“Wisdom cries aloud in the
street, she raises her voice in the markets; she cries at the head of the noisy
intersections; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:”
Wisdom is the
priceless gift of god to man. This story centers on a person on whom God
bestowed all His wisdom. God also witnessed that there was and there will not
be anyone who would equal the wisdom of this person forever.
A famous king
once said, “Honey and poison come forth from the same earth…..” This story of
ours has a great resemblance to this statement. This story has its center of
focus on Mount Olive which is located in Jerusalem. One side of the mountain
faces the holy temple in the city of Jerusalem but the other side is well known
for the treacherous plots which were made by men at various times of history on
that mountain. Hence this mount is also known as the mount of scandal
“”. This is the place where the plot to kill Jesus was executed. Judas,
the apostle of Jesus agreed to betray Jesus for a price of 30 silver coins on
this mount. This is the mountain where the chief priest Caiaphas resided. This
is the mountain where Judas committed suicide after knowing that he had
betrayed Jesus and his innocent blood. Judas did not betray Jesus with a wrong
intention. Judas had been with Jesus just like all the other apostles. He too
had witnessed all the miracles Jesus had done. Judas thought, Jesus who had
raised so many dead people alive will surely have a way to save his own life……
also many times Judas has seen Jesus disappear when the crowd was agitated and
a threat for the life of Jesus arose. So he thought that even if he deceives
Jesus, Jesus would surely escape and later he could seek his mercy and rejoin
with him. He thought that Jesus would surely establish his kingdom in Jerusalem
and that he too would be given a high post in the government.
This was the
reason Judas accepted to betray Jesus for the price of 30 silver coins. But
Judas never knew the great plan of almighty god through his son Jesus Christ.
When he came to know that Jesus was going to be crucified on the cross, he
understood that his calculations had gone wrong. His heart broke and his
conscious tortured him saying, “You have betrayed innocent blood for just 30
pieces of silver”. He could not bear this torture and hence hung himself. But
the sad thing is the branch on which he hung himself was not able to bear his
weight and hence it broke. Thus Judas fell upside down and his head banged the
ground and he fell on a spot which tore his belly to pieces and all his
intestines came out.
Thus Judas betrayed Jesus and before Jesus
could die on the cross, Judas had a tragic death. Before Judas could commit
suicide, he threw the 30 silver coins in the temple of Jerusalem in front of
the high priest. But the priest did not put the money in the offering box since
it was a price paid for the blood of Jesus. Hence they got a land from a potter
with the money and it is called as AKLADAMMA which means land of blood.
tradition says the tomb of judas iscariot and the high priests
Annaas and kaipaas are situated.
Though with the change of time a lot of
big buildings have crouched around this land, even today no one has dared to
touch this land and build anything in this. This land has not been sold
or altered and remains just like how it was at the time of Jesus. This land is
situated right in front of the house of the high priest Caiaphas in the mount
of scandal. If a part of this mount olive is honey the other half is poison. So
much of evil plots had been executed in this mountain. If we are to think that
the plot to kill Jesus was just the thought of Judas and the high priest, we
are certainly wrong. The seed for this great plot was sowed during the time of
King Solomon. King Solomon was the person who sowed the seed but he did not
realize what he was doing and the consequences. “No one has ever existed or
would be born who would be equal in wisdom which Solomon possessed” was the
gift God gave to Solomon.
Once Solomon became king, everything was
fine for some time. His treasury overflowed. He was becoming richer and richer.
God kept his promise and blessed him abundantly. As Solomon promised his
father, King David, he was very true to his God and pleased him. But slowly his
riches and power blindfolded him. He deviated from the ways which was pleasing
in the sight of the Lord. As a fact of special mention, he was very much
addicted towards beautiful women. They made him sin in the eyes of the Lord.
Though he was warned by his mother and by God he could not control his lust and
desire for young women. They made him worship other gods which was highly
disgusting in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord god of Israel commanded Solomon to
stay away from three things: 1. in the first place Solomon should not marry any
women from any other race or country except women from his own Hebrew race, 2.
Secondly since The Lord God Almighty is their protector, Solomon was not
supposed to have any horse battalion or soldiers, 3. Thirdly Solomon should not
build any palaces or forts for his own use. But Solomon did not keep up any of
these three commandments. Just like Adam and Eve who disobeyed God and ate the
fruit of knowledge, their generation has always been following their footsteps
and Solomon was no exception to this. He too disobeyed god and committed
sin. He married any woman who were appealing in his sight. This sin of
Solomon was the seed which thirsted for the innocent blood of Jesus Christ
after many generations. This information might be a shock to those who are
reading this. But this is truth and you will know what actually happened as you
read the rest of the story.
Solomon built the great temple of Jerusalem
for his God as he had promised his father David which was a historical
landmark. The foundation for this great temple was laid on 966 BC, 17thApril.
