Marco listened to this statement patiently and said, “Dear King please do not mistake me. This is not the time for such thoughts and misconceptions. Take away all this thought of hatred. Whether you like it or not he is the king of Poland now. His people have accepted him as a king and who are you to stand against this? It is his country and his government. We need not get into it. There is a treaty between Austria and Poland which states if Vienna is in trouble the capital city of Poland should come to assist and similarly if the capital city of Poland is in trouble, Vienna should run for support. This treaty is still alive and hence we can very well call Poland for help. So do not delay, use this agreement and call King John for assistance.”
    But King Leo Paul strongly refused to do this and said, “No father Marco, I cannot forego myself respect and go and beg for help from that arrogant King of Poland…… please do not ask me to do this.”
    Father Marco replied, “Dear king please do not be angry. Anger leads to destruction. As it is said in the bible, even if you are angry do not sin…… your anger should die down before sunset. This is not the time to be angry of think of all past hatred. Please listen to my words….. Keep aside your self- respect and honor aside and think of your people and your country….. You are well aware of the danger your people are in and still there is no point to think of your personal enmity. As a king you have to consider the welfare of your people in the first place and do not hand them over in the hands of that tyrant Kara Pasha. The king of Poland is far better than the tyrant Kara pasha. We have already lost our Christian countries in Eastern Europe because of lack of unity among us. The enemy knows this well and that is why he has boldly challenged you. If this situation continues he will surely conquer the western European countries also. If he has to achieve this then our city of Vienna is the entry gate for him to enter into Western Europe. So we are in a much more responsible situation to safeguard the entry of Kara Pasha into Western Europe. I hope you still remember the contents of the letter sent by Kara Pasha. This is just not a war between Austria and Kara Pasha. This is a war between the Christians and Islam’s….. Between good and evil….. Between light and darkness….. so all the Christian nations should join hands together and stand against that Islam enemy. If Vienna falls then Rome will fall and with the fall of Rome the whole of Europe will fall…. Then the people of Islam religion will rule all over the world. In order to stop this great disaster, our Lord Jesus Christ has given the opportunity and responsibility in our hands….. God has trusted you and has given this responsibility to you….. I hope now you understand the situation clearly. Go ahead and do your duty.”
   These inspiring and wise words of Father Marco changed the heart of King Leo Paul and he set out immediately to seek help. He approached the king of Germany, King Charles V and asked him to help him in the war. The king of Germany willingly agreed to help King Leo Paul with the help of his friendly nations “The Holy Nations of Germany”.
The city of Hungary
The capital city of Hungary is Budapest. The great River Danube, which never runs dry, has its origin in the black forest of Germany, flows from East towards the western regions, runs around the city of Vienna and flows all the way through Hungary and many other states of Europe and finally falls into the Black sea. Buda and Pest are the two cities situated on either side of this river in Hungary. A strong iron bridge unites these two cities and stands across the river. In 1529 AD before the Ottoman’s failed to conquer Vienna, they had conquered Hungary. In the present time, Northern Hungary was under the control of Catholics and South Hungary was under the control of  Protestands. In ages past the whole city of Hungary was ruled by the Habsberg family. But due to some political reasons South Hungary went into the hands of Protestands. At that time the official head of South Hungary was Imre Thokoli. The king of Austria, Leo Paul hated the Protestands. The hostile feel of King Leo Paul leads to many unhappy consequences in Southern Hungary. Hence now King Leo Paul had two enemies namely the Islam’s and Protestands. Hence these two enemies joined hands against King Leo Paul. They entered into an agreement stating, if Vienna was conquered by Kara Pasha, then Northern Hungary too will come under the control of Imre Thokoli and thereby he will be the king of whole of Hungary. Up to the time of capture of Vienna, Imrie Thokoli had to supply all necessary things and soldiers for Kara Pasha. This was the agreement.
   Imre Thokoli was in the peak of excitement on hearing Kara Pasha who was the representative of the great Ottoman king Mehmet IV of Byzantium kingdom, announce that Imrethokoli will be the king of whole of Hungary. Excited by the thought that he is going to be the king of whole of Hungary, Imrethokoli asked Kara Pasha for any further help he would require from him.
    Kara Pasha replied, “Oh great king Imrethokoli of Hungary you need not give me anything….. But when it comes to official matters giving and taking becomes part of the deal. I would suggest you to pay a meager amount as tax to our great king Mehmet IV and also give me some reward for this favor of mine. My king will surely listen to me and will make you the king of whole of Hungary and there is no doubt in that.” Thinking that very soon he is going to be the king of whole of Hungary Imrethokoli listened to all that Kara Pasha told him.
Tatar troops
The next person to come and meet Kara Pasha was Crimean Tatar who came with about 25000 men on horses. These Tatar troops were brave soldiers who were spread between Mongolia and Hungary and belonged to the mountain regions. Their main occupation was breading and raising horses. The great army general Chengiz khan had come from Mongolia and captured the regions from Mongolia up to Hungary in the Western part of Europe and then returned to Mongolia. On his way back many of his army soldiers got settled on the mountain regions of between Mongolia and Hungary. These men who were the descendents of the great warrior Chengiz Khan were rough, bold and brave men and were called as Tatar’s. On hearing that Kara Pasha had come to wage war against Austria, the Tatar troop leader came to meet Kara Pasha and introduced him as the Khan of city of Crimea. He volunteered to join with Kara Pasha in the war against Austria and asked him to join him and his men in his army. This gave great excitement in the heart of Kara Pasha and it was reflected in his eyes and he exclaimed “My Almighty God Allah is gracious on me….. He has sent such great warriors to me to assist me in this war even before I could ask his help….. Insha Alla.”
   At the same time in the eastern part of Vienna, some Christian men joined and attacked a Muslim woman and tired to kill her. Father Marco who came there said, “Stop this act of injustice… how can some men join and try to kill a woman? Are you not ashamed of this…? This is displeasing in the eyes of God….. This is injustice….. How can you Christians do such a cruel act?” immediately one of the men shouted back, “Look Father this is none of your business…. Do you know what had happened? Yesterday some of the Muslim men had come into our village and kidnapped few of our Christian women. When some of our Christian men went to rescue the woman, the Muslim men had killed them mercilessly. So we want to take revenge….. Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth…. Blood for blood and life for a life…..” Father Marco replied, “Even in such a situation it if no right for you to ill-treat this poor woman who is deaf and dumb. She is innocent and not worthy to be punished. Let her free for God’s sake….. I know her and her husband Abdulla for a long time and they are good people. Even our Lord Jesus Christ has told us, ‘He who takes the sword will die by the sword’…….. ‘Revenge is mine and I will repay for the injustice done to you…..’ so leave this issue in the hands of God.” on hearing this, the men left her and went away.
