Thursday, July 30, 2015

The heroic death of Saint Lawrence

The heroic death of Saint Lawrence

This story took place during 253-259 AD. Valerian was the King of Rome during that time. He was a monarch and ruled the people with an iron hand. He had a deep hatred towards Christians and their very sight would arouse his anger. During the year 253 AD, October 22nd, King Valerian appointed his son Kalian as Caesar. This was the first thing he did after becoming the king of Rome. King Valerian felt that it was a great task to rule the entire Roman Empire all by himself and hence he empowered his son to rule the western regions of Rome and he ruled the eastern regions.  During this time few of the European kingdoms who were under the rule of the Romans started to fight for their freedom and this became a great headache for the Roman government.
King Valerian and his son decided to suppress this agitation with their iron hand and the Roman senate gave its full support. At this point of time the eastern cities of Rome namely Damascus and Antioch were captured by the Sasanians and Edessa was captured by the Persian King Shaphur I. on hearing his news King Valerian went forward with his great army to Edessa. From 254 AD to 257 AD King Valerian went around Edessa and captured all the states surrounding it and finally he captured Antioch. He defeated the Sassaninas and once again established the roman government in Edessa. But fate had a different trouble for him. During the year 259 AD king Valerian decided to defeat the Kath tribe and conquer the whole region of Edessa. He had already won the whole region of Asia Minor and hence decided this new attempt. With this intention in mind he wrote a letter to the Roman Senate which was considered as not only a letter but a government order.
    The letter stated that: all the citizens of Rome especially the Christians should worship the Roman kings and their gods only. They should not have and other gods or worship any other gods. If anyone disobeys this command, they will be considered as traitors and will be subject to severe punishment and tortures which would even lead to their death. Also their wealth and possessions will be taken over by the government. This order was to put into immediate effect. This order was once again enforced with greater momentum in the next year also. Hence, these orders lead to the persecution of Christians all over the Roman Empire. During this time the pain and sufferings and torture of Christians were beyond words could explain.
     In such a tough situation, our story now moves to a small city called Husia which was located in Arakon in Northern Spain. This place was ruled by rich people of royal origin who were decedents of ancient kings.  Our dear saint Lawrence belonged to the city of Husia. He was born in 225 AD. Nothing is known about his birth or family background. But few information states that he was born in a wealthy family. He was a genius in his time and had a great desire to study Theology. Hence he came to the city of Cambosthala. There he met St. Sixtus who was a great man of God and had enormous knowledge about the word of God. St. Sixtus had a great liking for Lawrence and hence he asked Lawrence to come and follow him in Rome. Lawrence accepted his invitation to assist him in Rome and left to Rome with St. Sixtus. After reaching Rome the dedication and passion which St. Sixtus had towards God made his the bishop of Rome and soon he was ordained as the Pope of Rome. After this he was called as Pope St. Sixtus II. Lawrence continued his life as a Deacon.
It was during this time the first edict of the emperor of Rome was issued in the year 257 AD. Pope St. Sixtus II sensed that very soon persecutions will start all over Rome and hence handed over all the holy materials and churches which were under his control to Lawrence. He also made Lawrence the head of the seven deacons whom he had already appointed. 
  The seven deacons of Pope St. Sixtus II were Jenuvaris, Vincent, Macnus, Stephen, Felicissimus, Agapitus and Lawrence. The vine glass which Jesus used during his last supper with his apostles was one of the holy materials which Pope St. Sixtus handed over to Lawrence. Lawrence handed over this precious cup to one of his dear friends and asked him to give it to a person who belonged to the royal family which lived in the city of Arakon. This person in turn handed over this vine glass to a sage. Likewise this cup changed many hands and later no one was able to find out the whereabouts of the same. Finally the search was not in vain. This cup is now kept in a church in Valencia, located in Spain.
   Somehow many Christians, priests and deacons escaped the first edict but they could not escape the second edict. This second edict clearly stated that all the priests, bishops, Cardinals, deacons including the pope should be immediately put to death. The pope and bishops who anticipated this kind of a persecution preached words of faith to the Christians so that they may withstand the persecution. For the Bible states, “he who stands till the end…..” they also told the people, “Fear nothing that you are about to suffer. Behold! The devil is indeed about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested and proved and critically appraised, and fro ten days you will have affliction. Be loyally faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life.”(Revelations 2:10). These meetings and preaching’s could not be done in public and hence they had their meetings, preaching’s and regular Holy Mass secretly in caves. In this manner there were many secret caves in those days. The martyr’s bodies were also secretly buried in those caves. Since the caves were used for many purposes like burial, conducting Holy Mass, and also hiding, these caves were dug for many kilometers with proper ventilation facilities and secret outlets to move out quickly during time of emergency.