This happened just four years after Solomon had become king. For the execution
of this great project of building this magnificent temple, the great architect
Huramibi of Lebanon was appointed. A young man by name Joseph was appointed as
assistant for this architect. Solomon noticed the great skill and talent which
Joseph exhibited in his work and hence paid him double the wages than all the
other workers. In this situation Joseph was possessed by a demon. On account of
this he became thin and weak day by day. He was not able to work efficiently. Solomon,
who noticed this change in Joseph, called him one day and asked him the reason
for his lack of efficiency and his physical condition. Joseph replied in tears,
“My Lord, as long as I work in the temple, I don’t have any problem. But once
evening comes and I am out of this temple, a demon takes possession of me and
takes away half of my earnings. At last it bites my thumb and sucks my blood
and then leaves me. This is the reason I am becoming weak day by day and I am
not able to concentrate in my work.” This troubled the heart of Solomon and he
wanted to find out a way of relief for this situation. He decided to seek the
help of the most holy god and went into the temple. He set forth his petition
to God and suddenly the arch angel Michael appeared to Solomon in a flash of
light. Michael said to him, “Solomon, your prayer has been answered. Behold the
signet ring of God which bears his holy name. Praise the Lord God….. When you
wear this ring, all evil demonic forces will surrender to you by the power of
this ring. With the help of this ring you can avail any kind of help required
to build the holy temple from any one you want.” The angel disappeared after
handing over the ring to Solomon.

…Solomon called
his favorite worker Joseph and handed over the ring to him and said, “Joseph,
when the spirit comes to harm you the next time, punch its chest with this ring
without any hesitation. Then command the spirit to come and meet me and run to
me immediately.” Joseph followed the instructions of Solomon and punched the
spirit on its chest. Then the demon looked at Joseph and said, “Joseph, why did
you do such a thing to me? If you could have asked me, I would have provided
you all the riches of this world….. Instead why did you get me trapped by
Solomon?” so saying the demon followed Joseph. Joseph met Solomon and handed
over the ring to him. Solomon looked at the demon and asked, “Who are you
unclean spirit? Where do you come from? What is your name? Who has authority
over you? Answer me right away.” The demon replied, “Great king Solomon,
“My name is
Oornais and I come from the Abyss.
I once lived in
heaven but now I am one among the pagan
Inducing lust
and making people to sin, Is the prime job I do and in this I always win
I live on earth
and I live in the water, I also live in the sky for the type of place doesn’t
I can take the
form of a vulture and sore high up in the sky, Or prowl around in the form of a
lion all over the land so dry
No one in this
world can defeat me and this is not a lie, Do not play with me anymore, king
Solomon or you are sure to die”
replied, “I am here right before you who have the authority and power to defeat
you…..I don’t want any of your self praise….. Tell me who has authority over
you????? Who can bind you????” The demon replied, “If you are so keen in
knowing it, let me tell you….. The mighty angel Uriel has the power to bind
immediately gave his command, “Oornais, I command you to bring stones and rocks
required to the building of this great temple from the Kethron valley. Also go
and bring your captain Beelzebub to me on my command.” Oornais did as Solomon
commanded and brought the captain of demons, Beelzebub to him. Then Oornais
went to the site where the rock were being cut into stones for the building of
the temple and started his work as commanded by Solomon. Solomon now questioned
Beelzebub and it replied, “Oh you great king Solomon, do you know this proverb,
‘Pride will have a fall’….. Don’t boast about because you have authority and
power….. This is just for a short while….. Very soon you will lose your
authority as king….. I don’t even wish to talk to you….. It is my fate that I
have to stand before you and answer your questions…. But this situation will
soon change.” Immediately Solomon punched its chest with his ring and the next
moment Beelzebub fell to the ground with a loud cry of pain as if he was
pierced with a flaming spear. Then the demon said, “Solomon, stop torturing me.
I will do all that you command me….. Tell me what do you want?” Solomon smiled
and said, “That’s a good decision…… now introduce few of the demons who are
under your control. Especially introduce women demons first…… at least one of
them….” As requested by Solomon a beautiful woman appeared before Solomon. She
was of exceeding beauty. Though she was in the form of human being, her legs
resembled those of a horse. Solomon was wonder struck and questioned her. She
replied, “Your highness, my name is Oonasis Kelis. I live in caves and mountain
tops. I also reside in the star by name Capricorn. I come from the place called
as dark heaven. I am a spirit body but appear in the form of human beings. My
work is to hypnotize men. This is the command given to me. But men do not know
this and fall in my trap and thus fall into sin. Solomon curtailed her powers
and asked her to make ropes, throughout day and night. These ropes were useful
in carrying stones and wood for the building of the temple.