  Father Marco turned to Abdulla and said, “Dear Abdulla we are good friends from childhood. A great war is going to take place. So take your wife and go to a safe place. Also I want you to do me a favor. Go and meet Kara Pasha on my behalf. Tell him all that I tell you without any change.” Accordingly Abdulla went to Hungary to meet Kara Pasha. On reaching Hungary Abdulla was easily able to identify the tent of the great official general of king Mehmet IV, Kara Pasha among the thousands and thousands of tents. But he did not get a chance to meet him. When he approached the tent entrance, the soldiers at the entrance scolded and pushed Abdulla away harshly. But Abdulla shouted out, “Save me Lord Kara Pasha…. Save me….” On hearing this Kara Pasha came out to the tent entrance and asked, “Who shouted out my name for mercy?”
     using this opportunity Abdulla said, “Hosoor….. I am Abdulla….. Friend of your childhood friend Father Marco….he has sent me to meet you and convey some important information about this war.” Pasha was annoyed at this statement and said, “You fool…. I don’t know any priest and I am not a friend for any one….. Don’t waste my time when I have much to do about the war ahead…. Get out of my sight as I don’t want to see any one right now.” Abdulla quickly said, “Hosoor….. I beg your pardon….. Father Marco was the name given to him after he joined the capuchin priesthood. His actual name is Carloado Mencio Christophony. I think now you would recognize who this person is. Father Marco also asked me to state this incident: thirty years back, once when you were in the harbor of Venice on your regular inspection, there was a huge rock tied above your head. No one noticed it and suddenly the ropes which held it broke and in a fraction of a second a young man pushed you away from under the rock and saved your life….. That young man is none other than Father Marco.”
    On hearing this Kara Pasha exclaimed, “Yes Abdulla, what your saying is true…. But why did he send you to meet me? What is the reason behind this meeting?” Abdulla now gained much more confidence and said, “My Lord after this incident both of you became good friends and Father Marco presented a pendent….. Do you remember it sir?”
    Kara Pasha replied, “Yes I do remember and it is still near my heart tied around my neck in remembrance of him. What else?” with some hesitation Abdulla said, “He asked you to stop this war as much as possible.” On hearing this Kara Pasha’ face changed its expressions and he said in a stern voice, “enough Abdulla….. I am not interested to hear anything more from you. I cannot stop this war at any cost. Don’t waste your time trying to change my mind. You too are a Muslim and so I will send you back without any harm. At the same time, you are coming from Vienna….. Why don’t you be a good messenger between me and the people of Vienna? You are a good friend of my friend. Would you like to stay with me?”
     on hearing this Abdulla said, “My Lord this is a great privilege. I am ready to serve you and will do anything you command me to do.” So saying Abdulla left the presence of Kara Pasha and after he left the place, Kara Pasha called two of his men and asked to have an eye on Abdulla.
     Now a secret….. Two of the friends of Kara Pasha were princes. They belonged to the kingdom of Maldovia and Valachia. Since Mehmet the IV conquered these kingdoms during his earlier war, these two kings were under the control of Mehmet IV paying tax to him. Because of this they were forced to go and join with Kara Pasha in the war against Vienna.  But they were not at all interested in this war. This was depicted in their conversation. In their tents they spoke in soft voices stating, “What do you think about this war prince of Maldovia ? ” “Prince of Valachia, this is not a battle but just a waste of time. We are here to take part in this because we have no other options… am I right? What do you say?” Prince Valachia said “Do you know how this Kara Pasha has insulted our ancestors? If I happen to think of it, my blood boils like as if it is on the oven…. But what to do, we belong to small kingdoms and we cannot afford to stand against such a great enemy. So I too had to join in this war on account of compulsion. Do you all that this Kara Pasha is doing using the name of King Mehmet IV? Do you know how much of wealth this Kara Pasha has taken for him using the name of his king? Because of all this we are pushed into a pitiable state to run behind him for lack of food and at the same time not able to give up our own prestige. In order to have an upper hand on us, this Kara Pasha has insulted our ancestors many time and robbed them of their posts. Even now if he comes to know about our conversation he will surely kill us. Ok… Ok… we will wait for the right time and will teach him a good lesson in the battle field.  Tactfully we will join with him and at the same time ensure he is defeated in the battle and for this we will wisely lead our soldiers.” The plot of these two princes brought great disasters on the side of Ottoman army during the battle of Vienna.
The cloud of War
    It was the time when the king of Vienna set out to seek the help of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation in order to protect his country from the forth coming threat of war. On 14 AD 1683 the army of Kara Pasha surrounded the city of Vienna like that of a whirl wind around the city. They were filled with wrath and were very swift in achieving their goal. The fort wall around the city of Vienna was well built and strong and was maintained properly. At this time the responsibility to protect the city and its fort walls were in the hands of Prince Crap Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg. He had just 11000 armed forces with him. Apart from this he had 5000 volunteers. With this available scarce resource he was in a critical position of safeguarding Vienna up to the return of its king Leo Paul. Hence he had to be wise enough to tackle this great army of enemies around him. Since this was a war which determined the life or death of the whole city of Vienna, the Prince had given orders to shoot anyone who was found sleeping during duty hours. He also estimated that if the war was to begin then it has to come from the northern plains. He also asked the people to move on the safe places and vacate the city. Once the people had vacated the city, the prince demolished all their houses and also removed every heap of dust and waste so that he can clearly observe the movements of his enemies.
   When Kara Pasha came to know of all the safety measures taken by Prince Ernst he appreciated his wise decisions. In spite of all this Kara Pasha wanted to prove that he was no lesser than Prince Ernst and hence he made hiding pits all along the way to the fort of Vienna so that his soldiers could easily hide to prevent the huge cannon balls or small bullets shot by the soldiers of Vienna. Since he required huge number of people for his work, he went to the place where the people of Vienna had got relocated and captured 40000 of them as captives and made them to dig these pits. He had also set up 15000 tents on the banks of the river Danube which was flowing around the city of Vienna for his soldiers and his wives and his concubines who had come along with him. He had set up 1500 tents exclusively for the women who belonged to the royal race. He ensured that they had steady supply of water and for this he made the women of Vienna as their slaves. Kara Pasha also ill-treated the people of Vienna. He made them work all throughout the day and during night he made them rest within a fenced area just like those used to keep cattle. Kara Pasha surrounded Vienna from all sides. He prevented the transport of food, chemicals to manufacture bullets, and even any kind of medical facility to enter into the Fort of Vienna.
  As these incidents were taking place, Louis XIV was the king in France. He was known for his excellent knowledge and wisdom in official matters and government affairs. Holy Pope Innocent XI understood the threat posed by the Islam army forces by the war against Vienna. He clearly understood that if Vienna fell into the hands of the Islam forces then it will be the opening place for the Islam rulers to set foot in the Christian land. Hence he sent special letters giving a detailed picture about the dangers of the war and how the Christian empire will soon fall into the hands of the Islam rulers. He sent these letters to the concerned kings of the European nation through special messengers. Accordingly one of the special messengers by the title nuncio sent by Holy Pope Innocent XI  met the king of France, Louis XIV.  But the king of France did not accept the request of Holy Pope. He stated that he had very good business relationship with the Ottoman kings and if he stood against the Islam army in this war then it would affect the business relationship and ultimately his economy will be affected. So he communicated that he will not support the Holy Nations army in the forth coming war through the messenger Nuncio. Actually King Louis had a secret wish deep within his heart that if the Islam army captured Austria then it would be of good to him. For, he planned to capture the cities on the other side of the Rhine River and some of the western parts of germany  while the Islam army attacked Austria which was on the eastern side of Germany. This ambitious nature of Louis XIV made him refuse the request of the Holy Pope.
