The leadership of a headless body

city of Otranto is a port situated at the south eastern part of Italy along the
Adriatic Sea. There was a beautiful fort in this city. Anything which is
beautiful, whether it is a beautiful woman, a beautiful fort, a beautiful house
or even a beautiful city will be desired by any human and he would want to
possess it for oneself. Similarly many people across the globe wanted to
possess this beautiful city and hence this place was constantly handled by many
rulers over the decades. During 553 AD the Turkish people won this city for
them. It lasted in their hands for some time and then it fell into the hands of
the Sarsonians. Then it fell into the hands of Arkansans In order to get back the city and all their
treasures, the Byzantine people (Turkish people) waged a long tough fight
during the year 1480 AD.

said, “ Dear citizens who are living within this beautiful fort, I give you one
day time to come to me and surrender yourselves. If so I will forgive you. But
if you refuse to do so then I will kill all of you.”
none of the citizens of the fort paid head to this proclamation. There was a
good reason for this attitude of the people. The King of Otranto, Francis Larco
had asked for military aid from the king of Naples, Ferdinand. So the king and
the people believed that they would soon receive the military aid and there
would not be any need of surrender to the Byzantine army. But they did not
receive any aid as they expected.
the Byzantine army General Ahmed Pasha took the first move. He sent one of his
soldier to the king of Otranto. The people cut off his head and sent his
lifeless body back to Ahmed Pasha. After a week once again Ahmed Pasha sent a
soldier as a representative from his side. The people pierced the soldier with
arrows and killed him. Ahmed Pasha lost his temper on seeing this cruel act of
the inmates of the fort. So he declared open war and thus began the fierce
attack. They used the Persian cannon and within a short time the fort gates
were shattered. Also the walls of the fort were damaged. There were huge cracks
all over the walls of the fort because of the fierce iron balls from the
cannons. The Byzantine soldiers entered the city through these cracks on the
walls. The inmates of the fort were equally wise and stood on the top of the
fort walls and poured boiling water and oil on the Byzantine soldiers who
advanced into the city through the fort.
many of the warriors and soldiers who belonged to the city of Otranto were
missing. No one knew what happened to them. A handful of just fifty brave
soldiers stood on top of the fort walls and fought the great Byzantine army of
15000 soldiers. But very soon they were defeated and the fort walls fell to the
ground. Thus began the great destruction.
The first prey
moment the citizens of Otranto came to know that the great fort walls fell to
the ground, they all gathered together in the middle of the city. They did not
have any way of escape since the placed was surrounded by sea. They did not
know the next move and hence gathered inside the church which was in the middle
of the city. Inside the church were the arch bishop Stefano Agricoli, king
Francis, bishop Stephen Pendinelli and many other priest and nuns in their
priesthood costume. They had cross on their hands and waited for their fate.
Huge number of public gathered in front of the church. The day was 11th August
1480 AD.
a whirl wind came the Byzantine army general Ahmed Pasha into the city. He came
to the church and saw the people and asked them only one question, “How many of
you are willing to get converted as Muslims and follow the Islamic way of
of the people showed their willingness. Immediately the command, “Kill
everyone” was announced by him. The next moment the arch bishop was beheaded on
the altar of the church in his priestly costume. The king and all the priests
and nuns were mercilessly killed. Among the people who stood outside the
church, they were separated into groups as old men and women, women, children
and so on. Of these those who were weak and children below the age group of ten
were killed immediately. Young men and women were sold as slaves to Albania. According
to a research approximately 12000 people were killed in this battle and 5000
people were sold as slaves.
of the historians, Ibincamal, of that time justifies this arrogant act of the
Byzantine army. The other historians have commented stating, this war is just
like any other war and needs no special mention. This is just a means to create
a sense of fear among the people by shedding the blood of innocent people.]
this situation 813 men who were well built and strong were separated. Ahmed
Pasha came to them and said, “ I don’t have any intention to kill you. If you
would show your consent to accept Islamic religion then I will spare your
lives. If you refuse then I have no other option other than to kill you. Which
one do you prefer? Life or death? Decide fast….”
hearing this one of the men, who was a tailor by name Antonio Primalty looked
at his friends and said, “Dear friends this is the best opportunity given to us
to show our loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has suffered and died
to save us from the fires of hell. Now it is our turn to safeguard our souls
and stand as witness for our Lord. He who is in us is greater than he who is in
this world and surely greater than he who stands in front of us. So, let us die
a heroic death to show our faith and love for Jesus Christ.”
hearing this all the men clapped their hands to express their enthusiasm and
support for all that Antonio said. This aroused the anger of the Byzantine army
general and he shouted, “Who is Antonio Primalty in this group?”
replied, “It is me Sir. I am Antonio.”
Pasha looked at him and said, “So are you the captain of this gang?”
replied, “No sir, I am not a captain and I do not have such an intention.”
a stern voice Ahmed said, “It is ok, you be the captain of this gang. All you
who are here, I hope none of you have the intention of accepting Islamic
religion is it?”
we will never deny our Lord and savior Jesus Christ…. Never…. Never….. Never….”
shouted the men in a single voice. This chorus added fuel to the burning heart
of Ahmed Pasha. He commanded his soldiers to take all the men and kill them
with a sword on top of a mountain nearby. This tragic incident took place on 14th August
1480 AD. The 813 men along with Antonio were chained and taken to the top of a
small hill called Minerva.
first person to be called by name was Antonio Primalty and he was the first
prey to the wrath of the Byzantine soldiers. His head was cut off. But all of a
sudden his body without its head stood up. The Lord Jesus Christ did a miracle
in this place. No one was able to push down the headless, lifeless body of
Antonio. Ten men joined together and tried with all their might but could not
push down the body of Antonio. So Ahmed Pasha told his soldiers not to waste
their time in pushing down that dead man. He commanded them to call the second
person to be beheaded.
On seeing how God was with Antonio gave a new
strength in the hearts of the men gathered there. They could feel the presence
of God around them and came forward to give up their lives cheerfully as their
names were called out. In this way Antonio’s body stood straight until all the
813 men were beheaded and died. When the last person was beheaded and died,
along with him Antonio’s lifeless body fell to the ground.
One of the Byzantine soldiers who was of a
high rank in the army by name Pershabee was greatly inspired by this act of
bravery of the 813 men. He gave an immediate testimony. He said that he felt
ashamed to have been a part of this merciless act. So he declared that he has
accepted Jesus Christ as his God. Immediately he was sentenced to death and he
was killed in that place. He too died as a witness for Christ. This incident of
an Islamic soldier to give up his life for Christ is indeed an unbelievable
this fierce battle the Byzantine kingdom captured the city of Otranto. But they
could not rule this place for a long time. In the year 1481 AD, they Byzantines
lost in the battle with the son of the king of Naples Ferdinand, by name
Alphonsa of Aragón and the city fell into the hands of Alphonsa.
at various time intervals the Byzantine kings tried to capture this city of
Otranto, but they could never succeed. King Alphonsa renamed the hill of
Minerva as the hill of martyrs in memory of Primalty and the 813 brave martyrs.
On 13th October, 1481 AD, the bodies of Antonio and the 813
martyrs were buried in the church in the city of Otranto.

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