Another unclean
spirit appeared before Solomon. (It is essential that the readers remember the
name of this spirit). Solomon once again asked his usual questions, “Who are
you? Where do you come from? What is your name?” But these questions set the
spirit on hot temper and it replied, “How dare you question me? Who are you to
ask my name?” Solomon also picked up temper and showed his ring to the spirit
and said, “Can you see this ring? Do you know the power of this ring? If you
fail to answer me in the right way then you will have to face the
consequences….. What do you say? Are you ready to give me the answers?” The
demon replied, “Solomon you are just a human being….. Born of this world….. A
man with flesh and blood….. But do you know who I am? Though I was born of a
woman on this earth, my father is an angel. I reside in the outer space high up
in the sky. I am called as the GREAT BEAR. I have a collection of
stars under me. Now I think this is more than enough for you…. Don’t ask me
anything further. I don’t have any need to answer you…… because I live high up
in the sky and you live low down on the earth….. You are far below me…. Far far
below me Solomon…… you can become equal to my status…. So I think this respect
which I have given you is more than sufficient and keep it up…” These words of
the demon added fuel to the burning fire in Solomon’s heart. He said in a harsh
voice, “You nasty demon…. You have to answer me…. There is no way of escape… if
you fail to do, I will punch you with this ring...” so saying Solomon tried to
punch the demon with the ring…. The demon opened its mouth and said, “Oh what
is the great hurry my dear King….. We shall talk…. Tell me what do you want? My
name is Asmothyuis. My work is to plan wicked plots. I bring confusion and ignorance in
the minds of people. Especially, I induce the thoughts of suspicion in the
hearts of newly married couples. I separate families… I give pleasure to
those who obey me for some time and then torture them for eternity. But what a
pity…. People how do not know this worship me as god. See even you are
torturing me…. But your rule will come to an end in a short period. As long as
you are a king and you have this signet ring you will have the power to control
me….. But very soon you will lose this signet ring and then fall down at my
feet as my slave…. All these will take place very soon….. Wait and see and then
you will know my powers….”
Solomon’s anger
reached its peak and he asked the demon, “who is the angel who has control over
you? Come on and tell me immediately…..” The demon replied, “The only angel who
has authority over me is Archangel Raphel….. Also I am greatly terrified
at the very sight of the fished which live in the rivers Euphrates and Tigris.
I would like to remind you of an incident in my life…. In the ancient times
once a young couple was on their way to their home town. Angel Raphel assisted
the husband whose name was Thopias. I took control over his wife. At this point
suddenly angel Raphel took the intestine and liver of the fishes in the river
and threw them on me. Immediately I came out of the women through her nose in
the form of a snake. Archangel Raphel caught hold of me and sent me back to my
place in the sky….. Ok it is all past events…. Now what are you going to do
with me? Are you going to send me back? Or are you going to keep me here with
you?” Solomon did a wise thing. He brought the oil which was taken from the
liver of those special fishes and lighted a lamp. With the help of the light of
the lamp he controlled the demon. He also changed the demon into a vulture and
kept him next to him. This was the beginning of the sad fate of Solomon. He
encountered many more demons and brought them under his control and with their
help got all the work done for building the holy temple. Thus with the help of
the signet ring, Solomon interacted with many demons and it was said that there
was almost not one demon left which Solomon was unaware of. He started show
great interest in witchcraft and became a master in it. All the demons of hell
listened to him except Beelzebub.
Solomon further
questioned Beelzebub showing him the signet ring and asked him, “Tell me
Beelzebub, whom you fear the most? Who can suppress you and defeat you? Who has
the authority to bind you in chains?” Beelzebub replied, “The only person who
can control me is Immanuel, the son of Jehovah…… no one else can control me.”
On hearing this Solomon punched the demon with the ring and the demon
surrendered. But it roared in anger stating, “Solomon, you have defeated me
now, this is a temporary defeat…. A day will come when Immanuel will come down
to this earth in the form of man. At that time I will have him in my control…
he will suffer in my hands…. I will torture him… I will take my revenge…. But
you will not live to see that…. But will be there…… this will happen…..”
Solomon commanded the demon not to speak another word.
The entry of the queen of Sheeba
As it is said,
“Time and tide wait for none”, time rolled over very quickly. The great wisdom
of Solomon became well known all over the world. Many people from many parts of
the world came to see Solomon and the way he settled disputes and cases in the
wisest way. There was a man called Thambrin, who was belonged to the city of
Ethiopia, and was an ambassador in the court of Solomon representing his
country. He was a great merchant. Through him the queen of Sheba came to know
about the great wisdom of King Solomon and the magnificent temple which he had
built. She desired to see King Solomon and waited for an opportunity. Her name
was Macatha. She was a spinster. By this time Solomon had seven hundred wives
and three hundred concubines. Solomon had married the daughter of pharaoh of
Egypt. This Egyptian wife of Solomon did not like to stay in the palace where
all the other wives of Solomon stayed. She was adamant to live separately and
insisted Solomon to build her a separate palace. So Solomon built a separate
palace in the place called Milo in the city of jerusalem and kept her there. I
am sure Solomon must have had special talent to take care of all these thousand
women who were with him.