  So he planned to prevent the king of Poland to extend his supporting hands towards the Holy Nations army. According to the Parliament rule of Poland if the king wanted to support a particular army in war then two thirds of the members of the Parliament should express their consent. For this the members of the parliament will come together and vote for this cause. As per the voting status the king of Poland will be allowed to wage war against a particular country. Already the peace treaty between Poland and Austria was in force and hence King Louis had planned to bribe the members of the parliament so that they will vote against the King of Poland to support the king of Austria in the war. For this purpose King Louis had given huge amount of money to his messenger in Poland to take care of the plan. This plan was also communicated to Kara Pasha and hence Kara Pasha was very confident that Poland will not come to support Vienna. So he was patiently waiting for the open attack.
   The special messenger of Holy Pope, Nuncio clearly understood the wicked plans of the king of France and immediately communicated them to Holy Pope. When the Holy Pope came to know these plans he sent Nuncio to Poland on behalf of him as a messenger. He said, “Nuncio you are a very talented person and you are well equipped about details of this world. This war is not just a war which decides the victory or failure of two countries. Our priority should be to safeguard the catholic nations from being captured by those Islam rulers and most importantly we should safeguard our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. So if we lose in this war then all our catholic countries will be destroyed and along with it Christianity will come to an end, then all the nations will be forced to follow only Islam religion. We should somehow try and prevent this disaster. Our Lord God Jesus Christ who is the only true living God will be with us and help us in this. We should be ready to pay any price to have victory on our side.
‘Victory at all cost……
Victory in spite of all terror…….
Victory however long or hard the road may be………..
For without victory there is no survival……….’
This war is going to decide our very survival in this world.  Even if we have to lose all the riches of our Vatican church I am ready for it. For we are using it for the right purpose…… for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ…… as Jesus said, ‘Give and it come back to you, good measure, pressed down running over…’ so hurry up and go to Poland. Speak with the members of the Parliament and ensure we have the majority of votes. Go in peace and our Lord Jesus Christ will be with you to guide you and give you success in all that you do.”
   So Nuncio fled to Poland as fast as he could. He met all the members of the parliament of Poland individually and explained about the importance of the war and why they should join hands to stand against the Islam army. Since the grace of God was on him and the blessing of Holy Pope was with him, all the members of the parliament paid heed to his voice. They understood their mistake of accepting the bribe from the king of France and there by stand against Lord Jesus Christ himself. They were not ready to go to hell nor were they ready to bring on a curse on them by making way for the downfall of the Christian empire. Since they too were followers of Christ, true Roman Catholic men, they asked for the blessing of Holy Pope to be with them always. That which the money gives by King Louis could not do was easily done by the grace of God and the blessing of Holy Pope. The members of the parliament decided to extend their support in favor of the king of Poland to support Vienna in the war. They also ensured that this information did not reach Kara Pasha.
   On the other hand Kara Pasha was very happy and cool thinking that none of the Holy nation countries will come to help Vienna in the war. Kara Pasha was not an ordinary man, he was very powerful and if he wanted he could have captured this small city of Vienna in just a single day. But he did not do it since he was waiting for the powerful cannons and explosives. Even otherwise he could have easily destroyed the fort wall of Vienna with the help of his powerful army. But God’s plan was different and Kara Pasha’s mind flowed in the same thought process. He wanted to capture that beautiful city of Vienna without causing any damage to it. He wanted to take all its riches for himself. So he patiently waited to execute his thoughts at the right time. But he carefully did all the necessary preparations for the war.
The Palace of Linz – Austria
Though the city of Austria had many grand palaces the palace of Linzs was of special importance. This was because in this palace the meeting which decided the fate of Austria took place. King Leo Paul headed the meeting. The king of Poland, John Sobieski III was also present for the meeting along with his efficient ministers. The purpose of the meeting was to decide who was to head the army of the Holy Nations of Germany. This was an important issue to be decided on. In the discussion each one of the members put forth their opinion but they did not arrive at a common decision. Father Marco suggested the name of John Sobieski on his behalf for this honorable post. But many of the members opposed this decision of Father Marco. But the reason they stated was the same. All those who opposed this decision stated that John Sobieski was not of royal origin.
    The discussion went on and no one seemed to arrive at a conclusion. As time passed away Father Marco lost his patience and began his speech, “I could see the great kings and their representatives present in this hall and I am here to share a few words with all of you. Though I am a priest who lives detached from this world, I have come as a representative on behalf of Holy Pope. So kindly listen to my words. Please do not stand divided among you. Have this point in your mind before you could choose the right person to lead the army on our behalf. He should be a capable person qualified enough to lead the army and whether he is of royal origin or not does not matter here. Mere birth does not decide the courage and qualification of an individual especially during critical times like this. Jesus Christ did not choose his disciples based on their birth or educational qualification. He chose mere fishermen and those who were considered low in the society. So select a person as I have told now….. Let us not waste our time speaking of our own greatness. The king of Poland has won many battles. By saying this I do not underestimate the other kings present here. Please do not think that way. King John had a great knowledge about the war tactics used by the Islam kings. Hence he can execute his ideas efficiently in this war. Since we are at the last hours we have to take quick wise decisions. We have to do it quickly before our enemy could grab the opportunity. This is not the time to decide on who is great, but we are here ready to face the battle to save the name of the Christian kings and also stand to show our love and loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are here for this war to bring glory to our Lord. So keep aside all your differences and join together as one team. I request you to agree on my decision of making King John as the leader of our army.”
  There was silence in the hall for some time. All the members gathered in the hall then expressed their consent to choose King John to lead the army and that all the others will listen to him and support him in the war. This was clearly communicated and agreed upon. They asked King John Sobieski to express his views and thoughts and so he explained his plans. The Kahlenberg mountains are situated on the northern part of Vienna. The summit of the mountain is a flat surface. So keeping this in mind Kara Pasha would have definitely decided that there is no chance to climb up this mountain and attack from there. Attacking the enemy from the point which he has actually ignored will surely give us positive results. Taking up the cannon army up the mountain and attacking the enemy from there will be my responsibility. Luckily our enemy has set up his army camp just below the mountains and this had made our work easy. The mountain top is a very good spot to throw the cannon balls on the enemy. The rest of the army should be placed behind the enemy army. We will divide our entire army into three divisions and attack our enemy face to face. When it comes to the fort of Austria, we will ask the Austrian soldiers who are inside the fort to fight against the enemy who stand in front of the fort. If we operate in this manner then we are sure to succeed.