   The roman soldiers somehow came to know about these caves and the activities carried out there and were secretly investigating about it. On their investigation they came to know that the following day Pope St. Sixtus II would come there along with his deacons to conduct Holy Mass. With this information the roman soldiers waited for the right opportunity. On the following day, the pope came to the Kalistha cave to offer Holy Mass. During the sermon the roman soldiers came forward from their hiding place and captured the pope and his seven deacons and arrested them. At that moment Pope St. Sixtus looked at the people gathered there and said, “Dear people of God do not fear. All this was determined to happen and it is as per God’s will.  For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. And if we are children, then we are heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us! So fear not those who can destroy you bodies but fear God who can destroy both body and soul in hell. So use this time to stand as witness for God. God almighty will be with you all. Amen”
    Along with the pope all his deacons were also arrested and taken to the governor. The governor commanded all of them to be put to death. So they were taken to the Kalishta caves once again. At this time, Lawrence looked at Pope St. Sixtus II and said, “My Lord, do not leave me…. I am ready to come with you where ever you go even if it is to Calvary. Have you ever done the ministry of God without me, the head of your deacons? So why do you leave me alone now and go, take me with you…… please do answer me and give me a word of comfort…..”
   Pope replied, “Lawrence there is a reason for me to leave you alone here and move on. I am not leaving you alone here because I do not trust you. It is because I trust you I have still kept you in charge for all the wealth and treasures of the church. Continue to do your work. Four days from now you will be with me in heaven. You will undergo sever torture to receive greater glory in the hands of God. So you, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Take your share of the hardships and suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Think over these things I am saying, for the Lord will grant you full insight and understanding in everything. The saying is sure and worthy of confidence: if we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny and disown and reject Him, e will also deny and disown and reject us. If we are faithless, He remains true, for He cannot deny Himself. I am an old man, but you are young…… I can’t endure the sufferings the way you can. So I am going now. Take care of my sheep as long as you are on this earth.”
    Then the Pope St. Sixtus II was made to sit in his chair and was beheaded and killed. All the other deacons were killed in the similar manner. When the turn of Lawrence came one of the soldiers said that he was in charge of all the church property. Hence Lawrence was once again taken for trial. The governor asked, “Lawrence, are you the treasurer for all the riches of the church? I heard that the pope St. Sixtus II has left all the church property under your control. Is this true? Tell me the truth.”
Lawrence replied, “Yes my Lord…. I have all the church property in my control.”
The governor replied, “Good Lawrence, I appreciate your truthfulness. Can you give me an estimate of your church property? Since we incur huge expenses on account of the war taking place in eastern Rome, I am in need of huge amount of money. As your Lord Jesus Christ rightly said, give that which belongs to Caesar to Caesar and that which belongs to God to God. So give me that property.”
Lawrence said, “My Lord it is true that my master has left me in charge of church property. But I don’t know anything about it. I am yet to go and take a list of all that belongs to the church and find out where all they have been kept. Only after assessing these details of the property I can rightfully become the treasurer. Since you asked me all of a sudden I am not able to give you a clear picture. If you could give me three days time, I can submit the entire report of the church property without fail.”
On hearing this governor said, “Alright Lawrence I give you three days time. But can you give me a rough estimation of the church property?”
   Lawrence replied, “Yes my Lord, I can tell that. The total estimate of the church property is many times higher than the total property value of your King Valerian.”
    The eyes of the governor opened wide with greed. He said to himself, “Oh my God! I never expected the property value of the Roman Christians to be so high….. So I will take half of this property and send the remaining half to Caesar and King Valerian. Luck is not in my pocket….. ha ha ha ha…. This Lawerance is so true and he is asking only three day’s time….. Let me give it to him…. Oh my soul be happy that you will soon be rich and royal.” So Lawrence was handed over under the guardianship of Hipolinen. Lawrence utilized this opportunity wisely and sold all the church property and gave them to the poor. On the fourth day morning there was a huge crowd gathered at the entrance of the house of Hipolinen. There were men and women, children, blind, deaf, dumb, lame, lepers and people with all kinds of disease. Hipolinen was shocked to see this crowd in front of his house.  At that time a blind man by name Cresentine shouted aloud, “Dear brother Lawrence has mercy on me. I know and believe that you are a messenger of God and have the power of healing bestowed on you from heaven. Please lay your hands on me and pray that I might receive my sight.” Lawrence replied, “If you believe in my Lord God and on me then let it happen to you as you have believed and asked for.” So saying Lawrence laid his hands on the blind man prayed for him. Immediately the blind man received his sight. On seeing this miracle the Roman guard Hipolinen believed in Jesus Christ.
    The governor came with high hopes that he will receive a huge amount of property that day. He looked at Lawrence and asked him, “Lawrence have you assessed the property of the church? Where are they….?” Lawrence replied, “My Lord, these people whom you see here are the true treasures of the church.” The governor who did not expect this answer roared in anger saying, “Lawrence enough of your useless talks. Where are the gold and silver utensils? Where are the gold coins? Come on answer me right now.”