The vulture
Asmothyuis was very good to Solomon for a long time and he too treated it in a
well deserved way. But this relationship did not last long. Solomon wanted to
travel all over the world with the help of this vulture. So he called
Asmothyuis and gave him the command to take him all over the world. The vulture
also obeyed his command and made him sit on its neck and flew high in the sky.
Solomon asked the vulture, “Asmothyuis is this all you can do? Is this your
maximum speed? Why don’t you fly at a greater speed?” Asmothyuis used this
opportunity in the right way and said, “Dear king, I have lost all my strength
and power over these years. If you want me to fly faster and swifter, I need my
old strength back. So if it would please you, give me your signet ring for some
time. Once I gain my strength back, I will return the same to you.” Solomon was
such a wise king, but at that moment he was not able to understand the plot of
this vulture. Without a second thought he took off his signet ring and gave it
to the vulture.
That was the great mistake Solomon did. The vulture that waited
for this opportunity caught hold of it. Once the vulture got the ring, it
became all powerful and stretched one of its wing covering the entire sky and
the other wing towards the earth. While it flew over Jordan, it slanted itself
in such a way that Solomon fell down to the ground. Instead of picking up the
fallen king, the vulture drifted off to Jerusalem. As it flew over the sea, it
dropped the signet ring deep down into the Red sea. Thus the vulture got back
its original demonic form. Now it was set free from its bondage. It said,
“Solomon how did you underestimate me????? Did you think I am a fool? Did you
expect me to sit under you all my life? All these years I waited for the right
opportunity and now I got it. You will die in the desert near Jordan and I will
be the king of Jerusalem.” So saying it laughed loudly and took the form of
King Solomon and sat on his throne.
In this
pitiable situation, King Solomon waked all the way in the hot desert and
reached the city of Ammon. He was tired of hunger and thirst. A cook
hired him as his assistant. Solomon was given assistant job in the palace
kitchen and the king of Ammon. Solomon understood his foolishness and regretted
for the same. Once he lost the signet ring most of his powers were also lost.
Now he was one among the common man. Hence he did not disclose his identity
with anyone. Even if he disclosed no one would ever believe him. So he silently
waited for the right opportunity.
One day the chief cook fell ill and hence
Solomon was asked to cook. Since he was well versed in all fields, he cooked
the best dish for the king that day. The king and his daughter Naamaah by name were delighted to taste such a delicious meal.
So they praised Solomon for his excellent work. As they were praising, the
princess looked keenly at Solomon. Solomon also noticed the princess. Thus this
spark which began in their eyes became a great flame of love between the two.
They started to meet in person and share their love. Slowly people started to
find out this love affair and when the king heard of it, he became furious. He
could not bear to think that his daughter would fall in love with an ordinary
cook. The king did not know that the ordinary cook is the world famous king,
Solomon. So unaware of this truth he decided to kill his daughter and Solomon
in secret and made necessary arrangements for the same. But somehow Solomon and
the princess came to know about the king’s plot and eloped from the city that
very night. They reached a nearby village and lived there in disguise. Solomon
got some fish for dinner and when he cut them open to clean them, he was
surprised to find his signet ring in the stomach of one of the fishes. His
happiness reached the sky. With the help of the ring he got back his lost
powers. Immediately he left to Jerusalem and fought with Asmothyuis. He
brought it under his control and changed it into a vulture once again and had
it with him. Thus each and every wife of Solomon has a special story.

Now let us get
back to the queen of Sheba. The queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon along with
rich gifts and all her men. Though she was known as the queen of Sheba her
actual name was Macatha. Solomon was very glad to have her in his palace. One
of the reasons was that she was a spinster. The grand reception which Solomon
gave for the queen of Sheba is well known all over the world and the gifts
Macatha presented to King Solomon is also well known all throughout the world.
A incident of special mention is, Macatha had brought many animals as a present
to the king and a chimpanzee was one among them. King Solomon completely lost
himself to see the pranks the chimpanzee played and joined with it. While
everyone was excited at the visit of the queen of Sheba, the only people who
were greatly unhappy were the wives of Solomon. With the entry of Macatha all
the old wives of Solomon really became outdated in the sight of Solomon.
Macatha who had heard about the Wisdom of Solomon through many men now had the
chance to see and know his wisdom with her own eyes. She was very excited
and enjoyed her stay at his palace. She then wanted to see the temple which
Solomon had built for his god. She amazing wisdom of Solomon and the
magnificent temple made her understand that the god of Israel is the only true
god and the gods which she had worshiped all her life, namely the sun and the
moon, were only the creations of this great god. So Macatha along with her
people accepted the god of Israel as their own god.