“Light as such leads and guides; where knowledge and virtue always rides
Whether it’s the sun, moon or the star; or the light of a candle with lesser power,
All help us only for a part of the day; and never accompany us throughout our way…..
High from above, comes a light; which stimulates within us the right insight
It remains far beyond our ordinary sight; but beings in peace and ends all fight
Makes the bonds of love more and more tight, and happiness and joy reaches great height
The light of wisdom; the gift of God; is the most valued one of all reward…..”
The grace of God and the blessings of Holy Pope brought in great wisdom in the minds of the members and all their ego and pride vanished from their hearts. Now they all joined hands as one team and started to work together to face and defeat their enemy.
    At the same time Kara Pasha was also in a deep discussion with his army generals and assistants about how to go on with the attack. They discussed on how to position their men in the battle field and how to attack their enemy. Crimean Tatar the head of the Tatar tribe said, “Respected sir, did you not notice that we are just below the foot of the great mountain Kahlenberg? If our enemy attacked us from the top of this mountain then we are sure to face great disaster. Have you failed to notice this or have you ignored this?”
     But this aroused the anger of Kara Pasha since he felt that he was being insulted or underestimated of his war tactics. So he said, “You are a sure fool….. How dare you find fault in my wisdom and experience of war? I have seen so many battles and I think you should come to my place to know of my name and fame. I think your mind as blunt as your nose. That mountain is a steep mountain with no vegetation in it. I think no idiot will ever climb up that mountain and waste his energy and time and attack us from there. That mountain is too hard even for animals to climb. So do not give such stupid ideas.” The eyes of Kara Pasha were blind folded by his pride. He did not stop to listen to anyone. But Crimean Tatar did not stop here, he continued and said, “Please do not mistake me. If such a thing happened…..????? if Sobieski attacked us from the mountain top???? We should be prepared for anything and should analyze every possible way of attack when it comes to war.”
   These words set the heart of Kara Pasha on fire and he said, “I don’t want to hear another word from you. You are here to listen to me and I am not here to listen to you. So keep quiet and just obey my command. That King Sobieski is now an old lion…. He is so old that he has hardly any strength to get up from bed or even walk. He can never climb up the mountain and attack me from there. He will never even be able to come to the battle field and stand against me. You just stand behind me in the battle field with your men and when in call you for assistance you can come. Just keep this in mind and stop giving stupid suggestions.” When the heart is on fire some sparks come out of the mouth. In such a way these harsh words came out of Kara Pasha. He just ignored any kind of suggestions. 
   Then Kara Pasha stood up and exclaimed, “Oh Vienna…. The city of beauty and the home town of Mother Nature…. You will be mine in just two days….. The great churches and the tall towers and grand palaces which adorn your city will be mine for ever. 
     The great tower of Saint Stephen church, I will set the flag of our Lord Allah on the top of your tower. I will make this church as the mosque of Allah. This will be my humble gift for my God. I will ensure that none of the churches or great palaces in your city will ever have a small scratch on them. Just two more days and all my dreams will come true. Wait till then…..”
    As an old saying goes like this, “Be good to the people on your way up in life for you will have to meet them on your way down” But Kara Pasha was not bothered about anyone and was on the peak of pride. The harsh insulting words of Kara Pasha affected the heart of Crimean Tatar. Also when he came to know that he has to stand with his men in the second row in battle was discouraging information. He wanted to stand in the front row in the battle field for that decided his prestige and bravery. The way Kara Pasha underestimated the bravery and capability of Crimean Tatar caused a deep wound in his heart and he could not accept it. It was a great insult for him. Since he could not do anything at that time, he cursed Kara Pasha as much as he could. So in his anger, he said in his heart, “Kara Pasha how dare you insult me like this. You have insulted me to the worst extent. You underestimated my bravery and considered me like a joker….. Like your slave….. You failed to give me my due respect. You don’t know the bravery and courage of me and my men….. You will see it soon. Now let me tell you…. Since you made me stand behind you in the battle field, I will be the person who will stab you on your back before that king of Vienna thrusts his sword through you. Let the battle begin and I will teach you a good lesson. I will put an end to your pride. Your defeat is for sure…..”
September 10, 1683 AD
Father Marco was busy in his small hut discussing about the war. at that time, Abdulla’s wife came and knocked at the door. Father Marco opened the door and saw her and her face showed traces of hunger and thirst. So he called her inside and gave her some food to eat and some water to quench her thirst. He looked at her and said, “My dear daughter, why did you come all the way her during this critical time of war? Anything may happen to you and so you better hurry up and go back to your husband. That will the only safe place for you.”
    But she showed signs that she was not able to find her husband and that she did not want to go back to him and live with him. This was quiet surprising for Father Marco and so he told her, “why is it like that dear child? What happened to you? Whatever it is you can’t stay here. This is a monastery for priest like me and women are not allowed to stay here.”  But she took the hands of Father Marco and kept it on her belly and said that she was nearing her delivery time and that her husband Abdulla never took care of her. So she requested him to allow her to stay in the city of Vienna. But Father Marco feared that the people of Vienna will surely kill her if she stayed within the city for she was a Muslim. So he advised her and forced her to go and stay with her husband. So saying her brought her safely out of the Fort of Vienna.
    But when she came out, her own husband Abdulla caught her and arrested her and put her in the fenced cage along with the other Vienna slaves. She caught hold of her husband’s legs and pleaded to take her back as his wife. But the sudden life and post given by Kara Pasha blindfolded his eyes and he no longer wished to live with his wife who was deaf and dumb.
   After a siege of two months the people of Vienna did not surrender to Kara Pasha and so he decided to no longer wait but to start the war immediately and bring it under his control. Once he decided to do this, he called his messenger Abdulla and told him, “Abdulla, you know the local language of the people of Vienna, do you? So do one thing for me. Take a white flag as a symbol of peace and go ahead. As you go look at the soldiers all along the fort and keep saying loudly asking them to surrender to me so that they can save their lives and soul. I will wait till the next day after you return.”
    Abdulla did as instructed by Kara Pasha. He took a white flag and went round the fort wall of Vienna and kept shouting as he was instructed. As he went around he also saw Father Marco. After this he returned to Kara Pasha with the satisfaction the he has carefully executed all the orders of his master Kara Pasha. Kara Pasha asked Abdulla, “Welcome Abdulla, how was your experience when you went round the fort wall? Did you see the grip of fear on the faces of the Vienna soldiers when they heard my announcement?”
   Abdulla said, “I am sorry my master, none of the soldiers seemed to exhibit any trace of fear on their faces. Rather they stood bravely and ready for war.”
    Kara Pasha was surprised and asked immediately, “How do you say that? Are you sure? They were not afraid? Then what is the reason for it?”
     Abdulla said, “Once again I beg your pardon my Lord, Father Marco is the person behind their strength.”  
   Kara Pasha laughed loudly and said, “Ha Ha Ha Ha….. What Father Marco…. He is just a priest…. One how is old and has discarded this very world….. You mean to say he is the source of strength for those soldiers….. can he lead this war…. has he got the guts to meet me face to face in the battle field…… he can only kneel down and pray to his so called God who is capable of nothing…….”