Lawrence gave a calm reply saying, “Do not get panic or angry my Lord. Truly these people are the real property of the church. Their souls are more precious to God than mere gold and silver. The treasures of this world will fade away and will turn to nothing. But the souls of men will live forever. These precious souls are more precious than your wealth as well as the wealth of Caesar and your king Valerian.”
The governor understood that further talk is of no use. So he decided to put Lawrence to immense torture. Accordingly Lawrence underwent high level of torment. He was whipped on bare body and all his skin along with his flesh were torn apart. His flesh was burnt with red hot iron plates. At this time one of the soldiers who were there by name Rommel who said, “Sir, I see a young man by your side holding a linen cloth in his hand. He is wiping your wounds with it and immediately the wounds are healed. Can you tell me who this young man is? But I believe that you are truly a man of God. I believe in you and your God. Please baptize me immediately.”
A little later the governor came, called the soldiers and told them, “Tonight this man Lawrence should be put to death. His death should be one of the cruelest one this world has ever seen. Take a red hot iron cot and place him on it. Ensure that the cot is not so hot that he will die immediately. Have it in low flame and roast him throughout the night, torture him and kill him. This will be the best punishment for betraying the Roman governor. No one else should dare to play with me here after.”
In the same way Lawrence was tortured on the red hot iron cot the whole night. In his agony Lawrence said, “My Lord have mercy on me.” Immediately the Lord replied saying, “Dear son do not fear. I am with you.” Lawrence alone heard this soothing voice of the Lord. At that time a huge comet appeared in the sky which looked like a huge ball of water. This was later named as the tear of Lawrence. When the time drew near for Lawrence to die he was very happy and said, “let this night last longer….. You cruel coward Valerian, the fish by name Lawrence is now roasted well on this side…. Take and turn it on the other side and eat the roasted side till your thirst for innocent blood is satisfied.” Valerian could not withstand this insult and wondered how a man who is almost being roasted on fire could take so boldly. Then Lawrence died after undergoing great agony.
Roomelu who witnessed this cruel death of Lawrence and the courage with which he spoke offered his heart to Lord Jesus Christ. Roomelu and Hipolinen accepted Jesus Christ and died as martyrs. This heroic death of Lawrence induced great faith among the people of Rome towards Jesus Christ. Idol worship was destroyed in the city. The person responsible for this cruel death of Lawrence, King Valerian was rightly punished by God. king Valerian faced the worst insults which none other Roman king had ever undergone. In the history of Romans, the only king who suffered terrible insults in the hands of his enemies was Valerian. The persian king Shaphur I waged a war against Rome and Valerian in the place called Edessa and won him. He arrested Valerian who lost terribly in the battle. Thus the entire Roman Empire collapsed. I do not know who was responsible for this defeat of King Valerian, whether it was nature or God himself. The actual reason is the Roman soldiers who were engaged in war in Edessa were infected by a deadly disease and thus many of them died. Thus this was an added advantage for Shaphur I, who rightly used this opportunity and won the battle.
   King Valerian did not have any other choice other than to surrender to Shaphur I. but Shaphur I did not treat Valerian with due respect as he had promised him. He insulted and ill-treated him in many ways. 
   Wherever the Persian King Shaphur I would get down from his horse, Valerian was to bow down as a foot stool for Shaphur I. in this way King Valerian had to undergo such insults for a long time. His death too was very cruel. The Persian king promised Valerian that he would give him a royal death sentence. Accordingly melted gold was poured into King Valerian’s mouth which burnt his mouth up to his anus. He suffered a lot and died. All this was a result of what he did for our dear saint Lawrence. A famous proverb states, “Be good to people on your way up….. for you will have to meet them on your way down” another historical information states that King Valerian gave a huge amount as a settlement amount to king Shapur I and the king in turn received the money and then caught hold of King Valerian and whipped him to death. 
   The Roman soldiers who received the body of King Valerian buried him with royal respect. Not only the death of King Valerian was cruel but that of his son was even worse. Kaliaian the son of King Valerian also followed his father in persecuting the Christians. The people who were not able to bear his torture joined together and rose against him. Fearing the crowd he committed suicide.
But our dear saint who died on account of the sentence of King Valerian was honored by God. the Christians considered Saint Lawrence next to Saint Peter and saint James. Saint Lawrence died on August 10th, 258 AD. King Constantine I have built a church in the place where Saint Lawrence was killed. This church is called as Saint Lawrence Basilica.
      The iron cot which was used to kill Saint Lawrence is kept as a relic in this church. Also a church has been built in the place where Saint Lawrence was buried. Every year on the day on which Saint Lawrence died, his skull is kept for public view in the museum of Vatican. The pilgrims who visit Rome should not miss this one of the seven wonders of the seven church’s namely Saint Lawrence Basilica. 
Dear saint Lawrence please pray for us

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