One day King
Solomon invited Macatha alone for dinner with him. Solomon had instructed the
cook to prepare a spicy dinner. After the dinner the king and the queen were
left alone. Solomon said, “Dear Macatha, you can stay in my palace as long as
you want. I will never disturb you in any way. But you should not use any of
the things in my room without my permission.” Macatha was quiet surprised at
this statement of Solomon and said, “Dear king, I will not ask anything from
you nor will I touch anything in your palace without your permission. Even I
have all the gold and diamonds that you have. I did not come here for these
riches…. Don’t mistake me” But Solomon continued saying, “Oh no, I did not
mistake you. I just wanted to remind you that every human being will have to
face a challenge or a temptation at certain part of his life. We cannot say
when such a situation would happen. Ok let us have a challenge. If I win in my
challenge you will have to listen to my command and if you win I will do
anything you ask me to. Are you ready to take up the challenge????”
The queen
was unaware of the plot and agreed. Soon she fell asleep. After a while she
felt very thirsty. She woke up and saw the king was fast asleep and did not
want to disturb him. So she reached out to the golden jar next to the king and
drank some water from it. Solomon who waited for this moment woke up and caught
hold of Macatha’s hand and said, “Dear queen you have broken you covenant…..
You have touched my jar without my permission. You have done this with an
intention of stealing.”
The queen was greatly shocked at this statement. She
started to cry and said, “No my lord, I did not take to jar with an intention
of stealing it. I was thirsty and I came here to drink from this jar. Please do
trust me.” But Solomon said, “Macatha, there is no precious object in this
world than this pure drinking water. You who have travelled all the way from
Ethiopia, crossing so many deserts, don’t you know the worth of water? There is
no use in crying. Accept your defeat and obey my command. What do you say?” The
queen who had no other option asked him, “What do you expect from me? I will do
anything you ask me to do.” Solomon looked at her filled with romance and said,
“would you make my bed special by your presence in it?” The queen who now
understood the intention of Solomon said, “Your highness I am a spinster. Marry
me and then I will fulfill your command.” Solomon also agreed to marry her.
That night
Solomon had a dream in which he saw the sun which rose on the following day
stand still for a while and then move towards Ethiopia. Then it stood still
there and never came back to Judea. This was not just a dream. Solomon expected
that the sun would return to Judea but it never did return. Thus the glory of
Jerusalem also started to decrease but Ethiopia flourished. Macatha got
conceived and thus the generation of Solomon started to grow in the womb of
Macatha. (Macatha named that child as Ipna Hakkim). King Solomon bid farewell
to his dear wife and before she could leave Solomon gave her the signet ring.
He asked her to give the ring to their son and send him back to him so that he
would crown him as the king of Jerusalem. He gave her this promise in the name
of the god of Israel. Macatha went to her place.
Twenty years later she sent
her son to Solomon with the signet ring. Before she sent him she asked him to
promise her that he would never stay in Jerusalem, he should never marry anyone
in Jerusalem and that he has to come back to Ethiopia and become its king. But
Ipna Hakkim met his father Solomon and was crowned as the prince of Jerusalem.
He also received the title David II from his father. He returned the signet
ring to his father and returned to his homeland. He was crowned as a king by
name Menalech. But before he could leave Jerusalem, he stole the Arc of the covenant
from the temple of Jerusalem and took it to Ethiopia along with him. From that
day the fame and glory of Jerusalem faded and the dream of Solomon came true.
Solomon reached the age of sixty. The most
beautiful wives of Solomon (the women from Jordan, Ammon, and Cana, Egypt)
showed special love and care for him and tried to have him with them all the
time. This made King Solomon become a slave for their love and affection. Even
the wisest of men are just slaves in front of the beauty of women and Solomon was
not an exception. This is how man was created. Though his soul constantly
instructs him to flee from sin and lust, his body urges him to invite pleasure
and happiness. It is a tough war between the soul and the body and in most
situations the body wins. This is exactly how Solomon fell for the flattery of
his dear wives and started to offer sacrifices to their gods. Due to this act
of Solomon, all the evil spirits, demons which were kept under the control of
Solomon, which he did with the help of the signet ring, became free and were
released from their bondage. The words of Beelzebub and Asmothyuis came true.
It was all because of these beautiful women and the wicked plot of satan. Once
the demons were free they set up their residing places on the slopes of mount
Olive. Hence now Solomon became a slave for these demons who were once his
slaves. This is indeed a pitiable state. This is the reason the God of Israel
commanded Solomon not to marry any other women other than those who belonged to
the Hebrew clan. But things went out of control. Solomon became bed ridden.