   Abdulla interrupted and said, “No Sir, please do not underestimate Father Marco. I know him very well. He is a multi-skilled personality. He is like the prophet Elijah in the olden times. He has the power of prophecy. He can read our minds and easily find out all our war moves and accordingly lead his army. I somehow gathered this information about him.”
    Kara Pasha exclaimed in surprise and said, “Is it, you have given very valuable information to me. Go immediately and meet Father Marco and tell him I wanted to meet him immediately. Do not delay. Keep this as a secret. I want to meet him outside the fort and in the second watch of the night. Tell him that I am responsible for his safety.” Accordingly Father Marco met Kara Pasha in person.
“Respected sir, please accept this humble salute of this priest”
“Kara Pasha is also saluting you Father Marco….. Insha Allah”
“Insha Alla Kara Pasha, may I know the reason why you wanted to meet me?”
“Nothing great….. You are my good friend and once you have saved my life. I wanted to repay that good deed of yours. I am going to start the war tomorrow. So I advise you and your entire priest to leave the city of Vienna at the earliest and save your lives. This is all that I can do as of now. This will give me the peace and satisfaction that I have repaid your help in the right way. Life for life and mercy for mercy…. With we can end our friendship also.”
“Thanks for this help of you Kara Pasha. But let me tell you that I did not save your life expecting anything in return from you. I did that help out of humanitarian grounds. No one will see a person die just like that. At that time I never had the thought that you will rise up to such a great post and become a great warrior nor did I ever think I will become a priest…..”
    “I did not mean to say that you expected anything in return….. And moreover though you did not know what the future had in hold for us, I very well expected to attain this position in my life in the later days. It all happened as I wished for. It was purely the grace of my almighty god Allah. Even now I am here to begin this war to fulfill the wish of my God. In this I did not want to cause any harm to the person who saved my life. I am also warning you on humanitarian grounds….. Knowing that the person who saved my life is in danger….. I felt like meeting you and help you escape from this…..”
   “Thank you so much Pasha….. I am happy to know that you are so concerned about my life….. I am a priest and I am not bothered about my life. But after knowing your good intention, I am much more concerned about your life. As you are doing everything according to the command of your god Allah, I want to warn you as per the command of my true living God Jesus Christ. You are sure to lose in this battle. So do not waste your time in this war. It would be better for you and all your men to return home safely without wasting your resources, time, life and above all your name and fame. I guarantee your life if you have decided to return. I speak this in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Insha Alla Father Marco, you may take leave”
“Insha Alla Kara Pasha let us take leave”
   Kara Pasha thought to him-self that all this plans to convince that old priest with his power has become a failure. He also wondered how this old priest could speak with so much of power and authority that he was not able to speak against him. Immersed in this deep thought Kara Pasha returned to his tent. As he entered his tent, the sky turned dark all of a sudden and with heavy roar of thunder the rain poured out. It poured out so heavily and steadily that Kara Pasha sat back in surprise wondering how this sudden change happened in nature. He felt that nature has turned against him. But, suddenly when the lightning flashed in the sky, the words of his Italian wife, flashed like lightning in his mind. That which she told him when they last met each other that he would be given a chance in before the war and that if he failed to use it, then he would have to face great disasters came to his mind. He also remembered that she said that this was a warning from her Lord Jesus Christ. This struck the rod of fear in the iron heart of Kara Pasha. He feared that he words of Father Marco would be the warning which his wife told him. But still he said that his God was greater than all and decided to go ahead with what his God had commanded him to do.
September 11, 1683 AD – the war began
The Fort of Vienna looked like a star with sharp edges within a circle. The fort was double- walled and strong and each sharp edge of the fort had a specific name. The distance between two sharp edged points was 12 meters.  So if there was any damaged caused to any one of the edges the enemy would easily enter the fort but breaking the wall with the help of their strong cannon balls. This was known to the Islam troop and their special squad of soldiers, by name jenassaries, was experts in this.
Kara Pasha had his entire army in his direct control and he commanded he cannon troops to begin their attack. So, huge cannon balls were shot one after another towards the fort of Vienna. Meanwhile the soldiers used the hiding pits to move forward towards the fort.
   The Fort in charge Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg monitored the movements of his enemies and did not fail to notice their advancement. As a counter action he gave orders to his soldiers and began the attack. The soldiers fired blazing cannon balls on their enemies specifically on the soldiers who advanced through the secret hiding pits. In a fraction of a second many of them were united with their God Allah. Kara Pasha who noticed the fast approaching danger for his army quickly increased the number of cannon ball attack. Many huge cannon ball tankers were used and the attack became more intense. This intense attack left many of the soldiers on the walls of Vienna wounded and some of them lost their lives. But God was on the side of the people of Vienna. As a bible verse rightly states, “If God is on our side, who can stand against us?” this became true in the case of this battle.
  The king of Valachia and the king of Maldovia now acted as per their plan. They were responsible for the cannon troops and so they secretly executed their plans against Kara Pasha. It was like behaved in such a way that no one could doubt their activities. They used many fake cannon balls so that though it would fly and burst like a real one, it would not harm anyone.  They had all these fake cannon balls ready a long time back. Now they used it at the right time. But if they continued such fake balls for a long time then Kara Pasha would become aware, so they used few real cannon balls in-between to make the scene look real. Only these few real cannon balls caused injury to the Vienna soldiers. The other fake cannon balls only spat fire on the walls. The ultimate aim of these two kings was, this would give the Vienna soldiers time to get ready with other alternatives and also wait for their other army men to come and join them.  But since the hard hand of Kara Pasha was on them they could not continue this drama for a long time and they were forced to use powerful cannon balls. They stated the attack with powerful cannon balls against the fort wall of Vienna.
    Due to the constant firing of very powerful cannon balls even the strong fort of Vienna began to crack. As a result of this intense attack, the fort of bark Basin was totally damaged. Once again the cannon balls hit the walls of Bark Basin and thus the wall fell down along with its adjacent wall. This paved way for the Turkish soldiers to climb up the fort walls like ants out off their hole. They used explosives, guns and arrows to attack the Vienna soldiers as they climbed up the wall. But the men of Vienna were no lesser then the Turkish men. They counter attacked the Turkish soldiers with the help of guns and pouring hot oil on the soldiers who climbed the walls. In this attack there was huge loss of life and materials on both sides. Since this situation continued up to evening, Kara Paha commanded his men to return back.
    Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg checked the damage in the fort wall that very evening and filled in the gap using sand bags and somehow managed the situation. But this would be nothing in front of the powerful cannon balls. Still he did all that he can and waited for his king Leo Paul to come along with the Holy Nations army force. He took up the full responsibility in safeguarding the fort. So he called for his explosive specialists. The explosive experts of Vienna were called as Moos. They were specially trained to find out the hidden explosives and deactivate them. They did this with the help of their smelling power. The captain of Moos group was Michael Lavits.
     Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg called Michael and said, “Michael Lavits…. I don’t think that this damage caused to the wall was by mere cannon balls. I think they must have dug secret underground tunnels and used explosives through them and made them burst so that the walls could be damaged. So take your men and go and find out for hidden explosives in the underground tunnel around the fort wall and deactivate them. Hence Michael and his men had to work the whole night. So they found out lot of such explosives hidden underground by the Turkish soldiers and deactivated them. But still they had the doubt of more of such explosives and continued their search. According to their doubt they found out huge barrel like explosives hidden near Lobos Basin fort. If that exploded then the whole of Lobos Basin was sure to fall. Luckily they found out such explosives and deactivated them.
    The night time of September 11 witnessed many secret events. Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg called Michel and told him, “Michael we have done all that we could do to safeguard this fort of Vienna. But we do not have food or water left for us. Tomorrow might be the last day of our life. We have to be prepared for anything. Just one more powerful cannon ball can bring down the whole Lobos basin fort wall down to the ground. Then all the disaster that would follow will be too terrific for the city to bear. That leaves me with great worry. Our king has not yet returned and so I now leave everything in the mighty hands of our Lord.”
  Just as he said the last words the king of Austria, Leo Paul returned to Vienna. The news of the return of the king aroused the spirit of patriotism in the hearts of each and every soldier. They expressed their happiness by singing praises to and bursting explosives. There was great roar of happiness inside the fort.
    Kara Pasha heard this shouts of joy coming from within the fort walls and understood their king has returned. So he said in his heart, “Oh the coward has returned…… he who ran in fear when he heard the very word of my coming has returned back to die in my hands. Tomorrow I will show him and the people of Vienna my true power and that day will be their last day. I will break down the fort walls, enter the city and cut off the king’s head and give it in his hand. This will happen and for this I will eagerly wait for dawn.”
   On the same night the king of Poland, Sobieski reached Vienna with his 30000 horse force (called as Hussar) and about 80000 soldiers of the Germany Holy league. Sobieski climbed the steep mountain of Kahlenberg mountain region along with his cannon army amidst huge difficulties. He finally reached the flat plain above the mountains. When he viewed from there he was able to have a clear picture of the whole set up of Kara Pasha and how he had positioned his army. Sobieski positioned his Hussar troops to attack the Right side army of Kara Pasha and he had positioned the Germany Holy League army to attack the centre army force of Kara Pasha. He had also positioned the armed forces of Prince Lorene to attack the left side army of Kara Pasha. He had instructed all his troops to wait for him command and on receiving his command they have to get into immediate attack. The sign of command was the burst of cannon balls from the top of Kahlenberg Mountains.
     Crimean Kan Tatar came to know that the king of Poland was climbing up the Kahlenberg Mountain with his army though his spies who were all over the plains of the mountain. But he did not bother about it. He did not tell it to anyone especially to Kara Pasha. This was the time of his revenge and he said, “Everything is happening as I have foreseen. Kara Pasha did you think that you are the only great wizard in this whole world? You thought that everyone else is a fool? Tomorrow you will know who is wise and who is a fool. The person who will teach you the right lesson is now right on the mountain top. Tomorrow will decide the disaster of your troop and that will bring an end to your pride and may be your life. Did you think that only you know to take revenge? Ha ha ha this is the time of my revenge.”
    Ernst Rudiger Von Starhemberg had taken many preventive and precautious measures to protect the fort of Vienna and his soldiers. For this he had build many protective wall around the fort. In those places where he expected for direct attack he had kept small iron balls with sharp spikes on the ground. This would prevent the enemy horses from coming near the fort. So if any horse happened to stamp these iron spiked balls it was sure to break its leg bones and fall down along with its rider. Even if the rider escaped from this fall he was sure to be shot by the bullets which emerged from the guns of the Vienna soldiers. Also there were huge fences which no horse could easily cross. If they tried to cross they were sure to fall on the fence while they jumped.
September 12, 1683 AD
The great day which marked an important landmark in history dawned. The world has seen many battles and bloodshed was nothing new in war. But this war marked a new record in history. As the sun came out from behind the clouds, the whole mountain of Kahlenberg was covered with clouds. On one of the huge rocks on this mountain, Father Marco offered sacrificial mass for the victory of Vienna. The sermon which Father Marco gave on that occasion is very famous in history. Like the Sermon on the Mount recorded in the Bible, this sermon too was an important one.
      It stated, “dear citizens, the war which is about to break is not to decide on our own victory or failure….. It is neither to save our country from the enemies, but this war is to prove our loyalty and reverence towards our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our Lord who has permitted this war. This is to prove his greatness and his love for us and to show those pagans that he is the only almighty God. Just like how God gave permission to satan to torment Job, he has permitted these Islam men to come against us. If we stand with God the victory is ours. For God has said, the battle is mine and I will fight for you. Keep this in mind and fight in the battle. Our enemy should be completely destroyed and this will bring glory to our God. If Jesus Christ is to rule in our Christian territory, then the Islam troops should be destroyed. If we fail to save Vienna today, then we will have to lose Rome tomorrow. And with the fall of Rome the whole of Europe will fall into the hands of those tyrants. Then we will be their slaves…… slaves for them and for their God. It is not something new that the people who belong to the states which are captured by the Islam rulers are undergoing the worst torments. They are pushed into so much of shame and disgrace and pain which could not be expressed in words. We should never become the next in that list. It will not end with you….. Think of your children and the generation to come. Do you want them to live in slavery? Do you want them to live in shame? So keep all this in mind and fight like great warriors keeping in mind to give glory to God. Never think of the result of war. Our God is a God of victory. Jesus christ is his name. He will surely give us victory. You are standing here not to die but to kill the enemy and to give a good future to your children. Our God will stand with you and give you victory. This is his holy cross….. You wicked enemies flee with fear…. Flee with fear…..” He actually roared like a lion and this sound was heard by Kara Pasha who was far below the mountain in his tent.
     He took his telescope and looked at the direction from where the voice of Father Marco was coming from. He saw Father Marco holding up the cross and shout out ‘Flee away enemies….. Flee….”a huge flag was planted next to him. The flag had the impression of Holy Mother Mary having Infant Jesus in her hand. Kara Pasha saw this. For a moment, Kara Pasha felt the picture of Mother Mary come to life. She came and stood in front of Kara Pasha and said angrily, “Kara Pasha I warn you, leave my country and my people and go back your way.”  She pointed out her right hand towards him and said this statement. As she said these words, Infant Jesus who was on her right hand waved his hand and warned him saying, “Wait I will teach you a good lesson.”
   Kara Pasha was struck with fear and then gained his conscious again and said, “Oh no all this is an illusion.” He turned to the king of Maldovia and said, “Prince of Maldovia turn your cannon tankers towards that mountain and fire some cannons at them.” He did as Kara Pasha commanded. Few cannon balls busted right in front of Father Marco and Father Marco fell down unconscious.  Kara Pasha continued and said, “Prince of Maldovia and Prince of Valachia, get ready with your cannon troops and attack the city….. Bring down its fort walls and destroy it…..  Allah will teach these pagan dogs a good lesson. This is the end of Vienna. “Thus the war began.