This state of
Solomon clearly shows the state of a person who deliberately breaks Gods
commands. How long will man disobey God and test his patience? How long would
god be patient with man and his short comings? But god wanted to make people
understand the consequences of God being patient with men and their constant
disobedience. Jesus wanted to make people know all the tribulations that would
happen to the people and city of Jerusalem on account of their disobedience. He
knew how he would have to suffer and die. Hence Jesus stood on the slopes of
this mount Olive and looked at Jerusalem and cried loudly, “Oh! Jerusalem,
Jerusalem! you who continue to kill the prophets and to stone those who are
sent to you! How often I have desired and yearned to gather your children
together around me, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you would
not!. Behold, your house is forsaken! And I tell you, you will not see me again
until the time comes when you shall say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of
the lord!” In the later days the Christians have built a church in this place
which is in the form of a tear representing the incident that Jesus stood in
that place and cried. This place is called as DOMINUS FLEVETI. 

But all that
Jesus foretold came true. In 70 AD, Titus of Rome wanted to teach a good lesson
to these Jews and hence surrounded them on all sides and tortured them with
fire. Many of the Jews died and underwent immense agony. There were loud shouts
and cries of agony. No one escaped right from men women and even children
became a prey to the anger of the Romans. Titus killed almost anyone his eyes
saw. He did not stop with this; he also destroyed their houses, forts and
palaces so that they will not get back to their old glory. As this great
slaughter was taking place one of the Roman soldiers told Titus, “Lord, once a
Jewish prophet named Jesus Christ foretold that there won’t be a stone on
another and in this way Jerusalem will be destroyed. Shall we see whether this
prophecy would come true?”
Titus also
agreed and hence a wall of the temple of Jerusalem was pushed down. Even then
nothing happened. But in order to test the validity of the prophecy, the Romans
tried to rebuild the fallen wall. At this moment the sky became dark and a roar
of thunder was heard from the sky. The sound of the thunder shook the wall
which the Romans tried to rebuild and shattered it completely. Immediately the
entire city of Jerusalem was immersed in darkness. The birds of the sky and the
animals on the land sensed that something bad was on its way and became
restless. The day turned into night and the moon and the stars appeared on the
sky. This situation lasted for some time and then once again everything became
normal as usual. Titus who saw these unusual things said, “The prophecy of the
Jewish Rabbi, Jesus Christ is true even today.” After this Titus thought that
the purpose of his coming has been accomplished and started to loot the city of
Jerusalem. He entered the temple and took all the gold and silver in it
including the most holy altar utensils which Solomon had gifted the temple
with. Titus did not leave anything in the temple and took all its treasures to
his country. He also took the remaining men and women of the city as slaves to
his place.
King Solomon
saw all these incidents with his spiritual eye and understood the power of the
prophecy of Jesus Christ against Jerusalem. With this pain in his heart Solomon
looked up to god and said, “Lord, My Lord….. Immanuel…. Have mercy on me…… have
mercy on my people…… please do not curse my people…. They are just not my
people… they are your chosen race…. Do not curse this holy land which is so
dear to you…… we are your people Lord….. We are your children and you are our
father….. Oh Titus, how dare you torture my people…..? Oh Titus, don’t destroy
the temple which I built with so much of love and adoration for God….. Don’t
dare to touch the holy temple worship utensils…. You who has unclean hands….
Don’t dare to touch the holy objects… it will turn as a curse on you….. Beware…
beware….return back to you place…. Don’t dare to enter my city….” Tough Solomon
shouted out in pain and agony of the future events, his wives who stood around
him could not understand what was happening to Solomon.
They were confused and
said, “Lord…. Lord… look at us… what is wrong with you? Are you alright? Oh
your body is burning hot….call the physician immediately….” So saying they ran
here and there not knowing what was actually happening to Solomon. The
physician came and treated Solomon and advised his wives to leave him alone to
take rest. But none of his wives were ready to leave his side for they feared
that if they move then someone else might take their place. Somehow Solomon regained
his health and started to walk. Immediately one of his wives hugged around his
neck and another around his chest. Likewise all his wives surrounded him and he
walked along with them. As he walked he saw a vision.
He saw the
scene after the last supper of Jesus. Judas the disciple of Jesus was hurrying
to betray Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “Dear friend, go and do things
quickly that which you have to do.” So saying Judas left the place and
immediately satan entered into him. Just not one demon, but there demons
entered into him. They were Asmothyuis, Asthragus and Beelzebub One of the demons hung round him on his back and
the other hung around him on the front and they were pushing him on his way.
The third one went in front of him with great joy playing all kinds of tricks.
At this point the state of Judas was similar to that of King Solomon. Even in
that situation Solomon said, “No Judas, do not betray Immanuel the most high.
Don’t commit that sin for that will bring everlasting curse on you. Eternal
hell awaits you for this act of yours. Return to your house and do not go to
that mount of Plot.” As Solomon stammered and said these words, his wives were
once again confused about what was happening to him but none of them was ready
to depart from him. Just like how the three demons dragged Judas to the mount
of Plot, Solomon was also dragged to the mount of plot by his wives. Any man on
this earth is a slave for the pleasure which a young woman gives him. Even
though Solomon was the wisest person on this earth, he too was a man and was
ready to face any disgrace to enjoy that short lived pleasure.
Thus Solomon
writes, “So I became great and increased more than all who were
before me in Jerusalem. Also my wisdom remained with me and stood by me. And
whatever my eyes desired I kept not from them; I withheld not my heart from any
pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labor, and this was my portion and
reward for all my toil. Then I looked on all that my hands had done and the
labor I had spent in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after
the wind and a feeding on it, and there was no profit under the sun.” Thus
not knowing what he did, Solomon offered sacrifices to the demons which were
once under his control and this aggravated the anger of his only true God of
Israel. Thus he brought a curse on himself. These demons which were now set
free waited patiently in this mountain to take revenge on Jesus Christ after
thousands of years.
King Solomon was resting in his bed. He was
breathing hard. He called his army general, Pennaya and asked him a favor.
Solomon said, “Pennaya will you do me a favor?” The General replied with tears
in his eyes, “My Lord, command me and I will do anything you wish for.” Solomon
said, “I know that all my authority is limited within this bed room. It is long
since I lost my wisdom and have become a fool to my wives. It is all because of
my disobedience and fate. I did all that was disgusting in the eyes of the Lord
and lost all his grace and mercy. I have betrayed my god and have received his
curse. I also know that all that I have done now is going to take revenge on my
Lord very severely in future. So promise me one thing. You should do all that I
command you. Will you do it? If so promise me now.” Pennaya said, “Do not test
my loyalty lord. I am always at your service. Command me and I will do as you
say.” Solomon said, “I know your loyalty and I never doubt it. Do you remember
the queen of Sheba? Do you remember our son Ipna Hakkim, that young man who had
once visited me? He resembled me in his appearance….. why are you silent
Pennaya said, “How will I forget your son my
Lord? I remember him and the title you gave him as David II and crowned him as
prince of Jerusalem.” Solomon said, “Yes all that is true. But do you say that
what my son did was right? Should he be forgiven for the treacherous act he
did? How can I forgive him for stealing away the Arc of covenant in which my Lords presence resided? How could
I forget this act of his? Do you know all the sufferings I underwent after having
lost that covenant box? The two people who were responsible for this were
my son Ipna Hakkim and the chief priest Azaria who was the son of Sadoak. For this reason I commanded you to arrest my son and kill all those who were with him….. Do you remember that? Then why did you not obey that command of mine? You just like that let them escape. What is the guarantee that you will not commit such a mistake this time? That is the reason I am just not giving it as a command but asking you to promise me…..”
my son Ipna Hakkim and the chief priest Azaria who was the son of Sadoak. For this reason I commanded you to arrest my son and kill all those who were with him….. Do you remember that? Then why did you not obey that command of mine? You just like that let them escape. What is the guarantee that you will not commit such a mistake this time? That is the reason I am just not giving it as a command but asking you to promise me…..”
Pennaya replied, “Lord, it is since years
that your son had visited you and has returned to his homeland. In all these
eleven years if it is displeasing for our God of Israel to be in that heathen
city, he would have surely come back to our place. Why did this not happen?
Hence this is the will of God. If he desires to be there, then how will he come
back to Jerusalem? Also how can your son carry our God without his consent? If
it is not done with the consent of God, your son would have been struck dead at
the moment he touched the covenant box. Lord I ask your permission to reveal a
secret which I had kept within me all these eleven years.”
Solomon said, “What, you have a kept a secret
from me? Tell it immediately.” Pennaya said, “Lord, you commanded to arrest
your son and kill all those who were with him. I gathered my men and went ahead
to execute your command. I saw your son and all those who were with him hide
the covenant box and stand in rows before it. At that time I saw a strange
sight in the sky. I saw the Archangel Michael appear before me. He said,
‘Pennaya, stop. Do not harm anyone here. They are under my protection.’ The
moment I heard these words I fell down on the ground and said that I had to
fulfill the command of my Lord and King Solomon.
For this Archangel Michael said, ‘Tell your
king that this is the will of God.’ So saying he covered your son and his men
with his huge wings. After this I saw all of them fly high in the sky. They
flew from the northern part of Egypt up to the southern part. As they flew
their shadows fell on the temples which were located along the banks of the
river Nile. The moment their shadows fell on the temples, the temples shattered
to pieces including their gods. The Egyptian gods fled to the desert place of
Egypt with a loud cry. I got this information through our Egyptian spies also.