    The soldiers marched towards the fort on foot and on horses. Though everything was well planned and executed, Kara Pasha equally divided his army and allowed a part of it to march towards the enemy. He kept the remaining half with him to be of help at a critical point. The Turkish armed forces and army showed all their power and war tactics in the battle field. Though Kara Pasha lost a huge number of his horses and soldiers, the army which came later easily uprooted the fences made of spears and killed huge number of Austrian soldiers. Also the Turkish jenassaries soldiers were experts in shooting arrows and thus they killed a huge number of Austrian soldiers using their bow and arrow.
Slowly the sun’s rays came out with full power and light and thus the mist which covered the Kahlenberg Mountain vanished.
   Now the king of Poland had a clear view of the battle field and gave command for his cannon experts to start the attack. This attack destroyed a huge number of his emergency help troops. Also the cannon balls targeted the tents where Kara Pasha’s family members stayed. Hence he had to run from the battle field to save his family. The German army and the army of Prince Lorene welcomed Kara Pasha who returned from the battle field in great haste. Since the cannon balls flew down at the tents of Kara Pasha continuously, all the tents were consumed by fire. Now Kara Pasha was almost mad and did not know what to do and how to proceed. He ran around in terror and lost his senses.
    He shouted out, “Oh my God, my family ……… my wives …….. My children…. They are being consumed by fire….. How am I to save them….. Crimean Kan Tatar where are you…… Go and kill all those who are on the mountain top….. Hurry up and go with your men…”
   The long awaited time for revenge came in the hands of Crimean Kan Tatar. He said, “Kara Pasha I warned you of such a situation long back and you failed to listen to me. Now I can’t listen to you anymore. I don’t want to be with the loosing group and bring disgrace on me. I am leaving this battle field right away with my men. Go and be with those who shake their heads for money and fear of you. Good bye.”
    So saying Crimean Kan Tatar left the battle field along with his 25000 horse troops. Kara Pasha shouted back in pain and anger, “Kan this is sure betrayal from your part”
   But Kan replied, “What do you mean by betrayal? Have I betrayed more than you? That is born with you and is there in your blood. But we are true warriors and you failed to give the due respect for warriors. How much of betrayal? How much of bribe? How much of murder you must have done to come to this post? I have no time to listen to your stories…. I make a move….”
    So saying Kan and his men left the battle field and Kara Pasha. Even at that point Kara Pasha said, “Stop there Kan, if only I win in this battle then I will ensure that your whole life would be in trouble.” Kan smiled and said, “Ha ha ha good joke. I thought you are always a stern man, but only now I know that you have a good sense of humour. I appreciate your guts which make you say that you will win even at this worst situation. Listen to my words carefully….. You are sure to lose in this battle…..  Pride will always have a fall and you are not an exception.”
    These words of Kan added fuel to the burning heart of Kara Pasha. He became an animal and his thoughts became wild. He called one of his army generals and gave a secret command. Accordingly that army general gathered some of their soldiers and went to the 40000 citizens of Vienna whom they had captured and kept as slaves. They just caught hold of them and killed them mercilessly irrespective of whether they were men or women or children or elders. Thus in no time a huge mountain of dead bodies was formed in the battle field. This incident is described as one of the most terrific and un-humanitarian act in history. But Abdulla had somehow sensed the mind of Kara Pasha and anticipated such things to happen. So he bribed the soldiers and released his deaf, dumb and pregnant wife from the group of slaves and escaped to a safe place.
  Lobos Basis fort of Vienna fell down with a crash as a victim of the constant cannon ball attack. But the Austrian soldiers faced the Turkish forces face to face who tried to enter into the city of Vienna through the broken fort wall. At the same time the Hussar horse troops of King John Sobieski attacked Kara Pasha’s men face to face in the battle field. The Hussar troops were well known for their swiftness and powerful attack in those days. They usually have two wings attached to their back and use spears to attack. As they march swiftly their wings will give a peculiar noise. When the horses of the enemy see these horses with wings and noise, they will be terrified and lose their control. They will start to run to and fro and will not listen to their rider. In this way the attack took place. Kara Pasha lost a huge part of his army and his troops were scattered. On seeing this Kara Pasha accepted the fact that he was sure to lose. Once he understood his defeat he vanished from the battle field.
The worst part of the battle followed. The cannon troops and the Hussar troops of King John Sobieski fought so professionally that it was praised by many people in history. The Turkish soldiers who ran to save their lives had no other way of escape other than to dive into the Danube River and in this attempt they got caught in the quick sand and were drowned. This number was more than the people who died in the battle field. King Imrethokoli of Hungary who had come to support Kara Pasha in the battle was killed in the battle field.
     King Leo Paul asked his men to search for Kara Pasha who lost terribly in the battle. At that time, Kara Pasha was riding on his horse holding the green flag with the name of Allah and advanced towards John Sobieski. When he was at a distance of a bullet hit, King John commanded his men to shoot him. The next moment hundreds of bullets pierced the body of Kara Pasha and he fell down to the ground dead. King John of Poland commanded his men to throw away that dog out of his sight. As the soldiers lifted up the dead body, they noticed that it was not Kara Pasha but it was Abdulla. King John frowned and said, “That dog has cheated us. He has run like a coward from the battle field. So it is no use to search for him.”
(When Kara Pasha met his Italian wife the night he was about to leave for the battle, she told him about her dream and the first half stated that Kara Pasha was riding on a horse with the green flag of Allah and thousands of arrows pierced him from the sky. Kara Pasha used this dream to escape and hence sent Abdulla in his disguise. But anyway the first part of her dream came true)
The King of Austria, Leo Paul appreciated the king of Poland, John Sobieski stating he had come as their savior to save him and his country. All their enmity came to an end and a new friendship blossomed between them. “Friendship is an intricate design woven into the fabric of life by a master. It creates a rare and priceless tapestry shot through with the gold and silver threads of happy memories. If you would bestow the perfect gift one that would increase in value and take an added luster with the years….. Give friendship” thus the two kings were now knit with the band of friendship.
   Kara Pasha who escaped from the battle field for his life could not take his wives and children and all his wealth along with him. He gathered as much of money as he could and ran for his life. In his haste he just like that left his wives, concubines and their children right there in the battle field and ran to save his life. The state of these women and their children was pitiable. All that they had cooked were scattered and was burnt down along with them in the attack.
Unable to withstand the fierce attack of the king of Poland and his troop, the men of Kara Pasha left their cannon tankers, explosives and weapons and ran for their lives. All these became the possessions of John Sobieski.
At the end of the war around 2000 jenassaries soldiers and 1500 of Kara Pasha’s wives and concubines were arrested and brought for trial before King Leo Paul. Father Marco who fell down unconscious in the mountain of Kahlenberg was alive by the grace of God. He came to the palace of King Leo Paul and pleaded for the 2000 Turkish soldiers and 1500 women.