Also the spies informed me that Archangel Michael had dropped your son and his
men on the north western boundary of Ethiopia. From that place the queen of
Sheba received her son and her men and carried the covenant box to the city of
Axum, in a grand procession.
(This covenant box is still kept in the church of Mother Mary in Axum. But
none of the people are allowed to see it). But I could not tell these things to
you immediately because you were in a very depressed state. Hence I told
you that they have escaped with the help of their naval team who waited for
them in the port of Edom. But they escaped with the help of Archangel Michael
through the western portal city of Gaza. Since all these things happened with
as per the will of God, I did not have much trouble. God saved me. But please
do forgive me my Lord for not disclosing these things all these years.” Solomon
also understood that it was the will of God and forgave his general.
At that time Archangel
Gabriel appeared to Solomon and said, “Solomon, God has been merciful on you
for the promise he had done to your father David and your fore fathers Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. From this time your days are being counted. So go and do all
that you have to do.” So saying the Archangel Gabriel touched Solomon’s feet
and he received strength. Solomon called for the High Priest Saddoak. He asked
him to anoint his second son Rehoboam as king. Rehoboam had a defect in his leg
and would not walk properly. So Solomon made his son come round the city
mounted on the palace royal horse. Then he called his army general Pennaya and
instructed him all that has to be done after his death and asked him to promise
Then he leaned on his bed and sang a Psalm which his father David had
sung, “Lord if you are to remember all our sins, who could stand in your
presence? But since you are merciful and you forgive us I humbly bow down at
your feet.” After these words Solomon started to think of many things. He
started to blabber and with tears in his eyes he said, “Everything under this
sun is vanity.” So saying, he closed his eyes. His son came back after his trip
around the city and came to Solomon, to get his blessings. But by then Solomon
was dead.
After his death
Solomon’s body was buried with official respect in the same place where his
father David was buried. According to Solomon’s instructions his general
Pennaya, buried countless riches, gold, silver, coins, jewels, diamonds and
precious stones in his grave. This treasure is sealed by his signet ring and is
being guarded by wicked demons. The signet ring was put in Solomon’s finger and
was buried along with him. Also the demons are given strict orders to hide this
ring from the eyes of anyone even those who are lying dead. It is said that all
these are real facts.
Once, King
Herod fell into a big pit while he was renovating the walls of the fort of
Jerusalem. The pit took him and his men to a secret place underground. There
they saw a sight which struck them with fear. They saw the grave of King David
and King Solomon amidst a huge heap of gold. At that moment many demons
shouted, “Run…. Run….. Run for your lives…. Do not stay here. Do not tell
anyone about what you have seen here. If you dare to tell your heads will
burst……..” so all the men ran for their lives and some fell on the way. All
those who fell down died on the spot says a old story.
In 7 AD one of
the Bishops Acquilt, who had come on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, states in his
diary that: two masons who were working in Zion accidently fell into a pit
which led them to the grave of Solomon and David. They too had the same experience
as that of King Herod and his men. The bishop tried his best to find out the
details of the grave of Solomon and his treasure, but the two men were not able
to give the details of the location of the grave. That was the extent to which
they were being warned by the demons. Also, we have information which states
that two monks of Saint Franciscan had a similar experience and they too were not
able to disclose the location of the grave of Solomon even to their head of the
This is the
reason why no one was able to find out the grave of Solomon…….. It remains a
Thus Solomon
has rightly mentioned…….
“I searched in my mind how to cheer my body with wine – yet at the
same time having my mind hold its course and guide me with wisdom – and how to
lay hold of folly, till I might see what was good for the sons of me to do
under heaven all the days of their lives.
I made great works; I built myself houses, I planted vineyards. I made
for myself gardens and orchards and I planted in them all kinds of fruit trees.
I made for myself pools of water from which to water the forest and make
the trees bud.
I brought menservants and maid servants and had servants born in my
house. Also I had great possessions of herds and flocks, more than any who had been
before m in Jerusalem.
I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings and
of provinces. I got myself men singers and women singers, and the delights of
the sons of men – concubines very many.
So I became great and increased more than all who were before me in
Jerusalem. Also my wisdom remained with me and stood by me.
And whatever my eyes desired I kept not from them; I withheld not my
heart from any pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labor, and this was my
portion and reward for all my toil.
Then I looked on all that my hands had done and the labor I had spent in
doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after the wind and a
feeding on it, and there was no profit under the sun.”
Though Solomon
gained all this he lost out on his wisdom and hence had a miserable end. Hence
“If we receive the word of god and treasure up his commandments within us,
making our ear attentive to skillful and godly wisdom and inclining our mind
and heart to understanding” then we will be precious in the sight of our Lord
and all that we do will be victorious.
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