   King Leo Paul said, “Father Marco you have witnessed with your own eyes all the merciless things Kara Pasha has done to our people. How can you still come and plead for his men and women?” Father Marco gave a calm reply, “Lord, please be merciful to them on account of our Lord Jesus Christ. As the bible states, love your enemies and do good to them, forgive these innocent men and women. They are just the slaves of Kara Pasha and do what their master commands. Even in the case of these women they were the handmaids of Kara Pasha and never had the freedom to do things on their own. Consider their pitiable state and forgive them. So I request you to forgive them as the Lord has forgiven all our sins for us. If you are a true Christian then you will surely forgive them.”
    King Leo Paul accepted the request of Father Marco. He released all the soldiers and wives of Kara Pasha and set them free. They got settled in Vienna states historical evidence.
(The prophecy of Kara Pasha’s Italian wife that if he failed to listen to the words of Isha Nabi, then none of his men or wives of children of he himself would return to Istanbul came true)
King Leo Paul expressed his gratitude and showed his reverence towards all the soldiers of Holy Nations league, who gave their lives in the battle field. When he expressed his gratitude and reverence towards the 40000 people who were mercilessly killed, he shouted loudly and cried. (But soon all his grief turned into anger. He wanted to teach a good lesson to Imrithikoli and his men. So he chased them out of Hungary. Then he took control of the whole of Hungary. All the wealth of the Protestands were taken over and given to the Catholics.)
December 25 1683 AD….. Belgrade
Kara Pasha reached Belgrade and sent a messenger to meet King Sulthan Memhet and explain the details of the war. King Mehmet asked the messenger to give him a detailed picture of the war. This messenger used it as a good opportunity and told the king all that Kara Pasha did using the king’s name. All that he looted killed and how he became so proud which paved way for his defeat in the battle. On hearing this information, King Mehmet was shocked at such an arrogant and irresponsible behavior of Kara Pasha. His eyes turned red with anger. The king further asked the messenger, “Keep aside all this, now tell me what happened to the holy flag of Allah, that green flag with the name of Allah inscribed on it?” The messenger replied, “my Lord Kara Pasha did not give due respect to any one in the battle field, but he also failed to give due respect to the flag also. He used the flag to save his life. He gave the flag in the hands of one of his spies and sent him disguised like him into the enemy troop. The king of Poland, John Sobieski, killed him on the spot and took the flag with him. Now it is in the custody of the king of Poland.”
    King Mehmet lost all his patience and tore his clothes in grief and said, “I can’t bear to hear this….. How could he do such a thing….. I thought he was a great warrior and he would bring glory to my nation and moreover to the name of Allah. But now he has lost the most valuable treasure of our nation…… the flag of Allah……I won’t forgive him for this act since I had strictly instructed him about the safety of the flag. He won’t escape punishment. I command Kara Pasha to be put to death immediately and his Italian wife and son would bear witness to his death. He deserves this punishment and this would be a lesson to anyone who even thinks of bringing shame to the name of Allah. Let this punishment be executed in Belgrade where he is currently residing. This is my royal command.”
   According to the command of Sultan Mehmet, a group reached Belgrade along with Kara Pasha’s wife, son and the death sentence. Kara Pasha was awaiting them in his home. The men read out the death sentence to Kara Pasha. On hearing it, he did not speak anything. He was given chance to speak to his wife and son for the last time. His wife said, “Beloved, did I not warn you about my dream. Why did you not consider that last chance in the battle field?” Kara Pasha replied, “My dear, I am lucky to have a wife like you….. All that you said came true…… as you said none of my wives or even me could enter Istanbul after this war. It’s all my fate. I deserve this……” then he carried his son in his arm, hugged him and kissed him. Then he looked at the soldiers and said, “One last request, please ask my son and my wife to leave this place. I don’t want to die in front of them.” Then the soldiers removed Kara Pasha’s title, name, authority, wealth, fame….. His scepter…… the treasury keys and in a moment he stood there just like an ordinary man. Then a silk rope was brought. (According to the Islam tradition, all those who betray the king and are sentence to death, if they are government officials, then they will be honored even in their death by hanging them on a silk rope.)
   This was the worst punishment for Kara Pasha. He could not bear the thought that he has lost all that he had earned in his life in just a fraction of a second. What more could he have in life. He felt that it would have been good if he would have died in the battle field. It would have brought honor to his name. Now he had to die as a betrayer. I did not listen to my wife, or to my friends….. Not even to Father Marco who had once saved my life…. And I failed to even stand for my religion….. Shame on me…… this is a good reward for my pride. Then he told the men beside him “ensure whether you have put the knot correctly or else I have to go through pain and suffering there also.” So saying he laughed loudly and these were his last words.
“Sometimes the prize is not worth the cost. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself.” But Kara Pasha failed to have this in mind when he tried to achieve victory. He was very ambitious and to attain what he wished for he went to any extent. Even if it was to kill, betray, loot and what not….. He was ready to do. He did not think of simple pleasures in his life. He ignored the love of his wife and the friendship of those who came to help him. He wanted name and fame for him and in this he failed to fear his own God. He tried to save his life and ultimately lost it. You can’t satisfy anyone in this world….. No one is faithful in this world….. Man runs behind perishable things and forgets the eternal blessings.
December 25, 1684 AD
On the very same day which is the birth day of Lord Jesus Christ, Kara Pasha was hanged to death by the soldiers, three of them who stood on his right and three of them who stood on his left. The second dream of Kara Pasha’s Italian wife came true. The Vienna war which started in 1529 and ended in failure continued in 1683 and once again resulted in failure, brought about an end to the hostile enmity between the Christians and Muslims for nearly 150 years.  
    After this battle none of the Ottoman Muslim rulers ever had the wish to capture any of the Christian countries in Europe. The King of Poland, John Sobieski who won the battle of Vienna on September 12, 1683 AD said the same words of Julius Caesar. They were, “Veni Vidi Vici” which means, “We came, we saw and this was the victory of the Lord”
In history the result of this war was a great disaster for the Islam rulers. On account of this war many countries in Europe which were under the control of Ottoman rulers fought for their freedom and made them loose their strength. They made these Ottoman Sultans to go back to their place of origin.
A sweet message: when Kara Pasha ran from the battle field for his life, he left behind the coffee which was boiling in the kettle. Father Marco who came there tasted it and liked it. He added milk and honey to it and made it ever sweeter. The coffee shop owners of Vienna called their shops as Cappuccino in memory of this priest.  It was from then on coffee was introduced and used in Vienna and this spread all over the world. Father Marco reached his last days. He died on August 13, 1699 AD in Vienna. In 2003 Holy Pope, John Paul II honored him with the title of Saint.
“Victory is our Christian faith
Doesn’t come suddenly one day
It is all the little battles
That we fight along life’s way
Forgetting things that are behind
And reaching for the things before
Laying aside every weight and sin
Is how we will win this great war
We must learn to run with patience
Keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord,
Protected with God’s might armor
His word is our wonderful sword…….”